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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Recovering the Humankind's Past and Saving the Universal Heritage by Sapienza University of Rome

296 ratings

About the Course

Archaeology is, among human sciences, the discipline with the strongest importance for the rediscovery, but also for the preservation and protection of cultural heritage, as Humankind’s universal patrimony. You will be introduced to the way we ourselves reflect on and are engaged with the study of human past: from the practical and material recovery of ancient traces in the field to the study and interpretation. On the other hand, the discovery of human past implies the correct conservation and presentation for both experts and general public: the study and protection of the past we share every day prevent from any possible destruction, misuse, abuse and thus cancellation of human memory. “Recovering the Humankind's Past and Saving the Universal Heritage” presents to a large public Archaeology as a historical discipline: through an inter-disciplinary perspective you will follow the evolution and change of archaeology to the moment when natural sciences contributed to make the historical reconstructions scientifically sound; the aid of informatics and of virtual reconstructions gives new fascination to the already strong suggestion of Archaeology, as the discipline of discovery par excellence. Within this frame, Ebla, which is the glory of the Sapienza school of Oriental archaeology, will have an exemplary meaning in the course development as a long lasting experience on the field and an excellent example of the scientific results of combined researches and disciplines. Moreover, the course will focus on actual, innovative instruments to preserve, monitor and give value to cultural heritage through a multidisciplinary approach, based on a deep archaeological and historical knowledge but also on ICT technologies. The wide adoption of ICT technologies in our daily life is also impacting in the way in which we interact with our cultural heritage in particular in terms of preservation and dissemination of cultural objects. In this course you will learn the basic techniques to digitize cultural objects and obtain 3D digital copies of a physical objects such as statues, vases or archaeological sites. We will also discuss how to structure the raw data in order to facilitate and make effective the access to digital contents. In particular, we will present the European Data Model, a framework for collecting, connecting and enriching data on cultural objects provided by a number of museum, archives, sites and libraries in Europe....

Top reviews


Dec 19, 2024

I enjoy this course because I can easily keep up with all of the course material because of the lecturer's good explanations. Thank you so much for making this course! I love it


Mar 26, 2022

Attending this course really helped me a lot. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the preparation and presentation of the course.

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1 - 25 of 89 Reviews for Recovering the Humankind's Past and Saving the Universal Heritage

By Mary O

Oct 8, 2021

What an excellent course that nourishes a beginner with well defined knowledge to love the course!

By Ada G

Jun 4, 2020

Very difficult to understand the below-standard Italian pronunciation of English, the transcriptors obviously had the same problem as the transcripts are below-standard too.

It has not been made clear to me that the course is from 2014. As the second part deals with digital technology it makes that whole section outdated.

The content is very interesting and the course can still be made valuable with significant improvements.

By Rafi R

Feb 12, 2019

It is beneficiary for both excavation and preserving the heritage related artifects.

By Amal A E I

Sep 2, 2018

it is really useful and amazing , I enjoyed this course so much

By Jennifer L

Jun 19, 2020

The material is interesting but the poor English makes it difficult to understand. I am understanding of the fact that English is not the native language of the instructors, but even the quizzes were at times incomprehensible, which makes it difficult to determine the correct response.

By Kerry H

Mar 29, 2020

I found the videos a bit hard to follow because of the (in some cases) heavily accented English used, and the transcript had some errors, which just made it a bit more complicated than usual to easily follow the lessons.

By Helene P

Jun 30, 2017

Very hard to understand, not only the accent but subtitles are wrong, and they use too many "complicated" words that don't really make sense together (sentences are way too long and by the end you forgot what it was all about). Also this course hasn't been changed or followed by the teachers or the university for ages, and the "team" work they ask us to do to complete the course is then just impossible to do. The content seemed interesting though, but I stopped after 3 weeks. I might come back if it's improved.

By Vanessa M

Jun 25, 2020

A Charming and enriching course, mixing past and present approaches, ideologies and techniques of archeology. Thank you very much for the opportunity of participating

By Jorge A A E

May 25, 2018

Excellent course material. Very Interesting and easy to follow.

By Jeanne C

May 30, 2017

I enjoyed this course but sometimes found it a challenge to understand what the lecturers were saying because of the accent present when speaking English. However, I am nonetheless thankful that this course was available because I learned quite a lot about efforts to save our universal heritage. Thank you!

