Oct 25, 2023
This course has been of great impact on my understanding to particle physics, also it draws the path to me in order to go further in this field, I highly recommend it. Special thanks to the teachers.
Aug 4, 2017
Challenging at first for someone with a non-traditional academic background, but thoroughly enjoyable and worth completing, if nothing but for the personal satisfaction of getting through it!
By radha k m v
•May 26, 2020
I have learned a lot of knowledge about elementary particles. Thank you very much to team of professors, university of Geneva and Coursera.
By Alex G
•May 30, 2019
This was a very fun and interesting course. This course can be very confusing at times but the instructors do explain things very well and in an easy to understand way.
By 李宁
•Oct 22, 2017
这是一个非常好的课程,使我对于粒子物理有了更加深刻的认识,Thank you, greeting from China, I very want to visit CERN, but I do not have enough money and time, I can not reach but I wish,虽不能至,心向往之
By Daniel N G
•May 26, 2019
I loved it. High level and very well explained.
Nevertheless, two weeks are hihgly charged compared with others, I think spreading some of the content would be great.
By Vishesh V
•Jun 16, 2020
Being my first course on the domain of prime interest to me, I enjoyed each module as they were both diverse and still play a unique part of the subject as a whole.
•Sep 17, 2023
The best course from the best of the best. However, calling it introduction is underselling it. This course is beyond introductory level. Excellent. Thank you all.
By Isabella E
•Nov 22, 2021
Good course as an introduction to particle physics, it is not too technical. I also appreciated that there are videos dedicated to explain the experiments as CERN.
By James H
•May 8, 2020
Extremely interesting course, but you will need to be ready to persevere with the mathematics if you do not at least have an A level understanding of physics/maths
By Mohamed S A
•Jul 14, 2020
This course, in general, it might be considered as a very useful preliminary step to know the basic notions of both theoretical and experimental particle physics.
By Carlos I S
•Jan 21, 2020
Is an absolute great course if you love physics and want to know more about relativity, some quantum basic and advanced stuff, also the teachers are very nice.
•May 27, 2020
The course provided me a great oppurtunity to learn many aspects about Physics laws. Thanks for the instructors for providing me this valuable oppurtunity.
By Andres G P T
•Mar 28, 2021
It was a great course I have learned many things about particles physics, I hope to used these concept in my field, thank you so much dear professors !
By Phaninder E
•Aug 13, 2017
excellent course i foresee further courses regarding this subject in coursera and i really like doing successive courses from university of the Geneva
By د. ج ا
•Jun 1, 2023
It is very, very useful and gives you a broad knowledge of particle physics... I liked the tours they gave to research centers in Europe very much.
By Qaisar A
•Nov 8, 2022
Great learning opportunity. Thanks to instructors for being so nice and providing an everlasting learning experience related to Particle Physics.
By narasimha s a
•Jul 14, 2020
My conceptual understanding has improved a lot after taking this wonderful introductory course. I recommend my students to take this course.
By Shankaranarayanan G
•Sep 5, 2017
Gave a good outline of particle physics. I am still fuzzy about many aspects and would like to redo the course. How do I restart a course?
By Rick O
•Oct 25, 2022
Very, very informative, It encouraged me to dive deeper into the field of particle physics. It was challenging and peaked my interest.
By Kainat Q
•Jul 12, 2021
Outstanding way to get knowledge......
I love it.....
Can i get certificate without any cost? This is because I can't afford.
By Kumaresh A
•May 31, 2020
It's really upgrade my knowledge on Particle Physics.
The way of teaching was excellent. My hearty thanks to both the professor's.
By Sarojchoudhary
•Jun 14, 2020
a very good platform for making a good intrest in this field and also gainig good knowledge.
thank you so much to all team.
By Girinath
•Aug 27, 2020
Amazing Course even for an Undergraduate only you would have to use a textbook and know quantum mechanics and reativity .
By Pawan B
•Mar 18, 2021
I feel the course is fundamental part of Particle Physics. Very happily and wisely invested time and worth of learning.
By Himanshu J
•Oct 8, 2020
By Anton L
•Apr 7, 2020
Very good but fairly though course. Martin Pohl is an excellent lecturer and the lecture material is very well written.