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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models by University of Pennsylvania

3,835 ratings

About the Course

The simple spreadsheet is one of the most powerful data analysis tools that exists, and it’s available to almost anyone. Major corporations and small businesses alike use spreadsheet models to determine where key measures of their success are now, and where they are likely to be in the future. But in order to get the most out of a spreadsheet, you have the know-how to use it. This course is designed to give you an introduction to basic spreadsheet tools and formulas so that you can begin harness the power of spreadsheets to map the data you have now and to predict the data you may have in the future. Through short, easy-to-follow demonstrations, you’ll learn how to use Excel or Sheets so that you can begin to build models and decision trees in future courses in this Specialization. Basic familiarity with, and access to, Excel or Sheets is required....

Top reviews


Jun 11, 2020

The course is worth the time , the faculty teaches you about some complicated advance formulae with so much clarity and ease that even beginners can be pro in excel related to business and finance.


Jun 21, 2017

This course has made me understand cost accounting, has provided a fresh perspective on how to solve some of the challenges i had with management accounting and as a bonus, made me love maths again :)

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26 - 50 of 718 Reviews for Introduction to Spreadsheets and Models

By Ao Z


Sep 15, 2017

Sometimes not clear enough.

By Mayank K


Apr 14, 2021

Not better than the first course should improve quality and explanations

By Joseph M


Feb 9, 2019

I did not find it as hands on as I would like and found that the answers to the quiz's were not really in the material

By Ivan D A G


Jan 8, 2019

Muy útil para aprender lo básico en esta materia. Tal vez se podrían ver más ejemplos de modelos más complejos, solo para abrir la mente de los participantes a las posibilidades en el trabajo de la vida real. En todo caso, me ha resultado muy útil y lo recomendaré a mis colegas. Gracias por su apoyo y estoy a sus órdenes en Colombia. + 57 317 366 2160

Very useful to learn the basics in this matter. Maybe you can see more examples of more complex models, just to open the minds of the participants to the possibilities in real-life work. In any case, I found it very useful and I recommend it to my colleagues. Thank you for your support and I am at your service in Colombia. + 57 317 366 2160

By Alan P


May 11, 2017

Excelente curso. O início é bem básico introduzindo à algumas funções do excel, porém o curso em si consegue uma boa profundidade em análises financeiras e, principalmente, projeções baseados em cenários. Aprendemos a diminuir os riscos das análises e a montar boas planilhas para planejar de forma fácil e com maior probabilidade de sucesso. Os vídeos são curtos e objetivos, o que facilita a velocidade do aprendizado.

By Sebastiao S


Jun 10, 2020

one of my Best Challenges in this Entire Course, I thought it was Simple Dealing with Spreadsheets, But I learn Once again, One Can Learn each and every day, as a Product and Project Manager, I use a Lot of Excel, and that Module 4 enlighten me in a way that words are too simple to express, thanks University of Pennsylvania, Coursera and the Teacher amazing, I would Like one to meet him, Regards, Sala

By Debangsha S


Jun 7, 2017

This course was really helpful. Professor Huesman is an extraordinary pedagogue. This course really intrigues you with the statistical playfulness and mathematical insights through a very simple yet immensely useful tool named Microsoft Excel (as I have used that throughout the course), so thanks to Microsoft. Finally Pf. Huesman, you rock!! (pardon for the unprofessional language)

By Joswa A


May 5, 2017

This course really helped me in understanding use of spreadsheets for financial modelling. I have now understand the use of several functions, and the data analysis tool and Excel solver in creating a good and accurate forecasting and models. This course helped me to learn more uses of excel in my profession. The course is very challenging yet it is very exciting to learn.

By Agasthya R


Apr 20, 2020

I began this course with very limited knowledge about data modeling and ended it with a great overview of its different aspects. Prof. Don Huesman explains concepts elegantly and at the right pace. The content and teaching were engaging and easy to follow. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to gain good knowledge on how to create data models.

