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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential by McMaster University

12,966 ratings

About the Course

Mindshift is designed to help boost your career and life in today’s fast-paced learning environment. Whatever your age or stage, Mindshift teaches you essentials such as how to get the most out of online learning and MOOCs, how to seek out and work with mentors, the secrets to avoiding career ruts (and catastrophes) and general ruts in life, and insights such as the value of selective ignorance over general competence. We’ll provide practical insights from science about how to learn and change effectively even in maturity, and we’ll build on what you already know to take your life’s learning in fantastic new directions. This course is designed to show you how to look at what you’re learning, and your place in what’s unfolding in the society around you, so you can be what you want to be, given the real world constraints that life puts on us all. You’ll see that by using certain mental tools and insights, you can learn and do more—far more—than you might have ever dreamed! This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or subsequent to, its companion course, Learning How to Learn. (Mindshift is more career focused, and Learning How to Learn is more learning focused.)...

Top reviews


May 26, 2020

Thank you so McMaster University & the professors who carried out the course so very well. I hope the course will help me in my life taking important decisions. I learnt a lot through this course.


Aug 13, 2021

A great course for learners to know more about how to learn and give them a fresh perspective about learning and being successful in life. A great sequel after the renowned MOOC Learning How to Learn.

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451 - 475 of 3,708 Reviews for Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential

By Cynthia B

Mar 30, 2020

The course was every bit and more than what I expected it to be. It was both innovative and enjoyable. The Instructors helped me to see learning in a whole new light. The course also inspired me to purchase the book Mindshift because the course only touches on a few tips but there's a whole lot more to learn inside the book. Thank you for allowing this course to become available for curious minds such as myself that have a heart to learn without hurting our wallets at a time like this.

By Muna R A S

Oct 2, 2021

"Mindshift" is mind blowing! I learned that I can change my weakness to my advantage. We all go through alot of struggles nowadays. So we can have a better life by Firstly, developing a new belief system. Secondly, On going learning, being Pro Active in everything we learn, Lastly, Reading 20 minutes a day will change your life in a more positive way. Be smarter and healthier. Please note. This course has a lot to offer and is uplifting. Totally, Recommend it ;) Happy Learning Everyone.

By Wai L L

Dec 2, 2017

The course provides different angles of viewing the non-alignments between our passion and career. Those tips or tricks provided to solve such incompatibilities are very practical and well supported by neural science. The discussion exercises or peer assignments are also very encouraging and thoughtful. The presentation is interesting and fun too. Thanks two professors, community mentors, Coursera staffs, and fellow classmates for making this course so useful as well as valuable.

By Enoch P

Jun 29, 2020

The course talks about how our brain reacts to various stimuli and the process involved in innovation and learning. Understanding these hacks are invaluable in hacking your brain to perform tasks such as focusing, memorizing and being creative. It also helps you overcome any emotional blocks you may have through techniques such as framing, again this is based on neurological data.

Very helpful course and I would recommend it to anyone irrespective of what stage of life you are in.

By arnuld

Apr 9, 2020

From their earlier MOOC, authors have taken a step-up and this is bigger and detailed version of Learning How to Learn. I think if anyone can take one MOOC in their lifetime, then this would be it. Doesn't matter what kind of profession you are in, this will teach you facts with latest scientific proofs and explanations how does your mind work. Somethings will take you by surprise for sure. And yet, every single explanation has been made so simple and straightforward. 5/5 stars.

By Berta L F F

Oct 17, 2017

This MOOC: "Mindshift: Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential" has been a great, enjoyable and fun experience to expand my skills in every way.

it is very useful for applications in every circumstance, objective and desires of improvement, has a lot of motivation, simple language and keeps the attention to start it and finish it.

thanks to Barbara and Terrence for the time dedicated and the quality of the material. I'll see you in your next MOOC.

By Karen K

Feb 27, 2022

I have taken many classes, workshops, read books, listened to audios, and this companion course to "Learning How To Learn" gave me so much insightful material. It was not a rehash of the previous course, rather, it added new, helpful info and also at times deepened my learning. Barbara is a fun and honest instuctor that keeps it engaging and always fresh. You will learn things you can apply immediately that make your life, potential, and learnings more accesible and easier.

By Laura R

Sep 23, 2020

Very useful course, it helped me go thru a serious career mindshift. I found out that everyone around me was giving me advices of what should I do with my life, getting me to the point of feeling frustrating, anxious and sad about my professional life. Then, I realized that the very first step was to calm myself down and actually think about what I really wanted to do, so I did and I'm turning myself into the person I want to become. I highly recommend the mindshift course.

By Αργυρώ Κ

May 17, 2020

I find the academic standards of this course to be very sufficient .I have had a very pleasant feeling toward the tutors and professors in the course,quite agreeable in their instucting,very dignified,very learnt people,and of cheerful nature.I can tell how responsible their work is,because i have learnt so much in a simple and amusing way,something that i would not recall for edx courses that are so elaborate in information giving.I feel proud to be a student of Coursera.

By Ahmad A

Mar 28, 2018

Barbra Oakley returns with another impressive and insightful.

Whlie continuing with her unique style to tends more towards teaching by nice wise lady, instead of academic professor style, she conveys helpful and scientifically proven insights, while maintain our enthausiaism and excitment to continue learning and build the suitable mindshift.

I am already excitied and anticipating her upcoming MOOC.

Many Thanks for her, professor Terry and all the MOOC and coursera team.

By Adalis F P

Aug 22, 2018

My virtual MENTOR Prof. Barb , last week was the gold drop of the course. I loved, I'm really thankfull with all the content of your course , your magnifique way to transmit them as well.

Discover my hidden potential, is part of it , for me ihas been more than that, It is a TRAINING NON STOP DEVELOPING YOUR INTELLIGENCE.

