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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Meditation: A way to achieve your goals in your life by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST)

1,026 ratings

About the Course

Do we truly think that we have lived for ourselves? Perhaps we have lived for money, love, fame, family and pride etc.? Therefore, we don’t seem to be satisfied even though we are full of those things. It is because that we don’t know ourselves. Eric Fromm talked about human nature as two modes of being: “To Have” and “To Be”. If we are “Having” the nature of possessions, we are not satisfied, and feel empty and futile. Then, how can we be “Being” the nature of our inner-selves? Sometimes, we happened to be aware of this “Being” nature and try to change ourselves, but fail. But, because of our daily routines, it’s easily forgotten. And more it is hard to escape from our unwanted minds controlling us. From now on, let us reflect on ourselves and look at our minds leading up to today! Don’t we achieve our goals after knowing ourselves? And let us find the “Being” nature of our original selves after escaping from the minds restraining and controlling us. In this lecture, the definition and principle of the mind are explained in simple and clear ways. You can make sure and practice the methodology of finding the true original mind of inner-self by escaping from the false mind of possession. Self-reflection is the first step to meditate. You can know yourselves most objectively through meditation and you will realize that all the thoughts and actions are due to your minds which are nonexistent and false. If you throw away the false mind, you will find the true mind. Meditation is now world-wide sensation. There are many research reports that show people can be leaders if you have a habit of self-reflection through meditation. Now meditation at school and the workplace are popular. Happiness is having no worries. You can really relax yourself if there is no bundle of thoughts and you can be successful when you know yourself truly. Worries come from the memorized thoughts of the false mind. Your inner potential of positive power are revealed, your peaceful and happiest mind will be in your mind, and you can live the life you wanted through meditation. This method of meditation is very practical and everybody can follow the methodology. As an engineer, I will guide you step by step to practice this meditation. I am sure that this lecture becomes a turning point in your life....

Top reviews


May 18, 2022

This course is deceptive because you approach it through your false mind and learning and implementing the self reflection methods you come out a better person. Just to note: I am 67 yrs old


Apr 19, 2019

An interesting and thought-provoking course on how self-reflective meditation can help achieve life's goals such as peace and contentment. My thanks to the educator and course organisers.

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26 - 50 of 404 Reviews for Meditation: A way to achieve your goals in your life

By Rich N

May 18, 2022

This course is deceptive because you approach it through your false mind and learning and implementing the self reflection methods you come out a better person. Just to note: I am 67 yrs old

By Galal A A K

Aug 10, 2018

Follow step by step and gradually be lighter, happier and closer to high performance and goal achievement. Philosophy, psychology, neuroscience and humanities combined.

By Joanne B

Feb 28, 2019

This course was was a different angle on meditation that explained things more effectively than other methods I have tried.

By sunila m

Mar 2, 2019

Extremely good course for any one who would like to understand methods of improvement

By LilOuttes

Mar 21, 2019


Strongly recommend this Meditation course to anyone.

Thank you very much.

By Luise L

Mar 2, 2019

This is a great course for everybody! :-)

By Prashant S S

May 2, 2019

Very nice and informative course

By Leonardo F

Nov 18, 2019

The information is well presented, but sometimes its boring.

By Alexandra R

Nov 5, 2020

Although I am very interested in Meditation in general and in course in particular, this course is very hard to attend due to the fact that the teacher is on the one hand not very skilled in teaching online and making his audience be passionate and on the other hand his English skills and his pronunciation make it hard to pay attention for a longer period of time.

By Nancy O

Nov 1, 2020

Not a good course. Instructor is very hard to understand, long-winded and convoluted. Not a practical course, not useful, more of a weird philosophy course that makes no sense.

By Rajendran V

Jan 11, 2021

This is an Extraordinary Course. Prof. Duck-Joo Lee has put together an excellent course. The course tries to achieve something which, from a spiritual perspective can take many years of dedicated meditation and practice. However, the method taught in this course is so simple and straightforward that anyone can do it. With regular practice, it is definitely possible for anyone to achieve their true potential.

In this world of sadness, suffering and miseries, it is essential that all of us learn such methods and practice them to bring the happiness and peace which everyone desire and by birthright are ours.

I am very glad that I joined for this course. I will definitely continue to practice what I learned during the course. I strongly recommend this course to anyone who wants lasting inner peace and tranquility. The course may seems to be a bit dry initially, but I suggest that you stick on and complete the course. Regularly and honestly practice the method and then see the magic happen.

Once again, Thank you very much Prof. Duck-Joo Lee and congratulations for putting together and conducting this course. Great work.

May You are Well..

May You are Happy..

May You are Free from Miseries and Suffering..

May You are filled with Joy and Loving Kindness..

May You are filled with Peace.

