Jun 9, 2021
This course is a good start for getting into industry with RF Design background. The modules are well planned and explained. Loved Dr. Baltus' way of teaching. Thanks for this opportunity!
Jun 7, 2021
I liked the course and was hooked to finish it, it was impossible for me to carry out the design tasks due to living in Argentina and not having access to the components easily.
By Martin F
•Aug 20, 2021
Overall, I can strongly recommend this course to everybody who wants to learn the basics of RF circuit design and/or to understand what kind of impairments can be caused in an analog frontend. I'm a digital communications engineer and I could learn a lot about the RF frontend design and especially related impairments. Overall, the course gives a nice overview, but, for my taste, it somtimes leaves a bit too large gap between the top-level concept oriented lectures and the practical asignments. Since my analog circuit design background is quite limited and dates back more than 10 years to my first years at university, I had a somewhat hard time to put the learned theory in to practice.
By rishabh s
•Jun 10, 2021
This course is a good start for getting into industry with RF Design background. The modules are well planned and explained. Loved Dr. Baltus' way of teaching. Thanks for this opportunity!
By Ricardo Z
•Oct 31, 2023
This is a very interesting course, I've enjoyed pretty much. I think, It's a course not for beginners, you must have very strong foundations.
By Ali M
•Mar 5, 2023
II have a nenew knowledge regarding Function and description Amplifier RF, mixer and OscillatorOscillator on milimeter design.
By Abdul H
•Sep 2, 2022
an excellent course on RF circuit component designing with a profound backgroud theory and literature.
By Sergio O
•Oct 10, 2022
Muy buen curso. Explicado al detalle. Recomendado
By Yakub A S
•Mar 1, 2022
Certificate is not free. Where is the certificate?
By Julio M
•Feb 28, 2024
Prof. Baltus makes an excellent job with the lectures he provides. They are fun, clear but sufficiently profound to make you think about the ins and outs of this technology. The references are also very good. Finally, just mention that practical assignments were tough for me (they are not mandatory though). Highly recommended course!
By John S
•Jan 8, 2022
Excellent course. The only remark I have is that sometimes the quizes referred knowledge only presented in the exercise solutions. I would expect that the exercise and watching the solution would be done after the theory and quizes, but in this case you might be unable to answer some quiz questions.
By Mohammed R A
•Mar 10, 2022
It was the best course that I have enrolled in, It helped me to go well in my job and gave my deep understanding and high level of knowledge in RF Circuit Design, All thanks to the university and the instructors, and for sure to Coursera and Syrian Youth Assembly
By Lefteris L
•Apr 17, 2023
Really loved this course. Very useful lectures and well described. The recommended literature is also "to the point" on the subjects discussed, and provides a lot of future work for all of us that want to delve into the subject of RF electronics.
By adnanaftab
•Dec 6, 2022
Amazing course! Found it extremely informative and useful. Although I am still working on practical assignments but if you follow through with Razavi's book it is way better than taught at other universities around the world.
Thank you,
Adnan Aftab
By Jos G
•May 18, 2022
I learned a lot from this course. The instruction was very clear.
Because I did not do the practical exercises myself, the demonstration
of them was helpful. The exercises were to the point and doable.
By Priyank K S
•Mar 31, 2021
Wonderful experience...just one suggestion the simulation software employed is a bit complicated, other alternatives such as LTSPICE is better in terms of simplicity. Overall a great learning experience.
By Cristian L
•Jun 8, 2021
I liked the course and was hooked to finish it, it was impossible for me to carry out the design tasks due to living in Argentina and not having access to the components easily.
By Devashrutha S
•Sep 13, 2024
Very informative and provides hands-on experience in the actual implementation of the various RF transceiver blocks at the software and hardware level.
By Ricardo N
•Jun 27, 2021
Very nice and well structured course. The professor is very enthusiastic and entertaining and the content is presented in a very clear and simple way.
By Vincenzo C
•Apr 15, 2022
Very useful to review and learn new things. Very Good Professors, lessons organization and timeline adapt to study with job, thanks!
By Michael D
•Feb 15, 2025
Gained (no pun intended) a lot of insight! Really usefull for my next adventures in RF design
By Archideb S
•Aug 4, 2022
This course is very student-friendly yet deep. I'll definitely keep coming back for revision.
By kusuma N
•Jun 9, 2022
i need to review this course in a further while. I am thanking you for your time and consern.
By Robert R
•Feb 22, 2022
It was great course on RF design and the lab is very practical with hands-on involvment.
By 莎羅康蒂
•Sep 12, 2022
The course was well-designed and the lecturers were very resilient and well-informed.
By Rahul S
•Sep 6, 2023
Great effort by Prof. More such courses on RFIC/ Analog IC are the need of the hour.
By Pat B
•Aug 26, 2021
A goof course that covers system design through oscillator and PLL implementation.