Jun 11, 2023
It was an amazing journey learning with Mr. Vishal Sir. You have been an amazing mentor, and I hope to get into IIMA to experience your live sessions and interactions.Thank youGarima GopalStudent, BBA
Sep 17, 2023
Very nicely briefed by Prof. Vishal Gupta. This course enhances the skills of individuals to be more effective at their organisational endeavours and after completing this one comes out stronger.
By Harsh
•Jul 7, 2023
This course has been excellent learning for me and will be for anyone who aspires to be a great leader one day. I will like to give a big thank you to Professor Vishal Gupta for his wonderful lectures.
By Salima C
•May 24, 2023
It teaches you that leaders are not born they're in the making. Well paced and clear on every topic. Thank you to Prof. Vishal Gupta for sharing his insights on the curriculum and making it interested.
By Garima G
•Jun 12, 2023
It was an amazing journey learning with Mr. Vishal Sir. You have been an amazing mentor, and I hope to get into IIMA to experience your live sessions and interactions.
Thank you
Garima Gopal
Student, BBA
By Himanshu S C
•Mar 14, 2024
Thank you, Professor Vishal Gupta, for being such an amazing instructor and for contributing significantly to my personal and professional development. Here's to continuous learning and growth!
By Valluri A
•Dec 18, 2024
It is a wonderful opportunity for every working professional to learn flexibly. The content and the illustrations make the learner understand tremendously. Thank you Shri Vishal Gupta Sir
By Piyush R
•Feb 10, 2025
It's fantastic course for everyone includes beginners and seniors. It provides good knowledge about leadership skills and I recommended all to go ahead and clear it on within time limit.
By Queen S M
•Sep 9, 2023
Thank you Coursera,, thank you professor . I've learned a lot in your course Leadership Skills. I've also get interested about Indian epic. I wont' forget the lesson's from Mahabharata.
By Kapil J
•Nov 28, 2023
The course gave me understanding of Leadership mindset. I was never big on connections and Paradox resolution. Now I have not only understood but have also started to practice. Regards
By ritika j
•Jul 6, 2023
Very articulate and encompasses of wide range of dig on subject matter and emphasize on key highlights . I overwhelmed by inculcating those skills in my professional ahead career .
By Tripti S G
•Jun 19, 2024
Excellent course structure with very comprehensive and dynamic course sub modules. The approach of Prof. Gupta is very hands on. the topics covered are very contemporary and useful.
By jayanta m
•May 30, 2023
This is wonderful course for any leader who leads a corporate or any other organization. Many many thanks to Prof Vishal Sir and Coursera for giving me this opportunity to learn
By Abhi S
•Nov 25, 2023
Thank you very much Vishal gupta sir for great course with simple explanation.. Perfeclty Explicit all dimensions of this course in a very simple and understandable way.. Thanks
By Shivani R G
•Oct 25, 2023
1) simplicity 2) clarity 3) relevance are the 3 main reasons that make one understand this course. Vishal Sir's teaching style is application oriented and that is really useful
By Bhargav K J
•Apr 9, 2024
This online study was very influencing to develop one's leadership skills. If someone can integrate all this learnings in to his behavior will surely give positive results.
By MetamorphosisbyManisha
•Nov 21, 2023
One of the best learning journeys i have ever experienced. It's an honor for me that my mentor was Professor Vishal. Grateful to Coursera for this opportunity. Best Regards
By Gargi S
•Jun 21, 2023
This leadership course from IIM A , provided by Coursera is an intriguing course you will for sure learn so many things which help you in your personality development.
By Dinesh K S
•Aug 18, 2024
This course is so well designed which definitely shapes our personality, perception and approach to the best possible way. Grateful to Vikash Sir for great insight.
By Kiran B D
•Jul 15, 2023
Excellent course from IIM-A. Instructor , Prof . Vishal brings out the best learning insights , one can acquire through this course. Do go ahead and give it t try.
•May 24, 2023
This course has a very useful contents. It is not only useful for study or reading. It is really practical and problem solution skill are also covered. Thank you.
By Sandeep K
•Dec 10, 2024
The training session was good. The instructor used sufficient examples to demonstrate the concepts. Learning leadership skills from Mahabharat is really awesome.
By Amit S
•Feb 4, 2025
Great learning experience and able to related the importance on reading Mahabharata and Learning from it which can be applied in personal and professional life.
By Darshit G
•Jan 6, 2024
It is one of the best Leadership Course available online. It teaches you from basis to advance traits of a leader. It is a must course for today's generation.
By Deepak S
•Aug 14, 2023
Wonderful Course to go for. After this course you able to understand the quality of True Leader and what are the correct skill required to become good leader.
By venkata s s b g
•Jun 12, 2023
Its very good course and Professor Mr. Vishal Gupta explained the contents very understandable and easy way. Glad to have this certificate into my academics.
By Panchal N
•Jul 7, 2024
Really good explanation of each and every quality of a leader. Even small point is explain with good realistic example.Feel confident to learn the course.