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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being by University of Pennsylvania

832 ratings

About the Course

You are encouraged to take the first four courses of the Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization before starting this course and completing the Specialization Project. This course, taught by Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman brings all the key concepts from the first four courses to practice as you develop and test a new positive intervention for an audience of your choice. You identify opportunities in your daily life to increase the wellbeing by using knowledge you developed in the first four courses of the Specialization. In this final project, you evaluate the efficacy of a positive intervention based on subjective and objective measures. Then, you compare how empirical and non-empirically-based positive interventions can be applied to influence a person's wellbeing. Lastly, you reflect on how the fundamental elements of research methods are important in the everyday application of positive psychology. After completing all five courses, learners earn a certificate signed by Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman, Dr. James Pawelski, Dr. Angela Duckworth, Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft and Dr. Karen Reivich....

Top reviews


Mar 10, 2018

A thought provoking workshop. How mental illness can be the lack, opposite or excess of our strengths. I enjoyed delving more into strengths and also having to come up with a positive intervention.


May 6, 2018

To all the lecturers and moderators thank you, thank you, thank you. I have found purpose and resilience and now I will start working on areas that I need to deve

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1 - 25 of 202 Reviews for Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being

By Phoebe H

Oct 8, 2017

Qualification: this is my judgment of this course after having done the entire Positive Psychology Specialization in order.

Very little content. It mostly consists of repeated content from the other courses in the specialization. Some of the interviews are new and useful, but ultimately all the content is very short-lived and repetitive. Also, many of the peer-review assignments had rubrics that didn't really match the prompt, and felt rotten. The way an assignment is graded should not come as a surprise. Grading hard is good, but only if it's fair.

My suggestions for this course:

- The course needs to use only unique content, and it was short on content already. Otherwise it's just a waste of time and money. It didn't take much time to do anything and I didn't get much out of the course that I didn't already get from an earlier course.

- The peer assignment prompts need to match the rubrics used to grade them (this was most noticeable for the last two weeks). Otherwise the peer grading won't matter at all.

- There was too little time to judge the intervention. Developing and using the intervention should happen in the first week. Maybe if there's enough time, we could actually try out a peer's intervention!

By Yuan L

Jun 14, 2017

A little disappointed with the absence of depth of this final module. Quite a few sections were a repeat of the earlier modules making this module a little redundant. I also find the instructions of the assignments could be made clearer.

By Duncan C F

May 21, 2020

This is a fun, engaging, educational, celebratory, culmination to the 5 courses. it builds upon the previous 4 courses and assumes that you have knowledge acquired in them. It is, perhaps surprisingly, perhaps appropriately, the easiest of the five, if you have already completed the previous 4. it nevertheless is deep and educational, and allows you to use your knowledge to develop your own positive intervention into your own life. Like the previous coursed, you can put as much time in as you want, and the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. I am so grateful to the entire faculty and support staff for offering this 5 course certificate program. it has been a truly positive, truly life changing program for me. 5 stars all around!

By Susan M M

Jul 26, 2017

I would absolutely recommend this course for everyone. It can be beneficial professionally and personally. It is well-researched. It is interesting. It is filled with inspiration and tools. Angela Duckworth is a charming and positive teacher. It is also great to be taught by such a top figure in Positive Psychology - Martin Seligman. I have scores of books from the library in my home to continue my education - these were gleaned from the references of these courses. The assignments were just right - requiring thoughtfulness and stretching. In fact, these were some of my favorite assignments. I am a frequent user of Coursera. I would recommend that the course work be scored by three students and averaged - rather than by one student. Using one student only can be a bit weak and skewed in both directions. I would also like a required comment on the assignment scoring. I have experienced both of these in other Coursera classes. I learned a good deal by scoring the assignments - and I am delighted that there is little or no limit in that direction. This is the first Special Project paid course set that I have taken. I am quite pleased. Thank you.


Dec 4, 2018

Estou muito feliz em terminar a especialização, se este curso não estivesse disponível na internet (Coursera), isso não teria sido possível e por isso estou muito grato à Universidade da Pensilvânia e também a este excelente canal de aprendizado, o Cousera. .

Este é um curso de excelência pela sua qualidade didática e excepcional equipe de professores!

