Mar 27, 2017
First of all I want to thank the author of this course in investing his time sharing knowledges about this JS framework. The course helped me to better understand the mechanism of Angular framework.
Sep 17, 2016
My special "thank you" for going deep inside the subject with your "how?" and "why?", instead of just instructing us "do this and that". It's a real pleasure to participate in your class, thank you!
By Pavindu L
•Dec 26, 2018
Teaches Angular 1.Much outdated..But nice effort has been put for teaching concepts.
By Victor A C
•Sep 4, 2023
The course was created in 2016, teaches Angular 1, extremely outdated in 2023. I wish Coursera would show the date of creation of courses
By Mohamed M
•Apr 18, 2022
angular 1, too old
By Robert R B
•Feb 11, 2021
This is a fantastic course. You may be thinking that you don't want to waste your time learning AngularJS because it's near end-of-life, but that's not the point. I've programmed for years in mobile and server side, but I've never done much web development. The most valuable thing you get from this course is concepts: deep, fully explained concepts of web development. Once you go through this course, picking up any other web development technology will be fairly straightforward. I've also taken the professor's HTML, CSS, and Javascript course, and I'd recommend it for the same reason.
By Luqman A
•Dec 3, 2023
Angular 2 is used while we are in angular 15
By Nezih S
•Nov 18, 2020
This is very old angularJS (Version 2 )
By Soumya A
•Nov 5, 2021
Outdated piece of shit
By Diego
•Jul 8, 2020
Great course, it teaches in a very clear way from the basics to an intermediate level how to manage and use angularJS; plus, the teacher uses components, that can be used in angularJS and are the basics for learning angular 2+. But also, he explains clearly modules, controllers, directives, factories, and the thin but important difference between those last two.
Filters, providers and also ui-router are teached as well.
A small suggestion: don't understimate the course, because it can be easy in week 1 and 2, but becomes full of things to remember and to test in week 3 and especially in week 4: video lessons are just 10 minutes each but in those weeks are full of concepts to get aquainted with.
My suggestion is, on week 4, to follow videos with pencil and paper, to create small schemes on how passing parameters works between a controller, a service, the html (which is NOT simple a view, but actively works passing parameters) and a component.
If you did well in those weeks, week 5 will be much easier than the other weeks.
A great course to manage angularJS!
By Petru B
•Mar 28, 2017
First of all I want to thank the author of this course in investing his time sharing knowledges about this JS framework. The course helped me to better understand the mechanism of Angular framework.
By Christian H W
•Jun 14, 2021
The course is outdated but the fundamental building blocks twill make it easier when going on to the current version of Angular.
By Patrick A G
•Jan 12, 2017
Once again, Prof Chaikin has hit the ball out of the park in terms of design (very hands-on!) of lessons and delivery of content. The painstaking attention to detail, intuition about particular pitfalls for new learners (and more proficient ones too, in fact) and of course, the self-deprecating humor all contribute to making this actually pretty advanced course a whole lotta fun!
And yes, like any really good teacher, Yakov feels the need to delve into theoretic niceties that most wouldn't. My background is that of an enthusiast programmer. Now I feel I have a good idea of what software engineering is about.
By Mario F I C
•Jun 9, 2020
I loved this course start-to-finish. I have always struggled with Angular and had a love-hate relationship to it because every time I took a course in it, it seemed so illogical/magical. It felt I had to specify a bunch of code for no apparent reason and voilá! The site works like so and so.
But thanks to Yaakov, I can understand why things do what they do, and I can let it be a black box and focus on the expected functionality. Thank you for this course!
By Rahulsai B
•May 22, 2020
very efficient and interesting course for the beginners who want to learn single page web applications using Angularjs. Mostly ,I thank Yaakov Chaikin, sir for teaching deeply about basics and providing important resources to learn and I am very much impressed with the real client meeting,asking requirements and developing website for client's restaurant.Thank u sir!!.
By Noufal I
•Jun 8, 2020
it was a brilliant course and teacher, I advise every one who excited to learn single page application with all concepts to start in this course, it will learn all thing about Angular js (Angular v.1) and a lot of important concepts (testing and some design patterns) .
thanks Coursera, John Hopkins University and special thanks to Mr. Yaakov
By David R
•Sep 18, 2016
This is an excellent course. The lectures are clear and very well-prepared. The course material is excellent and Yaakov is an excellent presenter: very informative and engaging. Highly recommended.
By Yelsyn H
•Sep 2, 2020
It's great, but is a little bit old version of Angular
By Aayush Y
•Jul 14, 2020
Too old
By Divya G
•Sep 1, 2019
Excellent course for beginners and even for intermediates!
By Joey L
•Jul 7, 2024
However, if you would like to learn Angular 2 ONLY, please understand from the start that this course IS NOT it. All the best, -Yaakov. Now it is the world of Angular 14+.
By Sadiksha
•Jan 30, 2017
Very expressively explained. I like the way that you explain it by showing us what you are doing as well. In that way, it is easy for me to grasp the contents of the lecture. Thank you for the course.
By Natalja O
•Sep 18, 2016
My special "thank you" for going deep inside the subject with your "how?" and "why?", instead of just instructing us "do this and that". It's a real pleasure to participate in your class, thank you!
By Namit B
•Aug 2, 2019
A really detailed and fast tracked course which gives you an understanding of the workings of AngularJS and how to develop applications with it. Recommend this to every Angular beginner like me.
By Joost V
•Jun 23, 2020
Excellent course. Much more than just learning programming Angular apps. This course also offers insights into general programming concepts and design strategies of web apps.
By Dheeraj K B
•Jun 16, 2021
One of the best professor I have studied under, on world wide web. Clear concepts and clear communication.
By Huseyin G
•Dec 26, 2018
I wish to have Angular 6/7 course from the same instructor.