Thanks to all of you, Porf. Barb Oakley and Dr. Terry Sejnowski I will recomend this course for all kind of people for a better quality life

By nikita s

Dec 30, 2017

Great course! I was stuck in my life feeling like I can't study anymore I want to stop learning. But this course gives me reasons to continue studies and different techniques to control the mind, to avoid procrastination and the motivate me to learn new skills. Thanks, Dr. Barbara and Dr. Terrence for great insights.Take the course as you can complete the whole course in 1 week ( 1 week of course in 1 or 2 days) And also it feels nice and motivated after completion!

By Edward G

May 6, 2020

I found the course and in particular Barb very engaging, the information easy to digest, practical and relevant. I have a diagnosis of ADHD and it's always been a struggle for me to persist in any study environment.

Learning how to learn and Mindshift, proved to be so different. I followed the material easily, didn't get bored or distracted and now that all is done, I find that I've retained so much information.

I'm very glad that I took the time to do this course.

By Daniela C

Nov 11, 2020

Never again without Mindshift in my Mind! Break Through Obstacles to Learning and Discover Your Hidden Potential, Creating and looking for where to place yourself and place your career has never been easier and more fun. I will try to put into practice everything I have been taught. It's a challenge between me and me now. Mindshift course make me smile and the learned notions are really fixed in my mind.Thank you a million to Barbara Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski!


Feb 25, 2021

Its a good benchmark to enhance career. I got the basis and supporter on why I had eargerly waiting for the promotion or upgraded in my job but sad to say I was neglected by my employer. Thus, I took the early action in pursuing postgraduate study in field that i love ( fraud related) . I hope by doing this I am able to apply for transfer to department related to my study and enhance my career in due soon or else I have no choice but to choose other employer.

By Terence A

Jun 8, 2020

I thank the course instructors from McMaster University, for helping us get through this exciting course. It will definitely be a start for me to venture to more of such courses in the future. I especially like to thank Dr Barbara Oakley and Dr Terrence Sejnowski for guiding us through this course with their easygoing manner in their videos and exciting transition that make their lessons clear and easy to understand. Till the next time, take care and God Bless.

By Cameron S

May 1, 2020

I loved the scientific facts provided to reinforce what was being taught, I'm a very fact-driven person so it really helped me to be open-minded and therefore learn more from the course. The helpful tips and tricks to learning more effectively were very beneficial to me, I always want to find ways to help me learn quicker and more efficiently and that's what this course gave to me. I feel like I can truly learn absolutely anything after this Mindshift! Thank you!

By Winnie L

Apr 28, 2018

Worth the time and this course changed my perspective towards lots of things. Strongly recommened. If you are not sure about whether this course will help you, please spend just 5 minutes to watch any of the course video to find out for yourself. I'm sure the concepts they shown in this course will blow your mind. Plus they made this course extremely easy to understand and master. I didn't get 100/100, but I'm happy with all of the knowledge that I learnt.

By Chantelle W

Dec 18, 2020

Amazing course. The skills I've learnt here will stick with me for the rest of my life. It has inspired me and will continue to inspire me to adapt a learning lifestyle and taught me that you don't need to stick to one set path in your life.

The teachers are engaging, the video editing and visuals help keep your attention and aid with learning. It's easy to break this course down to fit in with the rest of the day and it's well worth the time you invest.

By prachi a

May 20, 2020

Learned a lot of different concepts like advantages of slow and diffused learning, how past learning can help in shaping your future, advantages of having a poor memory, how meditation can help develop the mind, What is the importance of developing second skill, How hobbies help keep your mind fresh and agile, and many more. A great course indeed with very attractive video as it contains music, image, graphics for audience engagement. Highly recommended.

By Samikhya M

Jul 10, 2020

Woh woh woh! You need to take this course. Its amazing. Personally its served as an eye opener for me. It was enlightening and helped me realise that i can broaden as much as i want. When i started this i had negative thought patterns, procastination habits and time management issues but as now i have completed the course i have broken this negative patterns. Surely i had other goals too which am sure i will breakthrough soon!

Highly Highly Recommended !

By Harry B

May 24, 2022

I had previously taken “Learning How to Learn” the instructors were Ms. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnewski. Being I had liked the way they presented the information both verbally and visually, I even went as far as to get the companion book as well. I looked forward to taking another MOOC knowing they were the instructors, and I was greatly rewarded in during so.  I will continue to take MOOCs and read.  My mantra is "Never stop learning!"


Jan 19, 2020

Ce fut fantastique et ça m'a aidé dans le développement de ma vie personnelle. J'ai beaucoup appris à travers ce cours et je peux vous assurer qu'à la fin du cours, je ne suis plus la même personne que j'étais avant de le commencer. Je le recommande à toute personne qui aimerait apprendre comment surmonter ses propres limites et se donner les chances de découvrir ses propres potentialités. Heureux d'avoir appris beaucoup de choses à travers ce cours.

By Dipto T

Aug 8, 2020

I learned two life changing tools from week 2 of this course. 1) Labeling and 2) Getting past procrastination. And "Barb" you inspire me and give me the courage to learn new things so that i can make a career change. I am also 29 and worked as a translator, only to find out it is a dead-end career, like you did. But with the tools i have learned from this course i am ready for the challenges. Thank you Barb and team behind the making of this course.

By Zlatin M

Apr 21, 2020

It was my first MOOC and I have to say it exceeded my expectations.It was easy-going, the female teacher was really good and with perfect pronounciation and the material was well-visualized so you can imagine what they are talking about. For a person who is 35 and is working for the last 15 years, there were no fundamentally new things but sometimes it is also good to revise some well-known facts and to spare time to think deeply on some of them.