A oportunidade de estudar com alguém que está na vanguarda da Psicologia Positiva me honra muito.

Obrigado, meu admirável professor Martin Seligman.

By Charl F

May 7, 2018

To all the lecturers and moderators thank you, thank you, thank you. I have found purpose and resilience and now I will start working on areas that I need to deve

By Dr H Q

Dec 31, 2017

Well I think this course is life transforming. It is taught by the worlds best, uses best online course delivery methods, and can be taken at your own place. I do suggest that some downloadable material may be provided to students so that they may keep reviewing it. Overall, a pleasurable experience!

By Lisa A K

Jun 28, 2017

Fantastic! This course is the most interesting of all in the specialization! The theory from Chris Peterson on mental illness as an excess or absence of signature strengths is absolutely fascinating, and I completely enjoyed this course! Highly recommend!

By Steve L

Jan 19, 2022

This was a really good course because it forced me out of my comfort zone and made me design an intervention with myself that I really did not feel like doing, but because it was a course requirement, I did it, and I am so glad that I did.

By Srihari B

Sep 16, 2017

By far the best and most practical course I have ever taken. The study of PP is so relevant to the times that we live that it can make a difference to your own life and lives that you can touch by accentuating the positive

By Yasmin A

Mar 11, 2018

A thought provoking workshop. How mental illness can be the lack, opposite or excess of our strengths. I enjoyed delving more into strengths and also having to come up with a positive intervention.

By Ágota K

Aug 27, 2017

The full specialization was amazing! I have learnt a lot, I have flourished, I have got a lot of inspirations for my private and work life. Thank you.

By Samah A

Nov 5, 2018

Taking this course will help you understand your emotions such as happiness and hope, and how to apply this understanding to improve quality of life.

By Karolina K

Aug 5, 2019

This is a very good course in an excellent specialisation. Granted, the material could be organised a little better, but the results are something to behold anyway.

By Sarah D S

Jun 10, 2020

I found it rather badly structured, and more of a general advertisement for the VIA classification than an actual course. Also, having the 30-sec introduction at the beginning and end of every single video (no matter how short) was quite annoying. I haven't learned as much as I was hoping, but all in all it was interesting.

By Tom L

Feb 1, 2021

By far the weakest course of this specialization, sadly. I found the other four moocs very inspiring. This one is a bit repetetive and does not dive into details, thus it is less inspiring. Still it's a good guided mooc to create ones own positive interventions, adressing your personal shortcomings.

By Vicky D

Mar 3, 2018

I really liked designing a positive intervention but the videos were taken from the other courses. I would have expected new information. Listening to the same videos for a second time is boring and does not add to the learning experience. Rehearsal is ok, but not the exact same thing.

By Danya S

Feb 13, 2019

I liked the practical assignments. There was a lot of repitition from other courses in this specialization, so that was less enjoyable. Overall a wonderful series of courses and I am very happy I took them.

By Dominik W

Sep 2, 2018

Starts good, in the last two modules I felt more and more watching a playlist on youtube just to fill the time of the module

By Eric L B

Apr 26, 2019

not as well structured as the others and some of the lectures are lifted from other courses.

By Steve O

Jul 14, 2019

It was a useful summary of many of the positive interventions and research skills.

By Печенкина А А

May 22, 2020

There was no anything new except the idea of pathology.

By Jigar V

May 6, 2021

The specialization was not really a major one. It felt that a series of videos from all the other 4 courses were put together for this one. The video on Positive Intervention and the assignment there off for Week 3 seemed to have absolutely no connect.

This could have been incorporated with the Positive Intervention specialization itself than creating a 5th part altogether. Also the course is uploaded in 2013 - a lot of time has passed by and the team from UPenn and Coursera must make an attempt to refine the knowledge, the links and the information herein.

By Verónica M

May 17, 2020

Disappointing ending to an otherwise wonderful course. The order of the videos and material doesn't seem right, and most are just repeated from the other courses in the Specialization, despite being very clear that this one must be last. Also, instructions for work are not clear, and only once it has been submitted you come to realize what you will be graded upon.

By Andee G

Dec 8, 2019

The information in this course was poorly organized. Assignments given were based on information given in later parts and the videos were repetitive through out the course and some ended in weird places. It seemed like it was thrown together to complete the specialization.