By Katrina S

May 5, 2018

I love Archaeology and really enjoy learning about it but, It's hard to understand the speaker, due to his immensely thick accent.

By Md. A M

Sep 4, 2023

This course is undeniably invaluable for both seasoned archaeologists and individuals captivated by the realm of archaeology. It brilliantly encapsulates the essence of archaeology, history, and the profound significance that lies within the preservation and conservation of both archaeological and non-historical monuments.

The course stands as a testament to meticulous craftsmanship in its presentation of intricate concepts, seamlessly weaving together the threads of archaeology and history. It masterfully navigates through the annals of time, unraveling the tales hidden beneath layers of soil and history's embrace. Moreover, its unwavering dedication to illuminating the necessity and methodologies employed in safeguarding these precious remnants of our past is truly commendable.

In extending my deepest gratitude, I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to every individual who poured their expertise and passion into the creation of this course. Their dedication shines through in every module, making this journey of exploration not only enlightening but also profoundly enriching. This course serves as a guiding light for all who seek to comprehend the intricacies of our shared human heritage, and I am truly thankful for the remarkable learning experience it has provided.

By Ana P F

Mar 24, 2022

The course is very good I will recommend it to family and friends! I would like to take the opportunity to take this course! For me, taking this course was a challenge, the hardest part was using English, because in Brazil we use Portuguese. Regarding the content, it was very accessible and I learned a little more about an area that is very accessible! The reviews were well thought out. I took the free course, that is, without a certificate, how can I get the certificate?

By Paola F

May 22, 2020

I have always been interested in Archaeology. Indeed, it is a passion of mine, and it was one of the courses of study I considered when I enrolled in University. Thanks to this beautiful and well-structured course, finally I had the chance to better "actualize" the knowledge I already had. In particular, since I am very curious about the digitization of artifacts (i.e. 3D reconstructions), the sections dedicated to them were very helpful to understand this process.

By Sierra

Feb 3, 2021

This class doesn't just cover the physical basics of archaeology, but prepares you for archaeological research and discoveries future in the digital era.

I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys learning about the most ancient of worlds and wants to continue the very important legacy of archiving and documenting archaeological research.


Jun 8, 2021

Gracias por el curso, es una muy buena instancia para profundizar en contenidos relacionados con la preservación del patrimonio cultural en el mundo, así como una oportunidad de conocer las principales aportaciones de la ciencia arqueológica a la protección de la historia universal y de las culturas locales.

By Alejandra L P

Jan 3, 2021

A complete course for those that seek an introduction and state-of-art in matters of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. I'm someone starting from scratch in this matter and this course offered me the best of introductions and basis I could ever ask for for an online course.

By Tony a E L

Sep 2, 2020

I consider this course to be exceptional. Of the four professors, Doctor Paolo Matthiaes was the most informative and challenging. I learned a great deal about modern archaeology and methods, as well as the comparisons with past methodologies in archaeological research.

By La G R D d m U

Oct 18, 2020

Uno encuentra mucha información, y muy buena predisposición en los cursos, la verdad que esta bueno porque van al hueso de los paradigmas de la arqueología, y enseñan de una manera muy compacta todas las etapas de la enseñanza sobre la materia.

By Maurizio P

May 11, 2022

Muchas gracias por esta oportunidad de estudiar on line.

Fue un trabajo muy arduo pero lo hice de corazon con gusto porque siempre estuve apasionado de archeologia y por fin ho logrado a esta mi pequena satisfacción personal.

By Laura H

Apr 6, 2021

Awesome teachers. Their methods, especially in the last sections that emphasize in online resources are accurate for the challenges that us as students and future researchers will have to face in order to achieve our goals.

By Cemile T

Nov 24, 2020

As an archaeologist, I've consolidated and also updated my current knowledge on cultural heritage. I highly recommend to take up this course even if you are not a professional. İt expands ones horrizons. Much obliged!

By Marcos R d S M

Sep 24, 2016

I sensational. this was my first course on line, and I believe that will be the first of many. The didactic, the materials, the implementation of activities, the platform. excellent. I liked very much. Thank you all

By Viviane d O

May 7, 2020

I've really liked this course, simply over my expectations... I had to stop for a while due to my work, but it was wonderful to restart and close this learning.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity

By Christos T

Mar 15, 2016

I already have an master`s degree in archaeology and this course provides a great course and insight in digital archaeology. The one thing i missed from this course was several weeks with photogrammetry.