Jun 19, 2020
The tutor has clearly explained various concept of trading, investment and risk with examples. I have learned about finance ratio, cost, financial statement and trading.
May 16, 2020
The course was taught in a really nice way with all the math presented clearly. The professor made sure that the topics were easy and at the same time relevant.
•May 2, 2020
Typical Teaching methodology. The professor is just reading the slides. Not at all satisfied with this course.
Needs to work on course.
By Pavitra A
•May 15, 2020
Lessons are taught in a boring way. in the end I have to google the topics to understand it better. will not recommend thus course.
•Jan 15, 2021
There is no material as a pdf or ppt used in the course. Also traductións aren't correct and week 3 of the course was awful
By Sudhakar D
•Jul 28, 2020
Very poor. Looks like quizzes have so many problem. Wasting time to clear the quizzes.
By Sunny S
•Mar 30, 2021
Probably the worst instructor around! My sympathies with the students at ISB
By Alberto S C F
•Oct 4, 2020
A professor reading slides is all you'll get from this course.
•Jul 23, 2020
La verdad el Profesor no explica muy bien los ejercicios
By Suchit D
•Aug 29, 2020
very bad, man.
Youtubers teach better than this.
By Palash W
•Sep 10, 2020
The course was not at all well explained
•Jul 23, 2020
the teacher doesn't explain, horrible!
By Bernard R N D
•Aug 21, 2020
Math formulas were skimmed over.
By Aswin K E K
•May 8, 2020
Not good enough to understand.
By Pulkit J
•Aug 14, 2020
Worst Course do not take
By Sai P G
•May 30, 2019
Worst payment technique
•Jun 20, 2020
By Vladimír V
•Jun 11, 2019
Horrible sound
By Pablo G Q
•May 28, 2021
Awful class
•Nov 27, 2017
Es un curso importante para los que estamos interesados en aprender sobre este tema, explica aspectos y términos que desconocía, deseo aprender mas por un precio accesible, confieso que no domino el idioma ingles, pero eso no ha sido limitante para hacer el esfuerzo por entender y aprobar. Gracias Coursera, Gracias ISB, GRACIAS MAESTRO.
By Rehan U
•Apr 13, 2020
The course content was awesome...I only have some background in the finance field and all the theory in this course felt pointless... but after thorough research of every topic and a lot of reading...each and every topic of this course started to make sense and it was awesome learning these things.....
By Bogdan I
•Oct 22, 2018
Hello! Thanks for sharing this course, it is really useful for those who are just starting in finance and investments. I would recommend to split some video lectures by small quizzes of 2-3 questions to practice on concrete topic and in the end to check knowledge learned for the week. Thanks!
By Prateek S
•Jul 27, 2020
In quiz 4 there is an error in data - at 11:59 bid-ask spread is given 36.2 & 36.05 it should be 36.02 & 36.05
Overall course is good for a beginner but week 3 is like a sudden jump it would be better if you could increase the difficulty not too gradual (Problem only in week-3 rest was good).
•Apr 12, 2020
First, I want to thank the lessons taught by INDIAN SCHOOL OF BUSSINES.I think the initial course could be improved by attaching Excel files to perform the explained calculations of all Operations and finally more examples of calculations. I sent you a great greeting from Peru.
By Andrés C F
•May 16, 2021
Excelente curso, muy matemático y preciso, se aprende desde a comprender los primeros conceptos básicos sobre los estados financieros hasta calcular los costos, algunos vídeos deben verse más de una vez para llegar a una comprensión total, principalmente si no hablas inglés.
By Kanahaiya
•May 2, 2020
This course basically provides a fundamental analysis of share and how to analyze a company performance, which is quite beneficial. Overall experience is good, but can be explained more and detailed so that people with non-financial background can have some advantages.
By Atindra G
•Jul 18, 2017
Its a very nice course. This course is must for any one who wants to pursue career in trading. Professor's teaching methodology is really commendable. I would recommend you to take this course. Thank you Coursera.