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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There by University of Michigan

3,429 ratings

About the Course

COURSE DESCRIPTION This course provides an introduction to the most powerful engineering principles you will ever learn - Thermodynamics: the science of transferring energy from one place or form to another place or form. We will introduce the tools you need to analyze energy systems from solar panels, to engines, to insulated coffee mugs. More specifically, we will cover the topics of mass and energy conservation principles; first law analysis of control mass and control volume systems; properties and behavior of pure substances; and applications to thermodynamic systems operating at steady state conditions. COURSE FORMAT The class consists of lecture videos, which average 8 to 12 minutes in length. The videos include integrated In-Video Quiz questions. There are also quizzes at the end of each section, which include problems to practice your analytical skills that are not part of video lectures. There are no exams. GRADING POLICY Each question is worth 1 point. A correct answer is worth +1 point. An incorrect answer is worth 0 points. There is no partial credit. You can attempt each quiz up to three times every 8 hours, with an unlimited number of total attempts. The number of questions that need to be answered correctly to pass are displayed at the beginning of each quiz. Following the Mastery Learning model, students must pass all 8 practice quizzes with a score of 80% or higher in order to complete the course. ESTIMATED WORKLOAD If you follow the suggested deadlines, lectures and quizzes will each take approximately ~3 hours per week each, for a total of ~6 hours per week. TARGET AUDIENCE Basic undergraduate engineering or science student. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - What are the prerequisites for taking this course? An introductory background (high school or first year college level) in chemistry, physics, and calculus will help you be successful in this class. -What will this class prepare me for in the academic world? Thermodynamics is a prerequisite for many follow-on courses, like heat transfer, internal combustion engines, propulsion, and gas dynamics, to name a few. -What will this class prepare me for in the real world? Energy is one of the top challenges we face as a global society. Energy demands are deeply tied to the other major challenges of clean water, health, food resources, and poverty. Understanding how energy systems work is key to understanding how to meet all these needs around the world. Because energy demands are only increasing, this course also provides the foundation for many rewarding professional careers....

Top reviews


Feb 24, 2021

Courses from the University of Michigan are always awesome. Hats off to Margaret Wooldridge, mam. Thank you so much, Coursera and the University of Michigan for making this outstanding experience.


Jul 23, 2019

Great course. But I was also hoping to get an in-depth analytical understanding of the second law of thermodynamics and the zeroth law as well. But I really enjoyed it and definitely learned a lot.

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601 - 625 of 698 Reviews for Introduction to Thermodynamics: Transferring Energy from Here to There

By Ritik N

Apr 1, 2021

Jansh ia ka ialv kanbzj zofamafvniahaf iqka iqngja uabjaibkq janu hajaare jaijay na jb sbka kahi kab aa abhineta isne bailgadi jana.

By N C V K

Aug 31, 2020

I really enjoyed learning thermodynamics in online classes and way comfortable to understand the concepts.. thanks a lot

By Oscar C

Mar 13, 2017

Very good for an introductory course, clear explanations and exercises. looking forward for more courses in medium level

By Rodrigo L R

Jan 6, 2019

Nice, but should have explored more the 1st and 2nd laws, and a bit more of pictures and videos of real components.

By Sahil K

Aug 15, 2020

After having thermodynamics course two times in academics, this one was very interesting to take and complete.

By Dipak S M

Dec 1, 2020

This course is best for clearing your Doubts and clear your basics concepts about the Thermodynamics subject.

By Soroush S

Aug 17, 2021

helpful course Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach book by Cengel is good for study beside this course

By Marcus E

Nov 8, 2020

With minor corrections to the course content and the platform, this review would be upgraded to five star.

By Mahmoud A

Jul 25, 2019

very good introductory course but it's quite light, a denser curriculum would have made it an easy 5-star

By Sojjwala P

Jun 8, 2020

the assignments are simply superb which enhanced my subject grip. thankyou coursera! will be doing more

By Hasan F

Nov 29, 2020

While the overall course content was really good, the videos were a little longer than necessary.


Dec 24, 2020

Simple yet challenging courses and tests. Learned a lot from the course. Keep up the good work.


Sep 30, 2020

very knowledgeable course and content. but the presentation could be batter through animation.


May 22, 2020

This one is gives very basic information about thermodynamics.the class was also interesting

By rajasankar

Jun 30, 2020

It was very much useful to know fundamentals of Thermodynamics and its applications

By Hatem

Nov 4, 2021

it is interesting and useful course . I have learned a lot things . thank you


Jul 17, 2020

really this course is very useful for every student and it is easy to learn

By K L A

May 23, 2020

This course was informative and useful for Mechanical engineering students.

By Vikas K

Jul 3, 2018

That was a nice course to understand the basic concepts of thermodynamics.

By Cristian J D Á

Aug 31, 2020

The course allowed me to improve concepts on classical thermodynamics

By Mar�a B C S

Oct 6, 2020

Great course. I got better information about thermodynamic concepts

By sunil m

May 22, 2020

good basic knowledge course ,you can make your base strong with it.

By Sameer M S

May 31, 2020

It was amazing course. I learned a lot of things from this course.

By Michael F

Dec 26, 2017

Great content easily followed and explained amazingly well.


By Siavash S

Mar 15, 2021

It was very good and informative, I totally enjoyed the course.