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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Android App Components - Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers by Vanderbilt University

794 ratings

About the Course

This 4 week MOOC builds upon the overview of Java and Android covered in Course 1 by delving deeper into core Android app components, such as intents, activities, and broadcast receivers. You will learn by example how to program these core Android components together with Android concurrency frameworks and basic Java file I/O classes (such as File and InputStream) and Android storage mechanisms (such as Shared Preferences). You'll also learn how to use the Git source code management system. Throughout this MOOC you'll work incrementally on a project involving downloading, storing, and display images from remote websites. Each week you will add additional capabilities to the project, based on material covered in the lecture videos. You'll spend roughly 4 hours per week watching video lectures, taking quizzes, and programming assignments with Java and Android....

Top reviews


Oct 7, 2018

Very good examples, I recomend taking the optional homework if you can. I couldn't take every but you can learn a lot from this course.


Jun 26, 2020

it was quit well, i have learned lot of the material thanks sukkur iba for sponsorship and coursera for this beautifull course

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151 - 175 of 208 Reviews for Android App Components - Intents, Activities, and Broadcast Receivers

By Georgios K

May 30, 2019

A lot of theory, no practice

By amrit v

May 31, 2020

Great course for beginners

By Tushar T

May 15, 2020

This Course is Fantastic !


Sep 11, 2022

it was great experiennce

By Victor T

Nov 17, 2018

Module 2 (Git) was bad.

By Preeti B

Mar 30, 2020

Was really helpful !!!

By Yagnik V

Aug 16, 2020

Good course

By Sunil K ( P m

Jul 4, 2020

Great Work.


Jan 6, 2020

Nice course

By Sherif S

Dec 11, 2016

v useful :)

By Rohit K S

Sep 18, 2020


By Ayush P

Jun 27, 2020


By Sameer N

Sep 26, 2021


By akash s

Oct 24, 2020


By Ekta A

Feb 17, 2019


By Ajay K

Feb 16, 2017


By Ben v d B

Aug 5, 2019

The lessons themselves were excellent. Unfortunately there is a rather large disconnect between the optional programming exercises and the lessons. Unless you have a background in computer programming and/or don't mind Googling for answers quite a bit you will struggle understanding what's going on in these exercises. You can generally complete the exercises and get a running program, but actually knowing what's going on is something else. It would have been better had they used a smaller/simpler project, that didn't offer so much as an app, but at least would have given students a better insight in how their code and the learned material work. This is in stark contrast to the previous MOOC in this same series. It's clear why these exercises are optional and I assume the majority op people don't actually do them. The majority of comments in the forums are related to not understanding what's going on in these exercises and it's not uncommon to see the last instructor comment being over a year old and usually not very helpful. You are on your own in this one!

By Andreas G

Mar 16, 2018

This course might better be called "Android system programming" - and is not even particularly bad at that. Being a beginner at mobile App development, I would have expected some hints on designing a good and userfriendly UI, preparing the basic control flow in an App and - yes - using Intents to tie them together. As the course is designed, the UI is not even mentioned once, let alone designed by the learner - it's just given pre-defined as a "black box" in the - fully optional - "fill in the blanks", non-graded programming exercises

If you are interested in a theoretical overview of the technicalities of Intents and Broadcasts, this course will give you plenty to chew on. If you are looking for some more hands-on practical experience, it would be my advice to look somewhere else.

By Lidiya I

Aug 22, 2017

On one hand, there were simple and explicit things told for a too long time. I regret about attending a few lessons of the course, because it would be enough for me to look at the source code of demo applications, I guess no one would be eager to listen about the source code for minutes instead of looking at it. It's well documented and pretty obvious, why should any other explanations be provided?

On another hand, I learned a few things I missed earlier and got a few ideas for better realizations in my projects, so thank you for that.

By Joshua D

Jan 5, 2017

There is a lot of good information in the course about how different components communicate with each other in android; however, there is way too much information way too fast. I really enjoyed the rhythm in the first course but, this course left me lost more times than not. Its a great course if you plan on spending large amounts of time searching the web for other resources to complete the optional assignments

By Moh. A R

Apr 14, 2020

This course is good but totally theoretical course. You need to self study. Topics are not connected well and a rushed course. If you are a beginner then you will face a lot of issues just like I did. You will also end up crying. Practical stuffs are totally less. If you are ready to do self study then you can do this course or else this course is not for you.

By jesus

Feb 10, 2017

It was a good Mooc, but I think it should imply many more examples to be made by the own students along the course. I really liked the previous one (Java for Android) and of course I´m going to finish the rest of courses. It´s worth it. On the other hand, examples are good and explanations properly presented. Good... but not as good as the previous.

By Maijs G

Jul 3, 2022

There were no coding assignments that weren't peer-assessed (though I understand it is because of limitations with the Coursera autograder), and the ones that were didn't have a PDF spec like the previous ones did. Having an opportunity to strengthen my knowledge more often, even if it's only checked with unit tests, would've been nice.

By 曾理(Jose)

Oct 20, 2021

I don't like the second course of this specialization, the instructor talks too much about the "big picture". when it comes to details of implementing an simple component such as intent, activity,boradcast receiver, the sample code is not simple enough and some code is even depreciated.

By David W

Aug 14, 2020

Would've been a good course when it was released, now all the projects are out of date, causing them to be very difficult to get to build let alone complete the assignments. In addition, there are no project solutions provided to check if the code I wrote is correct or not.