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Learner Reviews & Feedback for More Introduction to Financial Accounting by University of Pennsylvania

535 ratings

About the Course

The course builds on my Introduction to Financial Accounting course, which you should complete first. In this course, you will learn how to read, understand, and analyze most of the information provided by companies in their financial statements. These skills will help you make more informed decisions using financial information....

Top reviews


Feb 25, 2017

Awesome!!!Professor Brian Bushee teaching style is easy to understand & fun.I would love to study more accouting & finance course from professor. Please create more courses for us.


Apr 9, 2016

Professor Bushee is fantastic!! Best accounting professor I've ever had, aside from a similar professor at UCLA (David Ravetch) who was able to bring humor to accounting in the same way.

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1 - 25 of 127 Reviews for More Introduction to Financial Accounting

By Tianyu F

Jan 10, 2021

The course covers a lot of content! However, the key ISSUE is that students don't get any practice. It makes learning effectiveness very low. You basically will forget everything by the end of the course, since you don't have a chance to practice. The 10 question quiz at the end of each week is definitely not enough!! The animation might be entertaining, but it is also distracting. I think the professor should spend some more time figuring how to help students practice what they learn. Otherwise, I would say the goal of the course is undefined.

By DAniel C

Aug 25, 2020

The final exam was not adequately reflected in the content covered in lecture. Much of what was covered in lecture never appeared in either the homework or the final, and several questions on the final were, at best, glossed over or mentioned in passing. I have a VERY strong math background and am completing my MS in Business Analytics, however, the final exam took me over 12 hours to complete because of the lack of topic coverage, either in breadth or in depth, during the lecture. Additionally, I found several of the test items to be poorly worded, leading to confusion as to what the professor was looking for in the answer. I would NOT recommend this course unless you already have a firm grasp of all the concepts and just need a certificate to prove it.

By Koh J L

Jan 29, 2019

It got tougher as it went along, but Professor Brian Bushee never failed to make it interesting or at the very least, understandable. His virtual students livened things up!

By Sharath R

Jun 8, 2016


This is one of the best courses to take in MOOC across all available platforms. I completed the Intro to Accounting course and decided that I wanted to learn more about this fascinating subject. Boy, Am I glad I did it.

Thanks to the professor who sprinkles the videos with occasional light-hearted moments which I personally feel gives some breathing space and moments of relaxation and smiles amidst hardcore serious subject concepts.

The follow up course is definitely a step up from the introductory course and I did not expect anything less. My scores do not match my scores in the introductory course but I think it is partly because the concepts are slightly more in depth and the length of the course itself is longer. There are 6 weeks of classes before you take up the final exam. Overall this is one of the more in-depth classes that I have taken in Coursera. If you have completed introductory course and want to to challenge yourself in Accounting I highly suggest taking this up.


Feb 26, 2017


Professor Brian Bushee teaching style is easy to understand & fun.I would love to study more accouting & finance course from professor. Please create more courses for us.

By Maprang S

Feb 13, 2021

I love Prof Bushee so much that I swear by myself to take any courses taught by him. Accounting is a super dry subject but it's a very important knowledge to have if you want to navigate yourself through the business and financial world successfully. Prof Bushee makes accounting fun and interesting. I've taken the Introduction and More introduction. Next, I'm about to take the Accounting Analytics course taught by him and the other prof from Wharton. So, yea if you have ever wanted to take accounting courses online, look no further. Beware that you need to consistently pay attention and take notes throughout this is because the quizzes are hard but they're totally worth your effort as you will understand more of what you saw in the video lectures once you've passed the quizzes. Good luck!

By Caio A V

Oct 22, 2016

Until I decided to face my fears, Financial Accounting always has been hieroglyphs for me. But this course perfectly combines both the expected level of Financing knowledge of Wharton School and Coursera Platform into an extremely didactic overall comprehension regarding financing world. Also, it is brilliantly presented by professor Brian Bushee, with his tips and some effort you may easily surprise your hirer with a Top-B School MBA Level Financing Knowledge. The whole program was built with a hands-on problem making you ready for the action. My statement only corroborates what I testimony so far on the web, it is one of the best MOOC you will ever find.

By Abdul K

Mar 24, 2018

Honestly, I find Professor Brian as one of the best instructors I have encountered with in Coursera. He is good at explaining and his stuff is very very educative and well presented. I love his students with there very interesting questions and jokes. Look they ask almost everything we would have asked in the course. I like his lectures and I thank him very much for his service. I joined the "Introduction to Accounting and More introduction to Accounting" both are very appealing. One thing though, his final exams are too tricky. I wish he can offer another advance course in Accounting which I will love to join. Thank you Sir!

By M F Y

May 8, 2020

Tough subject. Lessons are detailed and fun. Quizzes are tough and the final exam was really tough. In the into, Prof says that all materials are included in the videos/slides but I had to google and read stuff to answer many questions. Anyway, I learned a lot, so thank you. Btw, I loved the virtual students and the jokes. At first glance, I thought the "debts" week was numbered 007, because sometimes one needs to be an investigator to collect ones receivables. Thanks again.

By Kannan R

Sep 30, 2016

An excellent course supplementing the introduction to financial accounting. It gives a real life exposure in the accounting practices. The quizzes were very useful and required real effort in solving. Congratulations to the founders of this course.

By Ksenia B

Jun 17, 2021

Great material and videos. Complex topics are explained pretty well and simple. It would be much more helpful though if the answers were explained, as in the first part of this course.

