Apr 5, 2020
A very illuminating course. Have started applying two key concepts already. Glad I took the course. Every HR practitioner should take the course as part of their own development. Thank you.
May 11, 2017
Great lectures, important thinks pointed out. Not always is clear how important is taking care of employees. Without good HR management, whole business can struggle and not grow as could.
By Mark H
•Dec 12, 2019
I liked this course. I have two suggestions. 1) If a peer is going to grade your work below a 2 or 3 then they should be required to have a reason why. I understand this may be impracticable and may skew grades higher, but some feedback would help allot. 2) I would suggest links to the discussion forums when we are asked to submit them. I just feel like I do not put them in the right section sometimes.
By muhammad a r
•Apr 6, 2017
I love the course content, and especially peer review assignments. I have one negative feedback for Cheri Alexander course contents for number of things:
1- Too much repetition.
2- Very vague examples were used. More practical & complete examples should be included. Moving talent across different departments does not happen often, so this can be replaced with some good example.
By Jose R
•Feb 9, 2017
I loved this course, with the slight exception of the video uploading part, It is not bad, but if coursera implemented the videos on to their website then the student interaction would be better.
I had never come across the talent pipeline concept and it is definitely a very interesting one, will definitely be applying a lot of these concepts at the office.
By Dykina K
•Nov 5, 2019
It was really difficult to listen to Cheri Alexander. It was easier to read her lectures. Hard to concentrate while watching as the she seemed to put emphasis and pauses in all wrong places. The way how the lecture are structured seemed weird to me.
This is just my opinion, i'm not talking about her professionalism, knowledge or expertise.
By Victor D R L
•Jan 27, 2021
It is a good course and delivers what is advertised. Now, week 3 is long and it is an important piece of the backbone of Talent Management in my opinion. Week 4 also needs time to complete as you go through the concepts. It is a good course, with good information, and the forums are fantastic. Happy Learning!
By Katia R
•Feb 8, 2016
I found the content of the course very interesting, I really enjoyed the interventions of Jeff Brodsky and Rich Sheridan. What I would have liked, is to make the content more landed to reality. I didn't understand some examples from Cheri Alexander (for example the video of the skaters getting the gold medal)
By Jeffrey A B
•Mar 13, 2019
There were a few times that the lessons went on a slight tangent but overall it was a good course and helped me learn a great deal in how to obtain and better yet retain talent through positive management techniques and proper onboarding of talent.
By Victor L
•Jan 6, 2020
I think it would be very interesting that in the certificate, for example to add in linkedin, its show that the course was created by University of Michigan because I think in this university there is a high level of teaching.
By Ana L C R
•Apr 10, 2016
Great course, great content. If I were allowed to do the quizzes without paying, I would have completed the course and most likely gotten the certificate. I can't commit to a course and pay for it before I experience it.
By Amy M
•Apr 19, 2017
This is a great course: very insightful and delves deeply into different levels of who is included in the Talent Pipeline! A great expanded view. The only thing I would change is the filming of YouTube videos (
By Edgar C
•Mar 18, 2022
Un muy buen curso para actualizarse en el rubro de los recursos humanos, atracción y gestión del talento. La expositora es muy clara, el curso es ameno y muy sencillo de seguir. Lo recomiendo.
By Micah L D
•Nov 12, 2019
Great course, I just wish there could be actual instructor feedback on assignments. It's great that it is peer graded, but it would be useful to have instructor feedback as well.
By jermilla s
•Sep 24, 2019
The course was extremely useful. Only one suggestion is that we have to wait until we get peers to review our assignment and because of that course duration gets extended.
By Adolfo M d l R
•Apr 11, 2016
Good course, really enjoyed it!!! A lot of tips and very complete process, before recruiting, recruiting, selecting, onboarding and developing talent.
By Yousef M
•Feb 22, 2017
I found this course useful theoretically overall, but to me in terms of practicality only "managing performance evaluation and feedback" was useful.
By Abdur R F
•Jan 7, 2016
I really loved it so much as it gives a very accurate information that can not be acquired through theoritical practice, but through practical one.
By Deleted A
•Jan 5, 2016
I'll have to re-listen to the videos before the course locks. I expect to use a lot of the tips provided in this course to retain talent and to dev
By Júlia M
•Dec 21, 2015
Very interesting topic and great classes, but it might be a bit hard to apply the skills to your life if you are not inside that management world.
By Tamar S
•Apr 16, 2020
Good course, but one of the lecturers was repeating herself too much. Most of her part was unnecessary. Could spare at least half of it.
By Eugenii S
•Apr 25, 2019
For the first week seems that tutor is kind of unnatural. And the description of the methods is not detailed with a lack of examples.
By Ehab E D
•Jul 6, 2020
I am really so happy with this course, and I wish i can continue to study the whole package.
Thanks Coursera and Michigan University.
By Shelley W
•May 20, 2018
Overall class was great. Wasn't a fan of the video assignments though since they weren't pair graded just got credit for submission.
By Harini
•Jul 18, 2019
The course was engaging and enriched my knowledge as a HR professional. Course material was apt and well structured.
By Jagdish S
•Apr 20, 2020
The course covers major aspects of managing talent and cross-checks learning through interesting assignments.
By Gladryl O
•Nov 8, 2020
A bit heavy in workload but has interesting insights that is definitely worth taking the course for.