Oct 21, 2020
Hello Gentlemen,This course was very helpful foe me. It enhanced my knowledge about Big Data Integration. Thank you so much for providing me such important knowledge. Thank you once again.
Mar 5, 2018
It was a good course, it could have been better if some examples of Spark were also provided in other Languages like Java, people without having background of python may find it difficult.
By Anurag S
•Sep 13, 2018
The course content is very well thought out and presented.
Hands-on exercises remain a challenge as many things don't work. It takes the mindset of problem-solving (not just in big data, but also in debugging, figuring out how to get different scripts to run, how to set environment variables etc.) to be able to complete all exercises in this course. I suspect that many people might get discouraged and quit the course midway.
The final week's exercises did test my programming skills to a very large extent but gave me a good understanding of the course concepts.
A very good course overall.
By Nikhil C
•Aug 20, 2020
Overall very solid course, for the last week, I really enjoyed the fact that it was hands on and made you think and challenge yourself.
For the final project, the data was difficult to process. I was able to do all the major steps, but some minor issues made the task needlessly difficult. Still, I think these kinds of hands on experiences are very important since processing data IRL is not easy and you run into tons of issues.
By Jeffrey K
•Nov 9, 2020
There were several issues running the hands-on assignments; problems with getting various python tools and/or features. These issues made the labs frustrating at times, take much longer than needed, and quite stressful to complete.
This is an old specialization and must be updated with a variety of necessary modifications done to it in order to keep it running!
By Abhishek K G
•Jan 28, 2020
Amazing course to learn the fundamentals and get hands on experience with mongoDB and pySpark. Course is a little bit challenging due to some errors in guidelines for setting up some working environment and with solutions to final quiz. Would have given 5 stars if those issues discussed on the forums would have been answered. Overall, great learning experience.
By Hector D I
•Aug 6, 2021
Es curso es muy bueno, pero deberían tener más consideraciones o tutoriales respecto a la forma de proceder con los updates de los sistemas. Los aspectos a tener presentes cuando se instalan, los parches requeridos para que ciertos comandos funcionen, etc. Eso resulta muy complejo, en especial por los tiempos de descargas e instalación de los mismos.
By Devendran M
•Dec 21, 2020
Very good course. Not much of programming skills required, only logical thinking.
Good hands on experience but seems the course materials need updating to the current level of versions in the respective tools. Pyspark was an issue right from the start and I have to use other methods to answer the quizzes. I hope I would not be
By Vincent R
•Mar 28, 2018
The course was interesting and challenging. I definitely learned a lot. As a beginner, my programming skills are limited. Thus, I would have liked a little more guidance for some practical aspects of the final exercises. It would have saved me some time. However, I recognize the added benefit of being obliged to find by myself.
By Joao C C d F P d C
•Nov 30, 2016
I had a considerable difficulty with the last exercise because it seams to aim to a different level of students than the ones that followed the rest of the course. I would suggest to put the rest of the course, videos, exercises, etc. to the level of the fine_project which, in my opinion, is the correct level.
By Laura R
•Aug 5, 2020
The theoretical material is perfectly laid out. Hands-on sessions were a bit disappointing. The recommended version of Splunk software has long been unsupported, and newer ones have failed to install. In some places, the explanations are very vague (for example, how to export data.
By Tariq A
•Dec 27, 2019
The course exceeded my expectations in many regards — especially in the depth of information supplied and the access to the instructor for feedback on work in progress. In a very non-threatening environment, I learned key principles of design that I can implement immediately.
By Jose D G R
•Oct 15, 2017
There's the need for more examples, even some errors, so we can learn the importance of some syntax errors and how to know or to solve them.
Overall information is good and the examples/questionnaires but maybe more syllabus or links to info that helps improve what it's learned.
By Neil A
•Sep 24, 2016
I felt this module, like most, represented good value for money. It's obviously not exhaustive, but you shouldn't expect it to be for the price.
The final quiz was a nice challenge and struck a good balance between course material and requiring you to research information online.
By Yuji T
•Oct 7, 2016
This is a very descent to understand MongoDB and Apache Spark. It contains hands on assignments will will allow you to learn how to handle these two software. The course is introductory level, and I recommend this course to people who have not used MongoDB and Apache Spark.
By Gabriel M
•Aug 7, 2021
The content of the course is great, well explained. There are some problems with outdated versions of software (python, anaconda and pyspark) that make frustrating completing some exercises and tests. Overall is a very good way to start working with spark, hadoop.
By Devendra S
•Sep 29, 2018
great course, it's quite challenging.
however the setup for quiz was not working for Spark analysis. Reinstalling Spark and associated jar took my time in doing R&D on net to find the solution to run Spark with the mentioned jar files. Overall it's very good course
By Ankit C
•May 25, 2020
This is the first course in the big data specialization that has some good hands-on practice exercises. The final project makes you think and explore pyspark features. I would highly recommend it for anyone who wants to get exposure to mongo and pyspark.
By Francisco P J
•Jun 3, 2017
Curso notable, completo y didáctico. Sin embargo algunas tareas se hacen muy complicadas para aquellos sin experiencia ni conocimiento amplio en materia de programación, ya que las instrucciones no ayudan por completo para aquellos más inexpertos.
By Christoph R
•Feb 10, 2018
Great course, great presentation!
Just a bit of information overkill with the many tools and techniques that are presented. I would have preferred less tool examples in the hands on, therefore deeper introduction to those that are presented.
By A S K
•May 18, 2018
Contents are good. The structure of the course is amazing. Must do program to have an insight into the BigData Integration as this will open basic processing techniques and about few of the tools used in BigData a overview of the same.
By Arnaud J
•Jun 4, 2017
The virtual machine for running the environment is, at start, a good idea. But even with 8 core i7 with 8G of RAM laptop, it was sometime painful to process the exercices. Maybe an ubuntu/virtualbox/laptop compatibility...
By Kshitij D
•May 2, 2020
As a beginner course it is pretty interesting. The only drawback is that the assignments in the end require prior programming language knowledge and familiarity with the user interface which the following course lacks.
By Chiranjib G
•Dec 12, 2017
The course did not cover in detail the use of PySpark that was required for final submission. Overall a good course to get basic introduction into different Databases and then you can learn in details on your own!
By Carlos M
•Sep 24, 2019
It was a good overview; however I feel that there are not enough examples of streaming processes. Also an example on how to integrate a relational source with a NoSQL one will be valuable for the learners.
By piaoyang
•Mar 23, 2020
There is little instruction for the final task (either for the other tasks).
And I'm confused by the comments in the jupyter for a long time. You have to google many things to complete the task.
By Austin P
•Dec 4, 2016
Some of the lectures seemed slightly lesser quality with regards to the materials. For moocs especially, I would like to have the lecture better documented in order to download and review later.