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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Effective Altruism by Princeton University

746 ratings

About the Course

Effective altruism is built on the simple but unsettling idea that living a fully ethical life involves doing the most good one can. In this course you will examine this idea's philosophical underpinnings; meet remarkable people who have restructured their lives in accordance with it; and think about how effective altruism can be put into practice in your own life. All the features of this course are available for free. It does not offer a certificate upon completion....

Top reviews


Dec 5, 2023

An excellent course which while giving info & instructing also helps generate deep thinking on important matters of life. This course certainly contributes to making this world a better place!


Jan 22, 2018

Excellent material on a much needed topic. The course brought together a good number of strong and important ideas, well backed by research and with very interesting and relevant guest speakers.

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51 - 75 of 203 Reviews for Effective Altruism

By Caelyn M

Dec 3, 2016

Solid course, makes the case both for acting ethically, and for rationally choosing how to carry out those ethical activities. I had heard most of these arguments before and was already convinced by them; but if you are looking to figure out how to do more good with your life, it is a good course.

By Quentin C

Jun 8, 2020

Pretty good but relatively basic/introductory in it's coverage of moral philosophy - if you already know about the basics of consequentialism vs deontology, basic metaethics, etc. just skip the first and last week

By Hannah D

Jun 7, 2016

Audited the course. Found the information quite useful. In the quest to live an evermore ethical life, Peter Singer helps to bring light to the issues at hand in an accessible way.

By Nicola D

Mar 30, 2018

I really enjoyed the course and it went beyond my expectations. The best part for me were the discussions Peter had with the various guests.

By Camila B

Jun 13, 2016

While this course is interesting and informative, I was hoping that there would be a larger portion dedicated to jobs, industries, and ideas that help make the world a better place. I was hoping that by the end of this course, I would have learned about many more options on how to act now, today, as opposed to such a strong emphasis on the origin and meaning of ethics.

By Stephen R

Oct 4, 2015

Yet another good course that is ruined by a peer review requirement. Dr. Singer is a fascinating person to learn from and I am glad I took the time to pursue the course.

By Dawn J

Mar 5, 2025

Once you get past some of the intimidating jargon, extinsive meaning of the terms, and are capable of seperating that which seems to mirror, but casts a different reflection in the arguements, it begins to make since. No, the Effective Altruism is not a skate through course, but it is one to open, broaden, and steep the mind about present occurances and situations in our world. It lends hand to our personal involvement, and responsibility to our fellow man. It has put terminology to the viewpoints for me, and explained, and demonstrated them for a clear understanding of actions and views I already have, and exercise. Truely, this I consider this to be a base critical thinking course. I believe this course should be taken, even with a partner, to open the gaze of your life's projection. Not to say the least, I thoroughly enjoyed Professor Singer's method of conveyance of the material, and interviews.

By Angela M A T

Jun 14, 2020

Me encanto, Profesor Peter Singer es el mejor!!

Aprendí en este curso muchas cosas enriquecedoras , viví mil experiencias que me llevaron a concluir que en la vida y en todas nuestras actividades el Altruismo siempre debe estar presente , nuestro valores y principios también , ayudar a los demás sobretodo a las personas que más nos necesitan , es muy lindo saber que somos muchas las personas que nos apasionamos con su curso , cada una de las entrevistas , sus invitados maravillosos , todas las fundaciones y organizaciones que hicieron parte de su clase y su trabajo investigativo arduo y muy profesional , miles de personas de todas las carreras en el mundo amando más el dar y el ayudar!! fui muy feliz en sus clases y con todo el contenido del Curso, ahora mi labor es materializar todo el conocimiento adquirido...Mil gracias profesor. Bendiciones!

By Karam E

Jan 24, 2021

This is a great primer on the philosophical and some practical foundations that motivate the Effective Altruism movement. The special guest interviews and talks were especially enlightening. The course could use some updating as well as more content to further reveal the ideas, people, and initiatives related to Effective Altruism. As well, the course could provide updated resources on how to get involved with the movement for those that are interested in shaping their careers or aligning their efforts and donations.

By Luis H S

May 13, 2020

Este materia me pareció sumamente interesante, engloba conceptos específicos del altruismo y sobre todo que desconocía como podría ser mas efectivo o Rentable un proyecto de Donación.

también siento que Peter Singer, es una persona muy preparada en el tema, muy ameno lo que lo hace que los tiempos de exposición se sientan mas breves y productivos.

Muchas Felicidades!!! y me siento muy satisfecho por haber elegido este curso.

Muchas Gracias por l;a oportunidad.

By jacqueline r

Aug 22, 2015

Excellent course, very useful. However, the examples of people to be admired for giving their kidneys to strangers, etc.were quite beyond the realm of the everyday life of most individuals with family responsibilities, etc. The course did reinforce my own attitudes toward most "charities," which are not effective nor altruistic. The lectures were just that, lectures, rather bland because we are used to animations and charts to illustrate lessons.