By José R D C


May 8, 2020

It covers some of the most useful and important tools at hand for probabilistic and optimization models in Excel and Google Sheets. The course seems easy but it requires some homework and additional investigation and practice to go be successful. The quizzes are a bit tricky and require a minimum level of skills to pass. Really good course.

By Геннадій Ш


Jun 25, 2022

The course was rather interesting and useful, I'd say it's more advanced introduction, than you can expect. Especially liked the correlation-regression analysis, linear programming and Monte-Carlo Simulations. Also, the big advantage is that all the examples are provided, so you can download them and try yourself.

By Shreshth V


Dec 25, 2019

This course helped me learn about using spreadsheets, and the functions in spreadsheets to create models. This also helped me learn how to do statistical operations and linear programming. I created models for risk and uncertainty and used Solver function to maximize the profit potential for dummy business.

By Hristo D


Apr 24, 2016

This course helped me understand the functionality of Excel and Google Sheets better. I was very intrigued by the fact how this software provides functionality into building business decision-making models, without necessarily having to resort to much more complex statistical packages such as Stata.

By maanas s


Dec 16, 2018

it was very hard course for me to accomplish, but I really liked the lecturer helping me out at every juncture of class. introduction to spreadsheets and models is a must to go with course, it enhances your ability to understand all the basic and much needed knowledge for ms-excel.

By Guilherme A G d S


Jun 17, 2017

Apesar desse curso ser uma introdução, o considero como nível mediano. A grade é bem coerente e a preparação para o terceiro e o quarto módulo são bem feitas. Recomendo para quem quer começar a estudar programação linear, simulações de Monte Carlo e modelos de regressão.

By Zihao Q


Jul 6, 2020

This course provides an exceptional introduction to Spreadsheet modelling with practical application using Excel to solve real world business problems. I am really surprised by how much I have learned by taking this course with 4 weeks of materials in less than 4 hours.

By Ankit S


May 18, 2020

Had no idea how powerful Excel was before this course! Learnt how to conduct so many types of data analysis and the inferences one can draw from them thanks to this course. Some of the questions were challenging and really helped fortify the concepts learnt.

By Javier S


May 2, 2020

Very good introduction to financial models. Congratulations to all stuff that decided to use excel as the informatic tool to overcome the difficult task of handle mathematics. Therefore, the real work of this course is concentrated in financial models.

By Janice N C W


Feb 17, 2019

A little more technical compared to the first Course in this Business & Finance Specialization and requires more time to understand the various uses of modelling. Definitely useful if one has intention of mastering Data Analysis and projections.

By zunaira z


Jul 23, 2021

Great course on business scenarios and models. The quizzes were challenging but overall the course has been learning intensive and delivered great value especially in weeks 3 and 4. Looking forward to further courses in the specialization.

By Jafed E G


Jul 6, 2019

I enjoy the lectures. The professor has a good speaking and teaching style which keeps me interested. Lots of concrete math examples which make it easier to understand. Very good slides which are well formulated and easy to understand

By Siddharth B


Jun 4, 2018

The course is truly helpful for those who do not have prior understanding on how to implement the business problems into Excel. This courses teaches me the usage of excel tools to come at the final outcome for decision making.

By Kenneth B


May 11, 2016

Concise, no fluff spreadsheet modeling fundamentals with quality instruction concerning the different functions, data analysis and solver add-ins needed to start building effective financial models. Thanks Professor Huesman.

By Farouk G


Jul 21, 2019

Very well-structured, full of practical content - also includes a great tutorial on solving linear programs in Excel. Felt like I was learning with every video, which is not always the case with online courses. Well done!

By George L Z


Oct 25, 2017

Monte Carlo simulation and linear programming are made simple with the way the instructor teaches. It is amazing! And from my point of view this are key knowledges to differenciate as a professional from the croud.