Thanks and Regards

Rajendran Valappil

By Leslie G

Feb 2, 2022

Duck has changed mt life by teaching me how to find my true self which was my goal from the beginning of the course. I had so much baggage on me from my past that i had forgotten how to breathe in the confusion and despair. I had to face things id buried for a long time. My goal is to be empty so i can just be and i know i still have a lot to discard so im light as a breeze, all of my mental gates open, and so i still have much work to do. I am taking this course again, each word ill reexperience as i build on my life chart and discover more false pictures to discard. I realized there is nothing to fear from facing your worst moments in life. I faced the worst and let it go into the dark abyss of death ... and it worked!! I was amazed because id been skeptical. But if you work it, it works for you. Its an adventure to me now,, feels like flying!!

By Eduardo N

Jul 3, 2022

This course is great and I strongly believe that everyone should take it. Before this, I used to be very negative and hide my negativity saying that I was just being realistic. By realizing that the world is only a construct of what I perceive and therefore is false, I managed to change a lot. As the course states, the main techniques for this change is meditation and substraction, which are difficult skills to master but I'd argue that they are necessary in this world. I have finished the course and still developing them but the results of this have been noted by my family and friends and I feel happier than ever. Once again, this course can certainly change your life is you are disciplined enough! Thanks Duck-Joo Lee!

By Winston W

Jan 21, 2022

This course came to me in my life at the exact time I needed it. Thank-you so much Professor Duck-Joo Lee for bringing this knowledge to the world and making a significant difference in people's lives with this easy-to-learn method. There are benefits enjoyed while taking the course but I believe that there will also be long-term benefits that will be recognized. The course was well researched and easily followed with its simple, straight-forward approach. I would certainly recommend the course to anyone and I will. This is a great work you are doing and I am truly thankful and grateful for it. Hopefully more will follow and we can realize a personal and world peace through the simple act of meditation.

By N S

Jul 23, 2021


This course gives scientific backup of the content and medical proof of how meditation is actually a brilliant process of being free of stress and strive to reach your goals. Unlike those motivational videos which do not effect any long term change, this course will definitely show you the way to completely change your life. Now how well you incorporate the method in your life is up to you.


Course content could have been shorter and more engaging. I have to say often times it feels boring, and you should increase the playback speed if you don't have problem understanding English.

By Karen S

Aug 30, 2021

I am surprised how easy this actually is, it works, I am getting results either right away or rather fast every time I do it, sometimes it needs more doing, but it brings changes for a better mind-set & internal peace rather fast. I wish I would have known this many years ago, it would have made life much easier, it would be nice to edit these tests to take out some typos, some grammar stuff & to check on the set up for what is correct since I was not able to get some correct answers for some questions no matter how many times I tried while the answer is correct.

By Claudio V R X

Apr 30, 2022

I enjoyed a lot this course. It is a little different than Indian or oriental meditatino. That is more like MINDFULNESS. This course is more self reflection. But it is very helpful. And this completes me the understanding or a lot of things in may mind, that complete teh kind of meditatios I do. Professor Lee is a wonderful person. I recomend this course for everyone that is learning about himself and who wants a better World ans Moudial Peace. My eternal gratitude to professor Lee.

By Grace L

Apr 19, 2022

A great course. Hopefully some day all parents and educators will recognise the importance of meditation, especially reflective meditation. Unfortuantly in my country Ireland , the church made so many mistakes most people walked away discarding most everything. Sitting in slience, praying and reflecting has been something I thankfully never let go of.

I would like to Thank Professor Duck-Joo Lee

By Janis A

May 25, 2022

Dr. Lee was very good. He is an intelligent and likeable professor. He has given us all the tools we need to change our lives through self-reflection meditation and subtraction. It is now up to us to us to continue the program diligently and with perseverance. Thank you Dr. Lee!

By Gillian D N

Aug 13, 2022

This course has been an eye opener and extremly effective , I am lucky to have done it .

Apprecative of the instrucion / practical training and examples of data driven proof.

By Andrew P

Feb 22, 2022

I loved this course! Wonderful professer, clear information, easy to learn and enjoyable. The knowledge I gained will be used in my career and personal life.

By Paulina K

Sep 29, 2021

Thank you! I feel so thankful - this is a GREAT course! I've been meditating for almost 4.5 years, but this course has opened my eyes to new topics.

By Donna M

Jun 26, 2022

Excellent course. I seen changes in myself from the information taught by Dr. Lee. Thank you.

This meditation is truly life changing

By David M (

Dec 21, 2021

Quite enjoyable and insightful. Would suggest for anyone who's struggling to find peace of mind in personal or professional life.

By Алёша Ю

Oct 7, 2019

Мне очень нравится эта лекция!! Я узнаю, почему люди спорят и люди будут настроение по-разному

Я обязательно делаю медитацию!!!!