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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Motors and Motor Control Circuits by University of Colorado Boulder

1,388 ratings

About the Course

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5341, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. This is our second course in our specialization on Embedding Sensor and Motors. To get the most out of this course, you should first take our first course entitled Sensors and Sensor Circuits. Our first course gives you a tutorial on how to use the hardware and software development kit we have chosen for the lab exercises. This second course assumes that you already know how to use the kit. After taking this course, you will be able to: ● Understand how to specify the proper AC or DC motor for a machine design. ● Integrate the motor to a machine, based on analysis of motor equations for voltage, current, torque and speed. ● Implement the motor and accompanying rotary sensor into a motor control circuit in both hardware and software. ● Add a motor and motor control circuit into a microprocessor based development kit. ● Create hardware and firmware to process motor feedback data to a microprocessor for further evaluation. You will need to buy the following components to do the two course projects based on the videos in this module. Note that if you have already purchased the PSOC 5LP PROTOTYPING KIT, you do not need to buy it again. These parts may be purchased off the Digikey web site, www. Or, you may obtain the specs from the site, and purchase them elsewhere. These are the part numbers for the above table, the lab on Motor Voltage and Current Measurement. You can copy and paste them into the search engine on the Digikey web site. You need one of each except for the AA batteries (N107-ND), which you would need 3. 428-3390-ND P14355-ND FQU13N10LTU-ND N107-ND 1N5393-E3/54GICT-ND RNF14FTD1K00CT-ND P0.62W-1BK-ND Additional equipment needed: • Wire - various gauges and lengths • Breadboard • Oscilloscope – suggested models are: o PICOSCOPE 2204A-D2 available on or o Digilent 410-324 | OpenScope MZ available on Depending on your budget, you can also investigate these models: o Hantek HT6022BE20MHz - o SainSmart DSO212 - o PoScope Mega50 USB - o ADALM2000 -

Top reviews


Apr 9, 2020

The course has given me a brief idea about how to choose a motor for my application. Real time application videos and laboratory exercises which really enhances the knowledge about AC and DC Motors.


Jul 9, 2020

This course and lectures deliver what is promised: about AC and DC motor.If you are looking to learn about this subject, this is one of the best online class that you can find.Happy learning!

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351 - 369 of 369 Reviews for Motors and Motor Control Circuits


Sep 24, 2022


By Nikhil B

Oct 19, 2021

I did not find this course to be as useful as I expected. The content is fine however the explanations by the professor lack depth. Most of the time Professor is reading the slide without explaining anything. This could be improved. Also course relies a lot on text book which has not been provided, it would be nice to provide an access to textbook (maybe only for a period of course) so that people who cant afford to rent or buy the textbook would be able to read the contents. The content and lectures can be made more engaging by including more graphics and animations.

By Arvind S

Dec 23, 2021

very good practical information, but I would have liked some more mathematical foundation work such as reference frame theory

By nireekshana t

Aug 24, 2020

I am unable to view and download my certificate


Oct 3, 2020

Cannot able to verify my id


Jul 24, 2020

nice coursse

By Nithish k

Nov 8, 2022

not good

By Mohamed K E

May 24, 2023


By ram p

Nov 9, 2022



Sep 18, 2020


By Saini P

Jul 8, 2020


By Adhip S

Jun 8, 2020

The course is very elementary to be called a specialization. I have also done power electronics courses by university of colorado boulder and they are built very balanced but this course is not worth giving time.


Jan 12, 2019

if you are electrical engineer no need to do this

By E M K

Jun 2, 2020

not as expected its lot about definitions not theoretical course,still thank coursera for financial aid


Jun 25, 2020

i can't download my certificate and verified my id please help me to get out from this problem

By Mohan Y R

Jan 31, 2022

not able to access my certificate

By Francis N

May 7, 2023

Same info on YouTube and free...

By Nader h

Dec 26, 2020

I don't receive my certificate

By Dinesh R

Nov 18, 2022

login problem