May 15, 2021
Good teaching style with step by step guidance. Thanks for the connecting high school math (that I learned many years ago) to real life context. I look forward to the next course.
May 19, 2023
I love the calmness and the fact the course was detailed and concise as possible. Professor Soumya Sen is a great teacher.
By Frederick K A
•Feb 19, 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed this Coursera course on “Optimization for Decision Making”. Having been fascinated by optimization during my high school days, I eagerly enrolled. The course content surpassed my expectations. The lecturer’s clear explanations and engaging case studies provided both a refresher and a deep dive into solving optimization problems.
By Chananthorn S
•Sep 14, 2021
Optimization for Decision Making is good course.It 's not too complex for me.I can make easy and immidiately decision from use graphical.Moreover, I can decision which have to buy or making something .It's very useful for all business to control your cost.
•May 16, 2021
Good teaching style with step by step guidance. Thanks for the connecting high school math (that I learned many years ago) to real life context. I look forward to the next course.
By John B I
•Jan 16, 2024
The professor was easy to follow. I learned more from this course than a whole semester of Optimization in my graduate class.
By Abayomi E O
•May 20, 2023
I love the calmness and the fact the course was detailed and concise as possible. Professor Soumya Sen is a great teacher.
By J H
•Jun 1, 2021
There are a lot of examples to work through and learn from which I find helps make the material easier to learn.
By Noaman R
•Sep 18, 2021
Very insightful course. Love the detail explaination for solving simple LP problems.
By Toby B
•Jul 17, 2023
I found this course excellent, almost one could say, optimal!
By chong p k
•Sep 12, 2023
Good course.very practical orientated.
By Yiyang S
•Jan 6, 2023
Lectures were very clear and concise!
By Muhammad Y
•Feb 9, 2024
Very nice course, thanks coursera
By jain m
•Jul 16, 2021
It is an excellent course. Thanks
By carl w
•Apr 16, 2021
It was an interesting refreshed for the most part and went very quickly. Could have used just a little more info on using Excel Solver. Thanks for the class!
By Muhammad M N H
•Apr 18, 2024
it will be better if we can download the pdf for the course materials so the learner will be easier to review the course without going back to the video (especially when doing the practice or the graded exam). since i think the learner target is for the beginner level, it also better if we also able to download all of the excel files that used in this course (at least the default template) As for the course itself I find it helpfull and interesting