Dec 24, 2017
Excellent! Listening to the lively and empowering words of Dr. Oakley and Sejnowski, I gained a deep insight into the learning process. Also, I learned to tackle procrastination and prepare for exams.
Sep 30, 2017
A very useful and inspiring course make me understand myself more on how to progress on learning. The teachers taught the course in a very easy-to-access way for students, and also very interesting.
By olivia c
•Sep 11, 2021
wonderful course, thank you so much for holding this course, it is really a great course for study beginner, i believe that i will learn deeper and wider when i learn something new.
By Matt S
•Mar 22, 2017
Learn this course whenever you get time to improve yourself.
This course will help you learn anything more efficiently than before.
Thanks for Dr. Oakley and Dr. Sejnowski.
By xiangshushu
•Jan 6, 2020
By Jack S
•Jul 14, 2017
This course is extremely useful. I tried to use the methods mentioned in video lectures immediately. It works really well. I am so glad I choose this course!!
By ian
•Nov 1, 2021
Thank you. This course has enabled me to learn efficient learning methods. The end of this course also symbolizes the beginning of my study of other courses.
By zln
•Jul 8, 2021
i learn much more things than i imagine after i take this lesson.this lesson really inspires me and tell me the correct way to learn almost anything.
By Shirley L
•Jun 5, 2017
A very good course to improve the learning skill and correct those wrong methods on studying. Highly recommended for parents or high school students.
By Deleted A
•Dec 29, 2016
This is a fantastic course! My mind is totally changed by it! Everyone who wants to know how to learn things effectively should take this course.
By yufan r
•Feb 20, 2020
Really helpful. Such methodology is what everyone needs in 21 century. Hoping I take this course four years ago, instead of as a senior student.
By Kang Z
•Nov 2, 2016
By Lydia Z
•Jun 26, 2016
这个课程给我对未来提升自己很大的信心。Barbara Oakley和Terrence Sejnowski博士非常nice和权威的教导了如何正常使用自己的大脑。对如何更高效的学习提出了需要易于操作简单,又十分实用强大的技巧和方法。
By Li X
•Mar 1, 2019
By lillian h
•Mar 6, 2022
By suncy z
•Apr 23, 2018
By 张子文
•Apr 5, 2020
在成长的过程当中,我花了很多的时间进行学习,但是真正学会的东西却和付出差了很多,通过这门课程极大的改变了我的 学习方法,提升的我的学习效率,这对生活方方面面都是有很大帮助的,在实践这些方法的时候我也将进一步的理解这些方法。谢谢两位和蔼的老师,谢谢这里的工作人员!
By luoyang
•Oct 29, 2019
By jinxiu
•Nov 30, 2016
very great lecture , i love it , and i am trying to use it everyday, actually I recommend lots of my friends to learn this lecture.
By Jason L
•May 22, 2016
Before your mooc learning-journey,this great course may lead you to a brilliant place! Appreciating all the great educators here!
By Deleted A
•Oct 9, 2016
This is a very useful and attracting course, and I will use all the skills I learned from it every time I learn some new things.
By Titus H
•May 11, 2022
By 王庆港
•Sep 25, 2017
自己平时不怎么总结学习方法,总觉得有些学习好的同学或学习能力强的个人肯定有一套经过检验的方法,而这些方法技巧在某些方面是符合增强认知以及神经科学研究的。这门课程就是讲这些你从未总结过或已经使用却不知道原理的学习技巧和方法原理。你会恍然大悟 ,原来是这样!
By Liu t
•Dec 18, 2017
Very helpful courses to learn about human brain and does it work, through which we can vastly improve our learning efficiency.
By natalie l
•May 27, 2017
It really changed some points I used to think about learning. And I'll try to practice what I have learned. Thanks very much.
By fyz7891
•Jul 27, 2021
Very useful course! Learning skills, Principile of brain thinking,chunk of knowledge, i need more time to absorb knowledge😄
By 乔丽媛
•Jun 6, 2019
感谢 Dr. Barbara Oakley和 Dr. Terrence Sejnowski,非常亲切,也非常专业,把很难的脑科学和学习理论教的非常通俗易懂,方便理解且方便记忆。这门课让我受益匪浅,非常感谢制作这课程的各位,课程非常棒!