May 11, 2022
I cannot believe that my happiness score has improved so much from these 10 weeks. The material was enjoyable and straightforward and I loved my weekly challenges. Thank you to Laurie & the team!
Nov 12, 2020
Awesome course. Many people suffer from depression and this course is great to understand and shift your state of mind. Can't solve a problem if you don't truly understand what's causing the problem.
By Wilson C
•Apr 25, 2018
This course makes you realize that the biases that you learned about your happiness are nearly all wrong. you don't get devastated for weeks when you get a bad grade, you recover fast and strong. Also, you learn how to raise your happiness and how you can actually get yourself in check, strengthening your relationships with your peers, friends and family.
By Aurora-Zhai
•Jun 30, 2021
Well-being is science,I learned a lot from this course. It can be better by doing something like this course said, and put this theory and skills into practice, we can change our life, even we can't realise the changes, if we don't try, we'll never know it works or not. Keep this belief in the mind and hard, try to have a growth mindset, and just do it.
By Joseph P
•Nov 14, 2020
This is undoubtedly one of the most meaningful, most valuable courses I have ever taken, with or without a live professor, in any subject. This course should be mandated as a pre-requisite course - equivalent to Math, Science, English, or Social Studies -- in all High Schools, K12, Colleges, Universities, AND Corporate Learning systems in the world.
By iklimzeynepkesgin
•Jul 23, 2020
I have to say that the attitude of lecturer and her self-acceptance talks work on me well. I love that course! Each single units and the homework helped me to find and aware of myself and the attitudes of the self. It is a nice journey to be in. There are still ways to go for sure but at least I tried to join one of these journeys. Thanks for everything!
By Nazarius M
•Jul 6, 2020
I think it is a fantastic course using positive psychology techniques and learnings to improve happiness and well-being. I learnt a host of practical tools and methods to improve and accomplish my goals and targets that I set for my well being. The course is a springboard to personal transformation and making this planet too a happy place because of you.
By Chyna S
•Aug 13, 2020
Originally I started taking this course because I know I have anxiety and once covid started I needed a huge distraction but once I really dig into the the course it actually has helped me decide on a new career path in mental health I loved it best course ever I think all schools schools be on online and I’m so excited I’ve always wanted to attend Yale
By Saranne D
•Jul 14, 2020
I entered this course a little unsure. Is it all going to meditation and positive mantras? Covid 19 and lockdown was taking a toll on my sense of wellbeing so I decided to give it a go, and I am so happy that I did. i have learned so much and have exited the course a much happier and more confident and emotionally resilient person. Highly recommended.
By Nicola S
•Jul 3, 2020
I have really enjoyed this 10 week course and feel that I have got so much from it! The content was really interesting and clearly presented. This course has sparked a real interest in this area of psychology for me and I would encourage anyone who is thinking about taking this course to give it a go because it has definitely improved my own well-being!
By Maria T J C
•May 26, 2020
I'm really love this course because the teacher effort and focus in our well being, Isn't easy to makes the changes but is really necessary for our health and good moods, Love this course because they makes you effort to focus on your own well being. Thanks Prof. Laurie Santos for your course, I'm really proud about myself for taking this great course.
By Vicki F
•May 6, 2018
Many years ago, unbeknownst to me, I lost my flow. In losing my flow my life fell apart. Now that I understand how important flow is to putting together a happy more fulfilling life; I can begin putting the pieces of my life back together. All I can say is, "where were you, Ms. Santos, 20 years ago?" Thank you for helping me get my life back in order!
By Mabel Z
•Jul 11, 2022
The course offers a good combination of theory and practices. I feel that when I tried to implement what I've learnt into my daily life. It has helped me a lot. I also feel that with some real life suggestions for having a happier lifestyle, I am more aware of whether I am doing something good for my overall well being and that helps me to be happier!
By Mümine B
•Dec 15, 2021
I took this course because I will be studying wellbeing in my PhD dissertation. What I didn't anticipate is that I benefited from this course even more when I was engaged, doing the rewirements and actively implementing wellbeing activities in my own life. I'm so glad I took this course, I think anyone who wants to make themselves happy should take it.
