May 11, 2020
This course is very well designed and easy to understand because of dedicated and experience personnel who are delivering the content. Use of case study is well planned at various sections in course.
Feb 26, 2017
Great introduction. It covers a wide range of issues concerning waste management and I thought the material was relevant and reflected my own observations of waste management in developing countries.
By Muhammad A
•Nov 12, 2018
This online course is really important & helpful as being an Energy student; It strengthen students knowledge regarding this critical issue of waste; & also develop interest for taking required measures for better environment & society.
By George N K R
•Mar 11, 2016
I think I am experiencing a challenge on the MOOC. After completing a course section , you I do not notice any colour change to green, even after repeating some of them. I have completed all of the course sections in week3.
By Nkeze N
•Oct 19, 2016
I suspended for a while due to reasons beyond my control; but the simplicity of the course instructors and the explicitness of the course content cannot be over emphasized.
I hope to finish it without any more suspensions.
By Anurag A D
•Sep 18, 2017
This course taught me how to approach a Municipal or Rural Solid Waste management problem. I believe I can use the knowledge and skills acquired here as they were very relevant and resembled practical scenarios in India.
By anjali m
•Apr 25, 2016
The lectures were insightful and concise. A few topics were a bit too technical like the one on Thermo Chemical Conversion. May be more time could have been dedicated to governance issues and strategic planning for SWM.
By Yogita P
•May 22, 2020
The content in the course is simple and lucid to understand and the mentors are excellent on their part. This course has helped me with gaining overview on a completely new content in an entirely different way.
By Zwe W P
•Dec 4, 2019
This course is good enough for me and get much knowledge about waste. Although the certificate is given, no credit is mention in certificate. It would be better if not adding no credit statement in certificate.
By Laura Z
•Jul 8, 2016
This course includes Municipal Solid Waste Management in developing countries, and issues that we do experience in latin american countries. It has a good overall technical data on solid waste management.
By Declan O
•Aug 17, 2020
Overall a good and interesting course, though some material (referenced) are getting a little dated and needs to be updated. Would like to see more on institutional challenges and financing of MSWM.
By Czarina C
•Apr 12, 2020
This has provided technical knowledge on waste management for developing countries. It would be great for this to broaden discussion on plastic waste management as this is a growing topic. Thank you!
By Lucy M
•May 4, 2021
An interesting look at the management of waste in developing countries. As a Waste Educator based in the UK this has significantly added to my knowledge of how waste is managed in LDCs. Thank you!
By Honoria F
•Jul 6, 2020
Un curso realmente educativo y que puede ayudarnos a nosotros, quienes vivimos en países en vías de desarrollo a conocer alternativas para mejorar nuestro sistema de recolección de residuos.
By Karthick
•Apr 28, 2016
Very Useful and Awarness course .Before starting this course i thought waste management is a simple thing .But now i am able to understand the effects of its open dumping an treatment proces
By Mamoru
•Sep 21, 2017
Good overview of waste management for beginners. Less materials on how to overcome barriers for developing countries. Example: how to convert existing dump site to sanitary landfill.
By Hasan N
•Dec 28, 2020
Great. During my Bachelor course, it was an optional course but a few students enrolled in it and it was cancelled. now I am happy to take it in here.
wish you best
By mario j r
•Jun 19, 2016
MUY BUENO -- MUY INTERESANTE - en mi caso limitado por el idioma sin embargo logre aprobar y aprender conocimientos para su divulgación y formación personal -- Gracias
By Vaishnavi S A
•May 19, 2020
This course has a lot to offer from a novice to even a skilled person. I loved the way how it was rooted towards basics and the bonus modules are also very helpful.
By Nathalie T
•Aug 8, 2022
Very nice course, although the videos are quite long sometimes. Thanks to Chris and Imanol for the effort they put into it. The other guests are also appreciated.
By Sankar V
•Oct 13, 2016
A lot of further research on the topics taught can help you flourish far and wide with the foundations taught in this wonderfully structured societal good course.
By Alice M
•Apr 27, 2016
The course was extremely helpful. As a practitioner I will be able to apply my learning in my work with local and state governments and development organisations.
By Jamshed y
•Jan 26, 2019
I found this course very informative and well organized. Everything explained by schematic diagrams and technique so that everyone easily can understand.
By Pravin S
•Apr 15, 2016
The course content is very relevant and useful. I would like to suggest to include overview of more MSW management options. e.g. Refuse Derived Fuel, etc.
By Carlos N D T
•Oct 2, 2016
Realmente este curso me pareció interesante, muestra demasiados ejemplos que ayudan en la compresión de la sesión. Muchas gracias a los profesores.
By Rasha T
•Jan 4, 2017
Thank you! I've learned a lot from this course. The flow of ideas from a topic to another was very smooth. The cost model was very helpful :)
By Osama K
•Jul 1, 2024
I would do 5 if the course was updated to the latest version. overall its the best and most detailed course on SWM. definitely recommended