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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

38,940 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


Apr 3, 2021

Fabulous course. I learned a lot of does and doesn't make us happy, and learned valuable tools for introducing and integrating new habits into my life that will definitely contribute to my well-being.


Sep 13, 2022

T​his course can be life changing if you implement the concepts. I loved the professor and also loved the podcast that further goes into more detail about the things that actually bring us happiness.

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1601 - 1625 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Roslyn C

Aug 29, 2020

I loved this course. It’s easy to do in small segments and Laurie is soooo interesting. I feel happy that I’ve already actually been doing most of the right things but I feel it’s increased my confidence and that discovering meditation and mindfulnessness has helped me to slow down yet achieve more. Thanks so much.

By rania k

Jun 13, 2020

The course was very beneficial to me, I believe it should be taught not only to undergraduate students but also to High School students so they understand themselves more and are able to make educated decisions. I am 44 years and never understood myself as much as I did after completing the course.

Thank you very much!

By Danielle B

Jun 8, 2020

Dr. Santos provided a fun and meaningful way to learn and try new strategies to help increase personal happiness. It's incredibly refreshing to have someone who is an educator letting us know that grades are really NOT the most important thing in the world. I wish she could've told me that before I finished college :)

By Myra B

May 6, 2019

Thank you for your foresight in teaching The Science of Well-Being!

Balance is needed and necessary to elevate the level of thought and access creative solutions to today's global and local events and personal relationships! All the best in your growth and journey!

Thank you,

Myra Baker

Conscious Dimensions and N-1 Games

By Raechel M

Sep 5, 2024

Just start. The hardest part is starting. It's a free course and it's for you. This course has the potential to change your mind and change your life. Don't miss out. Phenomenal instructor, excellent organization of materials and 100% relatable, informative and helpful. Thank you to Professor Santos and her students.

By Maureen C

Jul 26, 2023

In the course, you will focus on what really matters and become more aware about precious time and gratitude!

Give yourself the gift of this priceless education :)

Thank you, thank you Dr. Santos & team, for allowing me to see through the rose-colored glasses again! You have both brightened and enhanced my perspective!

By Apolline B

Aug 1, 2022

Absolutely amazing! The teacher was engaging, and the classroom setting made me feel as though I was really there. Everything we learned changed the way that I see the world and the vision of happiness that I had. It helped me realize what I really wanted, by understanding what happiness was first. I 100% recommend!

By Ally L

Apr 5, 2022

Hugely insightful and engaging course with a very broad range of material presented in an easy to understand and thought provoking way. The course encourages change and action without adding stress or anxiety that can often come with the feeling of having to do better. I thoroughly recommend this course for everyone!

By Theresa S

Sep 12, 2021

This course has significantly enhanced my life, happiness and well-being. The lectures, the interviews, the reference material and entire course content are outstanding. I will ensure that what I have learned from this course will always remain a part of my life and guide me towards continued growth and happiness.

By Sohail N K

Aug 15, 2021

I am quite an experienced and learned man, but I must admit that this course opened new avenues of thought from a practical point of view of making life better and being happier. I am delighted that this course added something worthwhile to my knowledge. Congratulations Yale for organizing such a wonderful experience

By Donna T

Mar 8, 2021

This is a great course - very enjoyable to do with engaging and entertaining content but also designed very well to help you put the concepts into practice in your own life (though this will still take work and commitment, it is great that the course design itself mirrors the concepts discussed . Highly recommended.

By Janine S

Feb 11, 2021

I really loved the science of well-being and i will recommend it to other people. Why? Because i learned so much about my own happinesslevel, i can use it in my job as a coach for communication. Upshot: It is a very good chance to create an own strategy for being happy and to teach others about it. Thank you so much.

By Satarupa C

Jul 29, 2020

I loved this course, simply. By putting forward research backed views, Laurie does a fantastic job of bringing those often forgotten small things in our lives. The course design is also great, helping you to form a habit and motivating you to stick to it. Tangible changes in happiness scores is simply an added bonus!

By Anshu B

Jul 13, 2020

Loved the energy which seemed to rub in throughout the presentations.

I liked the crisp, clear presentation

Revisiting the earlier discussed areas was a good technique.

Quiz in presentation helped to focus

Liked the question answer sessions.

Was very impressed by the confidence and ease.

Thank you Laura for creating this.

By Sandeep H

May 26, 2020

I really enjoyed how Laurie used examples and scientific facts to create a framework that would allow anyone to be happier . I have found that by being happy in life, it transcends into the workplace and others feel the new positive energy. People tend to trust you. Trust is the biggest currency of life.

Great course.

By Rhyanna M

May 26, 2020

The professor is very engaging. Just from listening to her I can tell that she understands a lot about the information she is giving us. From all of her tips to all of the scientific data, this class really helped to give me tips to better myself and gain a better perspective view of the world. 10/10 really enjoyed.

By Randolph C

Dec 1, 2019

So far, it has been the most useful course I have ever taken. Laurie Santos manages to bring in all the empirical research about concrete elements and strategies that make up true happiness. Most importantly, the "homework" (which I will be doing after the course ends) is both feasible, engaging, and life changing.

By Надія К

Nov 19, 2019

I really loved this course! Lots of interesting findings to think about. And it's great that the course is so practical. I started it when there was quite a complicated, not-that-happy period in my life, and after several weeks of practicing what the course teaches, I felt much better. Thank you Laurie for your work!

By Laura A

Apr 10, 2022

This is an extremely useful course that helps tech you how to build happiness boosting habits in your life. Easy to follow and helps you try out and create new habits as you learn the reasons for doing so. Not very time consuming to spend 10-15 min or so a day and complete the course in 10 weeks. Highly recommended!

By John P

Jul 5, 2020

Thanks to Coursera at Yale and special to Laurie Santos, an opportunity to open a window to see something special and applicable to me. I learned with videos and some articles. I learned and reflected on really important things. This opportunity should be for everyone. Reflect on what I want and what makes me happy.

By Elaine C

Jun 22, 2020

Great Course! Full of concrete, evidence-based practices that can integrated into daily life. Many courses offer information and perspective but few offer the tangible tools that really make a difference. This course offers exactly that, and the support and guidance to implement them. I highly recommend this course!

By Jason A

Jun 8, 2020

This course has been monumental for me in a time when I needed happiness and overall well-being the most. I have acquired some much needed insight and strategies to setting myself up for a overall better way of living and approach. The lesson/lectures were very relatable and spot on to what I was looking to achieve.

By AnnMarie B

Sep 14, 2019

I really enjoyed this course. I already had some tools in regards to finding substantial happiness this course just added to what I already know. It was a great way to reflect on what works and why it works and the science behind it. Loved the course, easy to understand and the videos were very well done! Great job!

By Marian G

Mar 25, 2022

This was an excellent course. The program provided relevant research and data with engaging videos and reading material about the science of well-being and happiness. What I most appreciated was information and encouragement on implementing concrete strategies in our everyday lives to improve overall well-being.

By Monica R

Apr 4, 2021

Has been very eyeopening to me and helped me set my priorities correctly in order to live a happy and fulfilling life. Misconceptions of what brings in happiness was cleared, and my favourite part definitely are the rewirements! I look forward to bring about many chnages. Thank you Yale Team and Thank you Coursera!