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Learner Reviews & Feedback for 用 Python 做商管程式設計(一)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (1)) by National Taiwan University

881 ratings

About the Course

本系列課程從零開始,教授一般認為最適合初學者的程式語言「Python」,目標是讓大家在完成本課程之後,一方面獲得程式設計與運算思維的基本概念,一方面也能獨立寫出能解決運算問題的程式。本課程和一般程式設計課程最不同的地方,在於它是以解決商管領域的運算問題為導向,因此課程不會只含有質因數分解、紅球白球排列組合、三角不等式、萬年曆、數字排序等傳統程式設計課程的範例與作業,而是包含了生產、物流、存貨、投資、定價等問題,讓大家在學會程式設計的同時,也直接體會程式設計與資訊技術在商管領域的各種應用。 本系列課程共分為三門課程。本門課程做為第一門課程,將介紹程式設計的基本觀念、Python 語言的基本語法、選擇、迴圈、清單,並以作業管理領域的一些簡單演算法作結。...

Top reviews


Jun 22, 2018



Dec 13, 2019

A fantastic resource for python beginner learner. I will recommend to all entries level people who wanna learn python.

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1 - 25 of 194 Reviews for 用 Python 做商管程式設計(一)(Programming for Business Computing in Python (1))

By Peter C

Jul 7, 2018

The course is useful. I enjoyed solving the practice quizzes, though it took a long time trying and debugging.

By Ya F H

Jun 22, 2018


By Yockey C

Mar 3, 2019


By 王光維

Aug 5, 2018

import math

n = int(input())

p = int(input())

d = int(input())

#print(n, p, d)

TownInfor = []

for i in range(n):


for j in range(3):

TownInfor[i][j] = int(TownInfor[i][j])


TownDst = []

for i in range(n):


for j in range(n):

DstSquare = (TownInfor[i][0] - TownInfor[j][0]) ** 2 + (TownInfor[i][1] - TownInfor[j][1]) ** 2

TownDst[i].append(float("%.2f" % math.sqrt(DstSquare)))

#for EveryRowInTownDst in TownDst:


NumBase = 0

TotalPopInThisArea = 0

TownPriority = []

TotalCoverPop = 0

for i in range(n):

TotalPopInThisArea += TownInfor[i][2]

while NumBase < p or TotalPopInThisArea < TotalCoverPop:

BestTown = 0

MaxSumOfPop = 0

for i in range(n):

SumOfPop = 0

for j in range(n):

if float(TownDst[i][j]) <= float(d):

SumOfPop += TownInfor[j][2]

if MaxSumOfPop < SumOfPop:

BestTown = i

MaxSumOfPop = SumOfPop

#print(BestTown, MaxSumOfPop)

TownPriority.append(BestTown + 1)

TotalCoverPop += MaxSumOfPop

for i in range(BestTown, BestTown + 1):

for j in range(n):

if float(TownDst[i][j]) <= float(d):

TownInfor[j][2] = 0


NumBase += 1

print(TownPriority, TotalCoverPop)

By 政霖 賴

Sep 22, 2018





By 張天恩

Feb 20, 2020


By 楊東翰

Sep 2, 2020


By ふみたけ

Nov 11, 2021

講課非常好測試題有一定挑戰,但難度恰到好處。 除了日本語以外,我上了英語的,而這次是第一次上漢語的python課程。 果然是兼聽則明,收穫良多。謝謝孔老師!(來自日本)

By Albert L

Nov 11, 2018



Oct 3, 2020

This course makes learner understand how Python language applying to business environment. And, the course is good for beginner who is 0 knowledge about Pyhton.

By 楊鎮維

Jul 1, 2021


By 連恩

Feb 25, 2021


By Ethen W

Dec 14, 2019

A fantastic resource for python beginner learner. I will recommend to all entries level people who wanna learn python.

By Ching-Yu C

Feb 26, 2022

Really appreciate for the course, it is very helpful and kind for the people who want to start their programming.

By 宗聖 諸

May 7, 2018

It is very helpful for the people who is the first time used python!! Very nice and detailed explained.

By Peter K

May 21, 2020


By chin h l

Aug 2, 2021

It is good course to study and learn python programs. Maybe it is a little difficulty for me to finish the homework in 30minutes, but I really like to introduce this course to the first learning program person. This course would help you to deeply understand the python and encourage you to try different ways to solve problems. Finally, I should appreciate Dr. Kung for teaching detail and complete course.

By Kate K

Jun 13, 2021

The course literally fits for everyone, really a good start for people not in computing majors. I didn't really have any programming experience before this (my short C++ course in college 20 yrs ago doesn't count as I didn't really have a chance to write a code). So, it was a real struggle to get through the exams. I am glad that I finally did it.

By 阮建融

Aug 10, 2023

Very useful skills and practical applications for Python learning! Especially for beginners, it's good for users to learn preliminary Python programming knowledge in this course teached by the professor

By 蕭郁恬

Oct 27, 2019

The lecture is clear and comprehesive.

The only thing, which is a little annoying is that the lecture is mixed with Chinese and English words.

It's really uncomfortable to hear someone talking like this.

By 莊淑君

Jan 7, 2022

this course is very comprehensive and easy to learn. and the quiz is challenging for me but it also made me more familiar with utilizing python language. I recommend this course to others!!

By 陳柏銘

Aug 18, 2022

Highly recommend to the very beginner or you want to solidate python skill from atomic concepts. The Instructor is good at transforming the content into friendly examples.