By Ian R

Mar 15, 2020

Very well structured course that covers many major themes of the theory of ethics , while also balancing theory with practice. Peter Singer is an excellent lecturer who helps you in the course to build up arguments on a sound and consistent reasoning basis. The success of this course measures in the end, when the thinking provoked by this course makes you realise that you cannot find excuses to ignore the call of being an effective altruist.

By Maria C G

Aug 21, 2015

Excellent course, highly recommended if you are interested in supporting or giving to charities, getting to know how you can effectively donate and where your money is being invested properly and it's effectiveness. Gives great insight on what types of advocative work is being done, evaluation methods, criteria and what people should support. Very clear information on how to lead a better life and a more meaningful, helpful, altruistic life.

By Madhumita M

Jan 10, 2021

The course " Effective Altruism" is life-changing as well as life-enhancing. Prof. Singer's deep commitment and engagement with the issue, his books, articles, lectures have given my life a new direction. The course has helped to find the meaning of life. Deep commitments of organizations like Give Well, The Life You Can Save, Giving Gladly for improving the lives of the poor have motivated me to reshape my future pursuits.

By Pamela H

Aug 31, 2021

I love the course. I want the rest of my life to have a purpose and meaning and to be of value for myself and others. This course is giving me the tools and the incentive to make it happen. The message of this course that we have a duty to help the poor, so long as we do not harm ourselves in doing so, is undeniable. We just needed someone like Professor singer to say it in a direct way.


Aug 19, 2015

This is a fabulous course. I think anyone interested in giving and philanthropy should take this course, to better understand the concept of effectiveness. I took this course to identify my own role for giving, and the content and interviews helped me to shape my vision within my modest income. Hurrah for Peter Singer and Princeton offering this course to the world!

By Jesús D

May 15, 2020


Debo confesar que para mi el altruismo era algo que no realizaba anteriormente, pero al tomar este curso, se como actuar de ahora en adelante. Es un curso muy completo y muy bien estructurado.

No me queda mas que agradecer por la oportunidad que me han brindado al obtener los conocimientos necesarios sobre altruismo.

Atentamente: Jesús Cuevas.

By Antonio F

Apr 22, 2020

I've enjoyed in prof. Singers lectures, because he is so calm, fluid and on point, that everything goes smoothly. At my first year of college i wrote a essay form Singers book ''Practical ethics'' so, with this course i have refreshed my memory in ethics and learned a lot new ideas and information that will me do good in my everyday life.

By laura s p

Sep 24, 2020

Este curso me ha ayudado a ver más allá de las cosas que veo diariamente y a verlas desde otro punto de vista, también aprendí varias cosas que me ayudan a valorar más lo que tengo y me motiva a ayudar a las personas menos favorecidas o que no cuenten con oportunidades para avanzar. Así que es un buen curso y lo recomiendo. Gracias.

By Liliana S B

Oct 26, 2020

I personally feel like I became a better person. This course opened my eyes and gave me excellent lectures and important information that will be useful for my whole life, not just my professional aspect. Professor Peter Singer is an excellent orator. I highly recommend this course even if you have no grounds on philosophy.


May 7, 2020

Exelente curso me abrio la mente a otras perspectivas y creo que me plantea un objetivo serio a mediano plazo en poder emplazar mis energias y lo que pueda hecer por los demàs. Es un curso con buenos criterios y a la altura de las exigencias de hoy en dia, felicitaciones a los organizadores y sobre todo a Peter.

By Felipe A G A

May 6, 2020

A great perspective over philosophy and how it makes you find the problem within our daily lives, especially on our actions. But it doesn´t focus on the problem only, rather, it gives you tips on how to act in effective ways to help others, and to push forward top charities with money and information.

By Eva G

May 2, 2020

This was an excellent course! I particularly enjoyed the interview and discussion sections and appreciated the philosophical background. I consider myself an Effective Altruist and I am glad to have been able to go more in depth into the topic. Thank you Professor Singer! You are wonderful.

By David L

May 26, 2016

Professor Singer does a wonderful job of bringing in lauded philanthropists to help make this course a reality. My only qualm was with my expectation of a greater philosophical aspect to the course: he does spend some time on Kant and Hume's ethical dichotomy which was wonderful though.

By Oscar C F

Jun 11, 2020

Excelente, muy asertivo; grandes enseñanzas con profesor Peter Singer. Recomendado, para tener otra perspectiva de la donación efectiva y el mirar al "otro" con más compasión; ya que como seres humanos, si podemos hacer más por los más desfavorecidos.


Oscar Castillo Flores