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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator by Yale University

5,069 ratings

About the Course

This course will help you be a better negotiator. Unlike many negotiation courses, we develop a framework for analyzing and shaping negotiations. This framework will allow you to make principled arguments that persuade others. It will allow you to see beneath the surface of apparent conflicts to uncover the underlying interests. You will leave the course better able to predict, interpret, and shape the behavior of those you face in competitive situations. In this course, you will have several opportunities to negotiate with other students using case studies based on common situations in business and in life. You can get feedback on your performance and compare what you did to how others approached the same scenario. The cases also provide a setting to discuss a wide-ranging set of topics including preparing for a negotiation, making ultimatums, avoiding regret, expanding the pie, and dealing with someone who has a very different perspective on the world. Advanced topics include negotiating when you have no power, negotiating over email, and the role of gender differences in negotiation. To close out the course, we will hear insights from three negotiation experts: Linda Babcock, Herb Cohen, and John McCall MacBain. Enjoy....

Top reviews


May 30, 2020

Great course .. being an Indian Negotiation is very natural to me. It starts with street vendors in India. I would like you to upload more case studies industry based .. I loved the way you teach ...


Aug 14, 2021

The instructor Barry was awesome. He was articulate, shared industry experience with interactive videos, class room videos and guest speakers. I liked the hands-on real life approach of the course.

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151 - 175 of 1,550 Reviews for Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator

By Tamar A


Mar 30, 2018

Great course with a great professor! Although some of the material requires reasonable math skills, overall all the material was easy to understand and the cases and examples made the theory uncomplicated and memorable. The knowledge and skills acquired during this course made me a lot more confident while dealing with any type of negotiation - I express my gratitude for Mr. Nalebuff for the terrific work he does done by teaching this course.

By Arvind M


Apr 12, 2021

The good thing about the course is it had a lot of practical examples. There was some amount of mathematics which was interesting enough to keep me engaged but not too hard to turn me off. The practical exercises were hard, especially some of the scheduling and planning, but it was a good experience overall. I would recommend this course to anyone looking to get a practical overview of this topic and seeking areas for further in-depth study.

By Vasudha K


Oct 31, 2020

One of the best courses I have done online so far - loved the energy and engagement levels of the Prof. The best part was doing negotiation role-plays with other participants from across the world - the quality of the class was outstanding as well. I feel like a much better and a more confident negotiator now!

Thank you so much Prof. Barry for putting in so much effort to ensure that the online experience is as good as an in-class experience.

By Kunal S


Jun 2, 2020

one of the best courses available. The delivery is flawless. You are going to learn a lot of new thing the develop a great arsenal of practical tools that will come in very handy while facing a negotiation situation. Loved the cases, and can imagine the amount of thought process that must have behind making the cases so alive. You literally breathe the assigned roles and if your are honest during role plays, you would learn a lot.

By Savvas A


Dec 8, 2020

Professor Nalebuff has done a very good course. It's a well-structured and guided course. Although it is an introduction to Negotiations, professor Nalebuff walks you through all the basic thinking you nedd to have for negotiations. Walking into a negotiation you need to do a preparation for before, during and after the negotiation, put through the deal you'll make and keep in mind all the factors that may affect a negotiation.

By Jose G P L


Apr 23, 2020

Grandioso, Yale demuestra que es una universidad top a nivel mundial. Muchas gracias a Barry Nalebuff por compartir la experiencia del MBA de Yale SOM y por compartir a expertos como Linda Babcock y Herb Cohen. Recomiendo este curso a cualquiera que desee mejorar sus habilidades gerenciales y dar un paso adelante en su carrera.

Solo por mejorar, incluir los subtitulos en español, pero aun así, me permitió practicar el inglés

By Suzanne d V


Mar 3, 2021

Great course, I learned a lot. It is very well structured, nice and funny professor, very good examples and good testing with the combination of real negotiations with role play with other students and tests that really test that you understood the material.

I also like the 'bonus material' in week 6 to 9 which did confuse me a bit as I thought the course was really 9 weeks but the main parts and effort is in week 1 to 5.

By Nischal S


Jun 5, 2020

The best course I have done on Coursera till now. Highly engaging Professor with a great way of delivering content: the Professor has used graphic illustrator(s) and role players from the Yale Dramatics School to illustrate examples, rather just simply standing and speaking into the camera all the time. The Case studies and Peer-assignments were especially interesting. I'm already recommending this course to my friends!

By Sai R R M


Apr 19, 2020

This course will help anyone, even if you have no corporate experience or negotiation experience as the concept has been explained using lots of real-life examples and case studies. The case studies, in particular, were amazing as they really get your brain pumping with everything you learn to that point. Overall, this is one of the best courses out there and you should really try taking it and giving it a chance.

