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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing by Johns Hopkins University

1,286 ratings

About the Course

This course aims to provide managers and developers of contact tracing programs guidance on the most important indicators of performance of a contact tracing program, and a tool that can be used to project the likely impact of improvements in specific indicators. Students who complete the course will be proficient in using the Contact Tracing Evaluation and Strategic Support Application (ConTESSA) to estimate the impact of their contact tracing program on transmission and strategizing about how to increase their program’s impact. A secondary audience for the course will be decision makers interested in knowing more about the characteristics of effective contact tracing programs, and strategies to improve. The course is designed for individuals who are already leading contact tracing programs who have significant experience with epidemiology and public health. We strongly recommend completing this course on a laptop or a desktop rather than a phone as you’ll need to complete worksheets and open the course and the application simultaneously....

Top reviews


Sep 2, 2020

This course is an advanced level course on COVID-19. I love this course so much. From this course we know about the use of programmed apps for contact tracing. It is very helpful for job aspirants.


Aug 1, 2020

Dear whom this concerns:Thank you for allowing me to join in once again for the managerial contact tracing course. However, as I reviewed the curriculm, I found that the course wasn't right for me.

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201 - 225 of 371 Reviews for Measuring and Maximizing Impact of COVID-19 Contact Tracing

By José M M


Aug 9, 2020

Very well thinked and disposed app. tool for use along with the information. I apreciate the knowledge in Epidemiology I got from this course. It's very exciting to analize and evaluate how could an intervention could impact in the reproductive number of the population. Thank you very much.

By Caryl M G


Aug 12, 2020

I found the ConTESSA application to be fascinating. Once I understood the underlying assumptions and the need for accurate data in order to form those assumptions, the app was somewhat demystified. I feel confident that I have a better focus on the big posture now and want to learn more.

By LaQuasha A G


Sep 13, 2020

This was a great course but a little more challenging than the COVID-19 contact tracing course. I definitely enjoyed the hands on learning with the CONTESSA app. I will be practicing some more to get a better handle on the Impact estimations. Overall I enjoyed learning new material.

By Howard K M


Aug 6, 2020

Hard Class. Kind of Tricky. The procedure for yaml download needs to be updated. Some using chrome on a mac will need to rename the extension on the file or it wont load. My brain hurts. Definitely a challenge compared to the basic covid19 class

By Barrett S


Aug 7, 2020

Was very helpful, a little difficulty understanding the questions that I missed on the quiz' since I never received the correct answer to check it against....that would have been helpful, since I'm still not sure how I read those charts wrong.

By Bojan V


Aug 4, 2020

I think what gave me some headacke was the language used, I was not used to it. I had to read few times carefully.

Perhaps additional videos illustrating relations between all variables would be useful.

Otherwise, thanks and congrats.


By don c


Oct 6, 2020

The course focuses on using Johns Hopkins Contessa contract tracing program evaluation tool. The first section gives a nice review of what is known about covid19. The other two sections require use and interpretation of contessa software.

By Meredith L


Sep 22, 2020

The numerical calculations on the 3rd test were almost impossible for me to get correctly. I didn't feel like the 3rd module helped me manipulate the standard inputs effectively to interpret the data or modify assumptions.

By Renee O


Aug 10, 2020

The lesson was informative and well put together, the app however has a poor user interface and not enough clear to the point instructions on how to use it. When you do figure it out it's not bad though.

By Chun M W


Aug 24, 2020

The audio recording by Kyra have issues and some words are "inaudible" in the transcript. This means those video by Kyra are more difficult to understand what she is saying in addition to her accent.



Aug 24, 2020

The way they explain each module was really clear. Keep it up! And just a little more further explanation for the module about assumptions and advanced options. That's all ^_^ Thank you very much.

By Jeanne B


Aug 6, 2020

I found much of this hard to understand. Watched all videos twice. I understand how to enter the data but struggled in the questions that asked to interpret the data.

By Odette P W


Aug 8, 2020

The course was informative but difficult. I could not save the .yaml files directly and had to find a way to get to them when I needed to reload them. It was not easy.

By Ayodeji O


Aug 16, 2020

Course was helpful in doing some critical thinking. App interface could be made less wordy. I like the manipulability built into the ConTESSA App to suit users' context

By Ahmed T


Aug 9, 2020

thank you so much for this great course, my notes

1-can not open Contessa app to do the tests!

2- make the app for 1 case and the system generate the percentages



Aug 3, 2020

Overall, a good course. Some of the data in the exams are not presented as clearly as I would have liked. Take your time and reread questions.

By Mary L W


Aug 10, 2020

This course is primarily a primer for the use of Contessa, including situations where its use would be practical or helpful.

By Judith K


Aug 9, 2020

Worth my time because have learnt on key indicators of Covid 19 Contact tracing and use of ConTESSA Application.

By Luis A C


Aug 3, 2020

It was a great course. It's important to know how can improve with the Technology using Contessa

By Rosalyn C F


Aug 9, 2020

Very informative course. The quizzes were worded in a confusing fashion and should be reviewed.



Oct 13, 2020

I suggest providing actual examples before the course, aside from the videos. Thank you.



Sep 26, 2020

It was a good exercise but needs time and effort to get around the app and numbers.

By Giuseppe P


Aug 26, 2020

Useful tools, clearest explanation by lecturers and profs. Rather easy

By shebrinaotosa c


Sep 11, 2020

very difficult have to trust the process its challenging

By Luis B


Aug 31, 2020

It's a very complete course, up to date, and usefull.