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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Modern World, Part Two: Global History since 1910 by University of Virginia

1,620 ratings

About the Course

This is a survey of modern history from a global perspective. Part Two begins early in the twentieth century, as older ways of doing things and habits of thought give way. What follows is an era of cataclysmic struggles over what ideas and institutions will take their place. The course concludes in the present day, as communities everywhere are transitioning into a new era of world history. Again we work hard to grasp what is happening and ask: Why? Again we are drawn to pivotal choices made at key moments by individuals and communities....

Top reviews


Dec 11, 2021

Excellent course. I learned a lot, enjoyed the experience. Prof. Zelnikov is a master teacher. Thanks for the opportunity to listen and learn even after eight years after production of these lectures.


Sep 23, 2017

excellent course for those who have not studied history as part of their academic curriculum. Course is slightly from American(USA) perspective of world events but nevertheless is highly informative.

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26 - 50 of 459 Reviews for The Modern World, Part Two: Global History since 1910

By Stuart C

Dec 4, 2016

This was a very good course as it highlighted the main actors and events of most of the 20th century, providing a very good knowledge base for further study, reading, discussions etc. The Professor was excellent in his presentation (and preparation) of the course, not only the written notes but also the verbal presentation that created, in my opinion, very good empathy with the student i.e. with me.

By Grace S

Dec 31, 2015

Excellent course! I enjoyed The Modern World, Part One, as well. Professor Zelikow does an exceptional job of summarizing and thoroughly explaining the situations, problems and solutions in events that shaped the world. I appreciate the opportunity to review events I have studied in the past with a renewed perspective through a global lens. Thank you so much, UVA and Professor Zelikow!

By Денис Р

Dec 14, 2021

I am very glad that I took part in this course. Thanks to this, I gained a lot of new analytical skills in the history of the modern world. In addition, thanks to competent teaching and a combination of innovative and traditional teaching methods, I was able to explore the approach of Western historians to the study of global problems of the 20th century. Thank you so much!

By Stacy M

Sep 9, 2018

This part of history got short shrift when I was in school. This course was truly enjoyable and enlightening.

i feel as though these 14 weeks made up for a large gap in my education. Professor Zelikow is enlightening and packs a lot if information into this class. If you enjoy history at all, you will enjoy "The Modern World, Part Two Iand one): Global History since 1910.

By Charles G

Mar 17, 2017

Just like Part One, this course was simply awesome! I really appreciated the professor's approach and I enjoyed the videos, always looking for the next one to know more about the "story". I've learned a lot and I regret that it's over! I wish the professor would offer other courses, going into more detailson some specific aspects or moments in history.

By Hilde K

Aug 12, 2016

This was an easy to understand presentation of modern history. There was more than enough information and no conclusions. We were left to make of the world what we would. I would recommend this course to history buffs and history hates alike. Thank you for making a former history hater appreciate the world around her and how it came to be.

By Mark B

Oct 25, 2015

This course and its continuation should be obligatory for everyone to take either as an advanced course in high school or during college.

It will be very difficult for anyone to improve on this course. It presents in a superb way how the events in world history are interconnected, and analyzes history from numerous angles.

Mark Bergman

By Ana C L

Jan 22, 2016

Great chance to have an overall understanding of the most important events of out time and being able to have it all opened up in detail, explained. At the end, you get confidence enough to be able to make your own judgment. No course could be better than this one in turning tin something easy to understand but not too simple.

By Fan Z

Oct 7, 2015

Excellent course! Professor Zelikow explains global events in a detailed and unbiased way, providing points of views of the different sides in historical events. He explains not only why something happened, but why did the other alternatives not prevail and how things could've turned out quite different indeed. Thank you!

By Skylar F

Jun 27, 2017

Such a good class. The information was presented in well-rounded manner, with the teacher sometimes focusing on just one country, or other times, focusing on a topic, within several countries. He brings in pictures, film clips, propaganda, and music to help make history more tangible. I really appreciated this class!

By Wayne S

Nov 24, 2021

Absolutely fantastic presenter keeping my interest in the subject-matter from one video to the next, helping me to have, what feels to me like, a very considerable overview of world events in the last 250 years.

