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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Wind resources for renewable energies by École Polytechnique

130 ratings

About the Course

The main goal of this course is to get the necessary knowledge on atmospheric and fluid dynamics in order to quantify the wind resource of a local or regional area. We’ll learn about basic meteorology, the specific dynamics of turbulent boundary layers and some standard techniques to estimate wind resources regardless of the type of turbine used or the level of efficiency achieved. Then, we will see what are the turbines characteristics to consider in order to estimate the electricity production from an isolated turbine or from a turbine farm. The differences and similarity between wind or marine resource assessment will also be discussed. Finally, you will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with real in-situ data sets and apply what you have learned on wind resource assessment....

Top reviews


May 26, 2020

A quite challenging but very interesting course. I learned a lot about meteorology and winds. Unfortunately, there are some issues with a few quizzes.


Mar 5, 2022

Excellent course!! Thank you very much for the insights!!

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26 - 50 of 53 Reviews for Wind resources for renewable energies

By Marcella P L

Apr 7, 2024

O curso apresenta conceitos importantes e envolve análise de dados, algo fundamental para o entendimento do recurso eólico. Entretanto, os testes poderiam melhorar, principalmente em relação à correção de questões que estão com o gabarito incorreto e ao suporte dado aos alunos em dúvidas.

By Lance W

Feb 25, 2019

This course was fantastic in that it was great getting your hands onto some actual data and applying the concepts.

However, many of the quizzes were very difficult and with having so many different combinations it was hard knowing where you were going wrong.

By Bastin J

Jul 9, 2017

Un cours très agréable à suivre même si un léger background en mécanique des fluide est nécessaire pour pouvoir l'entamer sereinement. A la fin des quatre semaines des cours, mes connaissances en la matière se sont considérablement renforcées.

By henri

Jan 12, 2021

A great course & serious coverage of the physics behind. Master level maths/physics if you want to get all of it, but not compulsory. A few bugs in the Quizzes (esp last week), already pointed out by many users, should be fixed

By Sufi S H J

Jun 4, 2017

Very great course especially for the engineers who work in the renewable energy field. However, it very brief. If you could add real examples in and good flow of information, that would be very interesting to students.

By Vinícius B d S

Jan 23, 2021

The course is very good, mainly the following topics: (Wind measurements in the boundary layer, energy definitions, and all third and fourth week). The negative point is the test, which ask not given content.

By Sivateja M

Jul 15, 2021

There are some errors in the assignments. And there is no support in the course. Apart from these aspects it is a very well designed course. I learnt something applicable knowledge from this course.

By Ma t

Jul 25, 2018

Very good course . The time spent to understand lectures and pass all exams was much more than the time advertised by the course.

By Seyed M E

Nov 6, 2019

The topics of the wind power plant are very deeply taught but the quiz questions are very complex and conceptual.

By Mohamed E

Jan 10, 2021

great information and excellent experience ,but exams so hard to pass it easy

By Hamidreza M

Nov 22, 2021

A very usefull, helpful and difficult course.

By Sean B

Aug 8, 2019

This was a challenging and interesting course and I'm glad I participated. I'm rating it with three stars because of some frustrating problems:

Errors in quizzes have been reported by other course participants and have not been resolved (refer to the discussion forum for each Week). Some of these issues were reported months or years ago.

There is no feedback (hints or suggestions) after taking graded quizzes other than the scores themselves. This makes learning from mistakes difficult. Multiple quiz questions have answers not discussed during the course.


Jul 6, 2017

The course brings up good features and widgets for better understand and assess wind energy sources.

On the other hand, the last part of the course relies on calculation and statistic data, no practical examples are given, no bibliography is available so that you may sort out any risen doubts related to the topics.

Finally, the forums are not a quick tool for clarifying doubts and no relevant discussion and proper support from the coordinators is provided.

By Steven P

Oct 5, 2022

This course is very heavy on theory.

My biggest issue is that for a few of the modules, the information presented in the lectures is not enough to answer the quiz questions - I watched some of the videos literally tens of times looking for the answers. Considerable digging outside of Coursera was required. Perhaps this is what is intended, but this course took a lot more time than did take a lot more time than I expected due to this.

By Max M

May 27, 2020

The course is good if you only want to improve your theoretical knowledge of fluid dynamics and wind resources. However, students are not very likely to gain some practical skills from this course. I personally didn't like that the last assignment was quite interesting, but the lecturers didn't provide sufficient guidance on how to solve the given problems. So, it took me a long time to accomplish the course.

By Mattia M

May 2, 2020

In general the course is extremely interesting and I really enjoyed the final applied exercises. However, quizzes are definitely a waste of time as they have tricky questions whose answers cannot be found in the videos most of the time and do not provide feedbacks on the mistakes made.

By Raphael

Sep 21, 2021

The content is very interesting and well presented but there are some mistakes and imprecisions in the quizzes (week 4) which make the class frustrating and time-consuming. There is a lot of room for improvement

By pierre g

Nov 11, 2020

The course is ok and interesting but quiz are not clear. We dont really know how answer should be formulated and we loose a lot of time in the formulation.

The course support is also quite weak.

By Hector S R S

Apr 5, 2022

Overall, the course has good content. However, it can be challenging for those without previous knowledge in the area of wind energy.

By Julian V

Sep 24, 2020

The course is overall very complete and interesting. However there are several issues with the quizzes that have been pointed out by many other students in their comments since 2017 without getting any answer or solution by the coordinator (if there is still someone in charge). Though sometimes are tricky, all quizzes are feasible, but the last one ("Wind resource assessment") is a mess. One has to mark wrong answers to pass it... It's a pity because the course would be perfect if this issue is fixed.

Despite this, I encourage to anyone who wants to learn some key concepts in wind resources and power production assessment to do this course, just recommending to read the comments of other students before getting desperate with the quizzes.

By Pierre-Emmanuel V

Jan 2, 2021

I found the content of this course good and interesting. However there are some heavy minuses when it comes to quizzes which are very tricky and sometime not even asking questions related to the course. There are a few errors in the slides too and the quality of the video is sometimes poor. I would recommend not paying for this course

By Lawrence A

Oct 17, 2022

The taught material did not reflect the questions on the tests, and the required technical knowledge made it unsuitable for entry level and more suited to those in possession of an engineering or mathematical background.

By Daniel v G

Jun 29, 2022

Interesting content, however there are some MAJOR PROBLEMS that haven't been adressed.

1) It is not clear from the course description but you need programming experience in order to finish the course, such as Python or MATLAB. If you dont have that, you will battle.

Microsoft Excel helps, but its an imperfect solution and you'll need a lot of help and self learning.

2) there is errors in the quizzes and assignments that havent been adressed since 2020, this course has been abandoned by the instructors.

Many people have just quit due to the lack of access and assistance. The forums are saturated with unanswered questions dating back to 2020 or earlier.

Its a waste of time and money, honestly.

By Ayesha S

Jun 29, 2022

I had mainly wanted to study the course from this university because of its higher ranking. However, I did not enjoy the course to the fullest. I would not recommend this course to students that have just completed their high school and want to acquire a new skills, or anyone who cannot interpret graphs and large amounts of data very well. I also did not enjoy the way the professors taught in the video which made it a little difficult to understand the theory. There was also not much reading material provided to understand the theory better. There were also a lot of questions in the assignment that were not covered in the lecture videos.

By Muhammad A K

Sep 21, 2021

No support for any quiz. The explanations does not help much to finish the quizzes. At one point, it became so frustrating that I had to leave the course incomplete. Pity, because I was really looking forward to it.