By Gabrielle V
•May 10, 2021
This course was amazing!! I thought Dr. Santos was so easy to listen to; so relatable. The on-line navigations through the course were easy to accomplish. I leaned many valuable life skills that I have, and will continue to incorporate into my life, and share with others. I very much enjoyed this course, and thank you for sharing this course so widely!
By Julie A
•Jun 10, 2020
This course provided me with a clear understanding about the scientific study of well being. I was able to realize that certain aspects of life I thought brought me happiness were actually decreasing my level of happiness on a daily basis. I was able to learn how to change my thinking and I developed skills for implementing new activities into my life.
By Gürer G
•May 26, 2020
I loved this course! One thing I found especially amazing was how my opinions about it changed throughout. At first, I thought it was going to be cheesy instagram quotes on happiness and it wasn't that way at all!!! Thank you, Dr. Santos for sharing all this information with us and providing us with a real opportunity to make a difference in our lives!
By Pable H
•Jan 24, 2019
The Science of Well Being and happiness is about living a fulfilled life. We all experience the good, bad and ugly of life. However if you know what really makes you happy and live life actively using that knowledge it will make the the journey a much more pleasant and beautiful experience. I want to live my BEST life starting right now where I am at.
By Yuanlin
•Jun 2, 2018
This isn't like any happiness or motivational course which are plenty out there that keeps repeating motivational mantras and tell inspiring stories.
This course is science based which draws our human instincts and cognitive biases out to find how to make ourselves feel better. I really like that there are practical solutions and strategies to help us.
By Jamica F
•Apr 23, 2023
Amazing course! Everyone should take this course. It was so eye-opening, engaging and interesting. I learnt so much applicable information and I feel like I'm better able to show up in this world with the knowledge of ways that we sometimes get in our own way mentally and scientifically backed ways in which to overcome this and to be happy. Thank you!
By Monica R
•Mar 9, 2021
I loved this course and highly recommend it. My happiness levels increased throughout the 10 week course as a direct result of the learnings and exercises/assignments. It was not overwhelming but challenging enough to make a genuine impact on my general wellbeing. Thank you for providing the opportunity to take this course, all the way from Australia!
By Anne H
•Feb 22, 2021
Thank you very much for this great and valuable course. I enjoyed it immensely and learned a lot. It was challenging, but totally worthwhile. Without exaggeration, it changed my life and improved my happiness. I already did and will continue to recommend this course to everyone, who wants to learn more about themselves and ways to lead a happier life.
By Kelly R
•Sep 5, 2020
This was one of the best classes I've ever taken. I am not college age (much older), and was apprehensive about all of the lectures. They were so interesting and so engaging. It was really nice to hear the college aged point of view as well. I would definitely recommend this course for anyone of any age! You could truly benefit from taking.
By sarah s
•Aug 18, 2020
I enjoyed every moment of this course including the reWirements we did, which were full of experience and knowledge for me. I admire Laurie for creating this impactful course which certainly would help anyone who is looking for an effective way to change their lifestyle in order for being happier and healthier.
Thank you Laurie for this amazing course.
By Fernanda C
•Jul 1, 2020
I am very grateful for the opportunity to take this course with such a timely topic in this period when we are dealing with so much suffering from the effects of the pandemic! It was a great honor to have completed this course that added me a lot, in that respectable Institution and with a great teacher as dr. Laurie Santos!
Fernanda Cichowicz - Brazil
By Ashley J
•Jun 5, 2020
I enjoyed this course so much! I learned so much and have used what I've learned to forever change my way of thinking (rewire myself). I found the, annoying features, fascinating because we've all experienced them! I really enjoyed the rewirement challenge! This course is life changing if you are willing to do the work! I highly recommend this course!
By Deleted A
•May 19, 2020
Es un curso bastante enriquecedor que te brinda la oportunidad de no solo conocer la teoría, sino también de llevarlo a la práctica. Te permite reflexionar sobre muchas cosas de las que a veces no somos conscientes y a encontrar mejores formas de llevar una vida con bienestar físico, mental y emocional. Lo recomiendo mucho. Para mí, es un curso top!!!