By Dean E

May 19, 2022

Our professor, Philip Zelikow is amazing!!!! I truly appreciate the time he spent making these outstanding lectures because I very much enjoyed every minute of them. Thank you so much for this course.

By Bayram F D

Dec 12, 2021

Excellent course. I learned a lot, enjoyed the experience. Prof. Zelnikov is a master teacher. Thanks for the opportunity to listen and learn even after eight years after production of these lectures.

By Marouane L

Jan 11, 2022

Excellent course, thoroughly presented and explained. This course will not only gain you more knowledge but it also will change your perspective of the world.

By David K

Dec 4, 2021

This was an excellent history course. It was well presented and well organized and it challenged participants to think historically.

By Ujjwal K

May 28, 2020

The course though aims to give comprehensive overlook of key and major events it appears slightly tilted towards USA. It was great learning, this will help me understand the world developments better. History is inspiring. Thank you!

By Micheal P

Jun 11, 2020

It was interesting but the last week became more speculation on the future rather than history. Interesting but also distracting.

By Adam U

Apr 15, 2020

I find it hard if not impossible to learn in prof. Zelikow's courses for this reason: his explanations are too general.

By Karthik N

Mar 2, 2019

The lecturer was slightly monotonous and really has missed out on key factors such as Weimar Republic etc in this course. Moreover, the course seems very opinionated and ends of the wars seems to be just glossed over into economic terms rather than historic facts. Battle of Okinawa, death of Hitler, battle of somme and verdun seem like key parts not tackled efficiently. Quizzes rely too much on rote knowledge and the lecturer's opinion rather than what one should take away from the presentations. Also, coming from India and also having stayed for long in the Middle East, the entire picture given by the lecturer of these regions seem to be quite flawed as the picture is very narrow.

By Stuart B

Apr 6, 2017

Course is not for free and misleading.

By Ibraheem R

Feb 20, 2020

Hard Quizzes

By Eric C

Sep 1, 2021

Professor Phillip Zelikow was sensational and if I lived in Charlottesville (where the University of Virginia is) I'd try to be his friend. The best analogy I can think of is Vin Scully. I always loved Vin. When Vin did the Dodger game he spoke to you like he was sitting next to you at the game and just making a few comments. "You know Eric, Garvey has hit safely in 13 of his last 14 games and he's had an RBI or a run scored in all 13." I can imagine Phillip Zelikow sitting next to me and saying "Hey Eric, Have a look at this photo of the 1931 British Indian Round Table conference. Everybody is mugging for the camera, but not Gandhi. He's too cool." When he tells the story of Gorbachev trying to decide how to handle East Germany in the late 80's he puts his hand on his head like he's Gorbi trying to figure it out. When he briefly mentioned the German death camps he was so disgusted I thought for a minute he was getting ready to spit. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

By Paca N

Jun 1, 2020

i have enjoyed the course very much. I am very proud of being able to follow the course in English, since I am Spanish. I have listened all videos and afterwards I have read the transcription in English, too. The teacher, Philip Zelikow is a terrific one¡¡ He teaches wonderfully and I love the way he makes us to think and analyze the facts. And I think he is quite impartial, too. I have enjoyed so much, that I am going to do the first part of the course, too. At the begining I just wanted to do the last years of hte Modern History, but I have realized that I need to do the first part (from 1760 - 1910) to have a better idea of these last years. I think it would be really worthy another course from 2013 till nowadays¡¡ Thank you

By Peter L

Mar 28, 2022

Well done!!!  I recently retired from a career in environmental engineering and thought I’d explore some areas I didn’t have a chance to pursue in college.  This course hit the mark.  I learned new things, I got a better understanding of how events were connected and most importantly I got some insight into why things may have evolved as they did.  This history course was much more than a barrage of dates and events.  By exploring the choices available at the time, it provided insight into why things happened.  Using the fact that history is the result of circumstances and choices is a powerful way to examine the past and can be applied to events of today as well.  Thank you for an excellent presentation.