By Anton P

Dec 15, 2019

Very challenging. Covers a wide range of more complicated accounting related topics. While the lessons are informative, the final exam and even some of the chapter quizzes, can have a disconnect as to what accounts are being affected vs the final answer. Requires a bit too much of a self teaching stretch to pass the final.

By Isis K

Aug 24, 2021

The first part of this course was great but the second part was so-so. I felt like more actual reading material and not just the videos would have been helpful.

By Irina L

Mar 24, 2024

After completing this (full 10 weeks) course, I have only two questions remaining. Firstly, how many students of Professor Brian J Bushee have started a business renting metal detectors? After all, it's the simplest way to build a career as a leading financial analyst in just six months. Well, okay, maybe a year and a half (you do need to submit the second report). And secondly, you, yes, you, the one who prepared the financial report for 3M for the last year, you completed this course, didn't you? Otherwise, how did you end up in this position at all? And if we're serious, for the last 10 years of my career at a Russian production studio, I always corrected those who tried to call me an accountant (look it up, Professor, how the word "бухгалтер" sounds in Russian – it's really terrible!). "I'm not an accountant," I would say, "and I never will be!" And here, in the first week of the course, I overwhelmed my colleagues (as well as friends, family, and everyone I could reach, including Instagram followers) with information about how interesting, captivating, and even... cinematic what I'm learning here is. And no, it's not "бухгалтерия" (let's include the Russian sound again), it's Financial Accounting, and it's literally the most exciting thing I've ever studied. Thank you so much, Professor! I'm actually looking forward to more of your courses on this platform!

By Tomás C

Nov 2, 2024

Professor Bushee was clear, interesting and insightful throughout the entire course. I think that the "digital students" were a good tool to keep the pace of the videos a little slower and the content easier to digest. The 3M study case, and the last week's study case of Vulcan were crucial to understand how to apply the content in real-life analysis and explorations of the financial statements. The only slightly downside of the course is that the videos are a little old, but I guess (and hope) that the content is still fresh and up to date. Thanks, professor!

By Jie H

Mar 1, 2016

A great second part of the Intro to Acct course. According to my wife, this course covers most of the materials of intermediate accounting I and II. It is not thorough, though. As indicated by the professor, some advanced topics are omitted from this course. I also feel that I can't fully understand the stock option part since I haven't studied enough finance. That said, this course provides you with more than enough information to pass CFA Level I, and I am truly grateful to the professor and the financial support from the Coursera Team.

By Pablo B

Jun 12, 2017

If you want to learn from a truly talented accountant and professor (hard to find both in the same person) take this course. You will learn the fundamentals of USGAAP (and most IFRS) accounting, and the logic necessary to address them to both record complex transactions such as market securities, stock based compensation, deferred taxes, capital leases, etc. More importantly you will learn how to analyze them with a real Financial Report from a Public Company which will help you assess in a better way investment opportunities.

By Alex M

Jan 2, 2018

This course is the best I have attended so far on Coursera, and more than just an introduction to Financial Accounting, it introduces many Corporate Finance terms and techniques. A difficult subject is made digestible through the engaged and entertaining videos and lectures by Prof Brian Bushee. My only suggestion would it be interesting to see how companies REALLY manage their accounts (they must use some software that performs all the theory we learnt?). Thanks to Penn and the professor for providing this course!

By Judy W

May 12, 2021

Love this course just as much as the first one! There can be a lot of material to learn in just one week so it will probably be a bit of a hassle if you work a full-time job. It is clear that so much thought and effort was put into designing the course videos and I sincerely appreciate Professor Bushee's interactions with the virtual students. They help with understanding the material and I laughed out loud a few times too!

In short: Loved the course. A challenging must take!

By Johannes L

Aug 7, 2021

Great course which discusses the different parts of the balance sheet in more detail. Prof. Bushee and his virtual students have a way of keeping the videos interesting and amusing, with sufficient repetition, humor and to my knowledge the highest level of interaction possible for an online course. The exercises and the exam are fun and challenging. Beware that pdfs of the lecture slides are not available.

By Olesya A

May 27, 2018

I am extremely thankful to the professor Brain Bushee for such a well-rounded and informative course. I think taking this course is the best way to obtain all necessary accounting concepts and quickly get on the fast track during MBA studies. I did this course to solidify my understanding and I managed this thanks to the professor's brilliant sense of humor and well-thought course content.

By Muyanja S Z

Aug 15, 2016

This course is a must have for those who want to get deeper insights into Statement of Cash Flow analysis, book keeping for employee compensation packages and alot more. The delivery of the course material is superb, and there is no way you will regret having invested your invaluable time to study the course. I wish there another advanced course that picks up from here!

By Karolis K

Feb 17, 2018

This professor is best the one I have ever seen. Not only in courera, but also from all lecturers and professors I have seen in my education. Really interesting and funny idea with virtual students, helps to keep focus when videos are over 15 min. long. And I really appreciate plenty of content (1-2 hours of videos a week?) when some courses are 4-5 hours total.

By John M

Jun 28, 2020

I loved Professor Bushee's style of teaching. As a high schooler who has never taken a business class, I found that each week was a stepping stone towards the next, making it great for beginners. Each video was very informative, and the virtual students answered many of my questions. I highly recommend this course after taking Part 1!

By Cloris

May 3, 2017

This course is really helpful. I was used to be afraid of learning Accounting, but I become more confident of handling those questions after taking this online course, and it's free. Also, the teacher will do some questions with you together, which is what I need. Highly recommend those who are struggling with Accounting to have a look.