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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I) by Johns Hopkins University

1,486 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will be able develop a systems view for patient safety and quality improvement in healthcare. By then end of this course, you will be able to: 1) Describe a minimum of four key events in the history of patient safety and quality improvement, 2) define the key characteristics of high reliability organizations, and 3) explain the benefits of having strategies for both proactive and reactive systems thinking....

Top reviews


Mar 5, 2021

I have a learned a lot from this course of which I can share and apply in my current workplace to be able to make a difference to how we practice and performed our clinical duties at work. Thank you


Aug 6, 2021

Very good course. This course provides useful basic information about quality and safety in healthcare. The course content is very clear so it is easy to understand. Thank you so much...

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1 - 25 of 321 Reviews for Patient Safety and Quality Improvement: Developing a Systems View (Patient Safety I)

By Made S 1


Aug 7, 2021

Very good course. This course provides useful basic information about quality and safety in healthcare. The course content is very clear so it is easy to understand. Thank you so much...



Feb 15, 2019

Indeed the facilitators have really done well in delivery of the content, I will organize all my friends to enroll in the course. You are indeed doing a wonderful job. Kudos to you guys.

By Dr. M F K O


Aug 14, 2018

the course content was very clear and organized

the lecturer was great. take my attention form the beginning to the end

maybe it needs only to add some case studies videos

By Alexis A


Jun 2, 2019

I really learned more than what I’ve expected and desired on patient safety and quality improvement.

By K.N. S


May 28, 2018

All the courses in the Patient Safety specialization are very informative and up to a certain level that you would expect. The first two courses do not have a grading system depending on peer reviews and is great for people with a time limit. I myself am a medical professional working as PA, and found the content highly interesting and applicable in real life settings. recommended for professionals in the field!

By Michael S M M


Jun 12, 2020

I really enjoyed each lesson, I felt so comfortable with lectures coming from such professors. My goal is complete the full specialization in order to excel my career. Thanks Coursera.

By Riley K


Jan 22, 2020

This was an excellent course to provide anyone who works in a healthcare field with the skills to improve their entire organization and reduce preventable harm to patients.

By Jael G


Mar 20, 2018


By Maria M


Mar 4, 2018

The only topic I think needs improvement is in proactive security actions. In the course they did not talk about actions regarding hazard notifications (risk circumstances) and continuous improvement in surveillance of safety practices, which I believe to be Proactive actions. The rest of the course wonderful. extremely didactic, dynamic, and engaging. Congratulations to the authors and staff.

By Leo M


Feb 17, 2018

I greatly enjoyed this course. It supplied a tremendous amount of up-to-date information on the healthcare setting, its problems and statistics. One of the most interesting aspects of this course were the factual statistics provided. The information learned allowed me to think outside the box when it pertains to issues and problems within the healthcare setting.

By Jeff P


Nov 1, 2018

I recently joined a health care organization in an administrative services function. This course enabled me to understand complexities of patient safety and key concepts for reducing error through a systems thinking approach. I believe it will help me communication better, and collaborate, with our professionals in all disciplines.

By Michael M F


Jun 2, 2019

I liked the course so much. The materials were well prepared and the instructors' explanation were magnificent. I totally recommend this course for all health care professionals especially those interested in a career related to patient safety.

By Alban R T


Mar 6, 2021

I have a learned a lot from this course of which I can share and apply in my current workplace to be able to make a difference to how we practice and performed our clinical duties at work. Thank you

By Florence T


Jul 23, 2019

This course has given deeper insight into the patient safety management concepts for beginner! Thanks to the instructors!

By Jonathan H


Mar 16, 2018

It is very usefull and it explains how to solve the problems and the errors that are occuring in the helathcare sector .

By Uche E


Apr 12, 2019

This course has been helpful and I'm glad to have been able to gain more knowledge and applications through this course

By Mohammad A Q


Dec 18, 2019

It was a very informative course. The topics were discussed in a very simple way. The concepts were explained with

By Richard C


Jul 8, 2018

Excellent course! I am researching Highly Reliable Organizations and this course provided valuable insights.

By Luiz N


Nov 22, 2019

Systematic evaluation of possible errors and constant reassessment of improvement in quality of care

By Jennifer N


Feb 4, 2018

looking for more detailed approach to tackling QI projects in healthcare. this was a very basic overview.

By Grace S T


Nov 8, 2020

The contents of the video were simple and easy to understand. The layout was excellent. The more important concepts were highlighted. The quiz items were all in the videos but we just have to be more keen with the information. I was not able to score higher during the first week because I was not able to see that we can take the quiz three times every eight hours but it's all right. I was not able to get the required readings through some links provided in this course but I was able to get the materials through scanning the discussions and I found that someone posted a ink to the materials needed and I'm very thankful of that. I hope this course would be easily available in many hospitals and institutions, especially here in the Philippines. Patient safety here in the Philippines is poor (I experienced it firsthand) and I hope many would be able to commit to improve patient safety everywhere. I was able to attend this course through a scholarship grant and I'm very thankful of it. This course resonated to what I have in mind back when I was in the hospital (we're currently doing online work due to COVID pandemic and we, postgraduate interns, are going back to the hospital this January 2021) and I hope I could really share this relevant information to the hospital I'm in.

By Aedrian A


Jan 26, 2021

I feel that I learned a lot about care safety and quality simply by taking this relatively short course. The material establishes the history and baseline lexicon & concepts through which patient safety and quality improvement can be furthered. Being exposed to the hospital setting, I am painfully aware of the problems in healthcare raised in this offering. Fortunately, the course "raised" my standards for what should be considered acceptable in health service delivery, and I have started questioning a lot of the elements in the hospital care that I previously assumed to be "normal" and "unchangeable." Perhaps the most important takeaway I got from this course is that all safety and quality problems in the hospital (or in any institution that takes care of patients) are all systems problems, rather than those due to a mere single discrete participant or component of those systems.

By Yasir Q M


Nov 1, 2020

I am a Healthcare Professional by profession and have worked in many public and private sector institutions. It helped me a lot and I learnt great ideas especially in the Patient Safety.

The only topic I think needs improvement is in proactive security actions. In the course they did not talk about actions regarding hazard notifications (risk circumstances) and continuous improvement in surveillance of safety practices, which I believe to be Proactive actions. The rest of the course wonderful. extremely didactic, dynamic, and engaging. Congratulations to the authors and staff.

By Roaa K


Jun 7, 2020

This course is definitely one of the top courses in patient safety, for beginners. The course content has valuable information in simple language that is easy to absorb, especially if you know nothing about patient safety. If you are a beginner, I highly recommend giving it a try as the content of the course is simple, straight forward, and easy to absorb. I also recommend completing this course first and then try the IHI open school courses as this course serves as a bridge to the IHI courses.

By Yasmin M M


Jul 8, 2020

The course content was more than amazing and it has given me a lot of important information regarding patient safety except for one problem that i found is essential to be told. As for my modest experience, all the course's weeks were smooth and nice except for week 3 which ,although contained really important and useful information, should have been explained in a more detailed way .I found it more difficult to understand than the other weeks mostly because it needed more detailed lecturing.