By Dalton E


May 2, 2022

I honestly loved this course. The videos are animated and even humerous at times. It is however a mathmatical viewpoint of negotiating and can sometimes get tricky but even if you don't understand it completely, you can learn other aspects of the course to help you. Awesome job to the professor. (This course also takes less than 32 hours to complete, just there's additonal info and the negotiations take a minute)

By Vijay R


Jul 19, 2019

Professor Barry taught very well. The best online class i attended in coursera, edx, udemy etc. Much appreciated. The peer learning is amazing if you are lucky enough to get highly skilled partners. My partners included a guy with Six Sigma Black belt, professional trainer with post grad in business who trains many professionals and a medical-business expert. You learn a lot and this was a spectacular experience!

By Christina S


Apr 18, 2017

GREAT COURSE. Barry is an excellent teacher - his videos are effective, the practice quizzes really drive home the concepts, and the in-person practice negotiations were both fun and informative. All of the guest teachers provided great perspective and insight on the world of negotiating. I feel like I got a well rounded introduction to negotiation, and I'm confident enough to apply the principles in real life!

By Prajesh P


May 24, 2020

This course has given me considerable knowledge to mathematically approach any negotiation. The negotiation exercises specifically gave me an insight on how emotional/human my approach to a negotiation was, and I hope I will be able to approach all future negotiations with these points in my mind. The concept of the "Pie" is something that I feel will be very helpful in making any future decisions/negotiations

By Kat J


Nov 16, 2020

So many different ways of looking at a negitation. I loved all the different mathematical ways of doing but my favourite is more towards the psychology side of things. Great examples love the talks with the animations in them. I learned a lot and had some laughs as well. The tests were great to test how well I understood things and it was easy to go back and figure out where I went wrong. Loved this course.

By Ursula F


Jun 9, 2021

Excellent course which provided a great mix of theory and practical examples as well as live cases. This made it very impactful helping me to really retain what studied. Also the possibility to team up with other participants is a strong feature of this course; same as the number of guest speakers providing insight a different angle or approach. Thank you, Professor, for this enriching learning experience!

By Renee O


Jul 15, 2020

The BEST course I've taken in a long time, it's challenging and it drives you to learn. I love it because it's not a 'plug and chug course', you can't simply memorize the details to regurgitate it. If you love learning and love a challenge this is for you. If you need to understand negotiations and how to make it fair for business whether domestically in the US or Globally like me then take this course.

By Garrett C


Apr 1, 2017

I've completed 13 courses on Coursera. Far and away, this is the best class! Barry Nalebuff is a terrific lecturer and teacher. The course is well assembled (professionally animated in some sections!), interactive (case studies worked on with classmates), and features outside experts. The ROI from this course is off the charts! Take it - your career, and even personal life, will greatly benefit from it.

By Bradley W H L


Jun 3, 2020

This is a fantastic course compared to few other courses I had taken from online learning. The first 3 weeks of this course seem like the reasoning doesn't make sense to me and I almost gave up this course. Luckily I didn't. From 4th week onward, it start to make sense and logic. I believe this course makes me a better negotiator and it gave me a wider scope in viewing about things in my everyday life.

By Ionut


Mar 7, 2023

Hi there,

This course was very well prepared, the theory and examples that were included in this course were quite nicely presented. Also, the parts which required response from the participants, like tests and projects to be done, were nicely timed and gave the feeling of a serious course, one that has to be well studied in order to advance.

Thank you for this high quality example of on-line teaching.

By Francesco M F


May 23, 2023

It's an incredible course. I really like how playful and funny it is. The mathematical part is a little bit more difficult, but even though how the professor explains each part and how it is made with so many different types of videos is so insightful. I strongly recommend to do the entire course, even modules 7, 8 and 9, because they add more value with extra content that enrich the experience.



Aug 22, 2020

Very hands-on course and flexible. Even though you may not be good with numbers the course has been structured in a way that it would not stop you from excelling in it. It's a really interesting course. It opened my eyes to considering other options before you say, having BATNA etc. The lecturer takes his time to explain using life experiences for better understanding. I am glad I participated!!

By W G


Mar 14, 2021

I really enjoyed this course, as it skillfully laid out principled arguments for negotiation. Before this course, I thought that negotiations needed to be emotionally-charged and rely on snake oil salesman techniques, but now I know that a dispassionate and logical approach can also work. The length of the course was also perfect; long enough to be informative, and short enough to be concise.

By Marco T


Apr 18, 2024

I already had a Course on Negotiation in University and wanted a refresher. This Course is really excellent and did not just act as a refresher but also enhanced my prior knowledge in several aspects. The Game Theory parts may be a bit confusing to get your head around but well worth it and i will delve further into that aspect. Thanks to Dr. Nalebuff and everyone else who made this Course!

By Meera D S


Apr 20, 2020

This is an amazing course but let me give you a heads up, the course is going to be tough but it will leave you thinking and will enhance your creativity when solving problems. What I loved about this course is the ability to negotiate using logic and not the norm of lying about better offers and etc. Kudos to Barry because this is one of the most enjoyable courses I've taken in Cousera.

By Harpreet S


Apr 15, 2020

Well articulated course which you can learn at your own pace. Professor Barry was outstanding in terms of his delivery and engagement. After this course you would definitely see things differently which will benefit you in real life both professionally and peronally. Kudos to Yale university and coursera technical team to make this course very interactive.

Keeping on increasing the pie.