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Learner Reviews & Feedback for IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts by Google

24,255 ratings

About the Course

This course covers a wide variety of IT security concepts, tools, and best practices. It introduces threats and attacks and the many ways they can show up. We’ll give you some background of encryption algorithms and how they’re used to safeguard data. Then, we’ll dive into the three As of information security: authentication, authorization, and accounting. We’ll also cover network security solutions, ranging from firewalls to Wifi encryption options. The course is rounded out by putting all these elements together into a multi-layered, in-depth security architecture, followed by recommendations on how to integrate a culture of security into your organization or team. At the end of this course, you’ll understand: ● how various encryption algorithms and techniques work as well as their benefits and limitations. ● various authentication systems and types. ● the difference between authentication and authorization. ● how to evaluate potential risks and recommend ways to reduce risk. ● best practices for securing a network. ● how to help others to grasp security concepts and protect themselves. ● new AI skills from Google experts to help complete IT tasks....

Top reviews


Aug 13, 2023

Course was very knowledgeable and worth taking. I feel like the training wouldn't be complete if I didn't know about security and how important it is not just for me but for everyone using technology!


Apr 25, 2018

Great course that is full of useful information and presented in an easy to understand way. It's an awesome beginner course that will add to your knowledge and further your knowledge of IT security.

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151 - 175 of 3,924 Reviews for IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts

By Susie O

Sep 24, 2020

This was an informative, interesting, and one of the more important modules. Some of the videos had a lot of details which could potentially lose the attention of the viewer, but Gian led us through it in a clear and concise manner. When he would interject his humor, it came across as natural and genuine, and not forced.

By Abron G

Mar 13, 2023

Lots of information and easy to understand lessons. It is a lot, but with what is provided, enough of a start is provided for beginners to build upon later. The information is not only good for professional best practices, but also for practical ways anyone can take an active role in safeguarding their own home systems.

By Ahmed N

Oct 9, 2024

لقد كانت دورة تدريبية شيقة جدا ولقد استفدت كثيرا من هذه الدورة بالرغم من صعوبة بعض الدروس، بعض الدروس تحتاج الي تركيز شديد والبعض الاخر يحتاج الي المراجعة وربما التكرار عدة مرات. لكن علي العموم لقد استفدت فائدة عظيمة جدا من هذه الدورة تحياتي للقائمين علي الامر ولزملائي الدارسين واتمني لكم جميعا التوفيق والنجاح والتقدم.

By Explorando A

Jan 14, 2020

It is vital to know how to protect our IT infrastructures from the digital dark arts. This course gives a valuable and overall introduction to preparing us to understand the many ways our systems and networks are exposed and how we can mitigate and prevent those risks using sound protocols, technologies, and behaviors.

By Outa J

Mar 15, 2021

IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts is a very good course since it equips one with the practical challenges that one may encounter in their IT support specialist role. I particularly have gained a lot from this course. I am very grateful to Google in conjunction with Coursera for offering this course.

By Muhammad U A

Feb 26, 2025

"This online IT course was absolutely amazing! The content was well-structured, engaging, and easy to follow. The hands-on exercises and real-world examples made learning both fun and practical. I gained valuable skills that I can apply immediately. Highly recommend it to anyone looking to boost their IT knowledge!"

By Dionmy A C D

Apr 14, 2019

Gracias a este curso, he conseguido nuevas herramientas y abilidades que antes no tenía y he afianzado las que ya tenia. Me ha hecho más conciente sobre la prevención en Internet, pero, a la vez, muy desconfiada, especialmente sobre descargar apps de otra organización. (Sólo descargo apps que pertenezcan a Google).

By larisaidis

Aug 3, 2018

A Big thanks to all instructors for what I've learned all those months and will continue this learning journey, because that is what makes successful as a whole. As the Greek philosopher Solon said: "Γηράσκω δ' αεί πολλά διδασκόμενος", which in a way means, even though I'm getting older, I am always learning a lot

By Nishant K G

May 7, 2020

When I started this course I just had a basic knowledge about Computers, but after completing this course I feel like I know about IT Security now, obviously, there's a lot to learn about Computers, its a very vast field, but this course helped me build my foundations on IT Security.

Thanks, Coursera and Google!


By Noel W J

Dec 13, 2019

The course has given me an in-site on how to understand security threats, Cryptology, AAA Security, Securing your Network, Defense in Depth, and Creating a company culture for your company. The information is just simply invaluable and i will use this to advance my career in the IT Professional world. Thank you.

By Cecelia R M

Jun 28, 2019

It was an excellent course! I definitely learned a lot from it. My perspective regarding security has changed a great deal from it. Even if you don't take this course for the certification, I would definitely recommend it for learning how to protect yourself and your devices on the internet and from attackers.

By Alejandro M

Jan 4, 2021

Everything has been interesting, what I have struggled with the most has been with the translations and the amount of acronyms, my next steps are to expose it to my employment counselor and together plan my spasos to follow, I think it will be to continue training, I would like to learn the Web development

By Parsuram P

Oct 24, 2020

It was totally worth it! I am happy and satisfied with the outcome. this course has been a difficulty journey but it was amazing for me. I learned a lot and this has given me confidence in my skill set and ability. I recommend this course to anyone looking the take that next step in Information Technology.

By Rucavanne H

Feb 20, 2024

This course was amazing! Thank you to all the instructors and especially Coursera. If I have one criticism it would have to be the certificate! I just feel that the certificate should have been signed by a Google official instead of just being signed by Google. That would have given it so much more power.

By Vineet J

Jul 25, 2020

THanks you for all your guidance and sharing the indepth knowledge which can be fruitful for me or for anyone who is willing to spend some time and learn about the IT secuirty . I would definetely do a refresher as to make to keep myself upgraded and share my knowledge and skill with my friends and family

By Md. G R D M

Feb 5, 2022

Google IT Support SpecializatiI enjoyed the course and learned a lot from it. The content is well organized and focused on practical situations. This is an excellent course especially for professionals, The instructor is great, explains the material clearly. Thank you instructor, google and Coursera

By Rolando F

Jun 18, 2022

Great courses It gives me knowledge and experience on how to protect myself and company that I will work for on the danger and implement a solution. Even though it was a beginners course it's give a very strong foundation. This course is great for novice and profesional who never expose on IT security.

By Marius K

Jun 26, 2018

This course is a very good one. My only concern is that it is less practical. We need some practical experience. If you cna include at least one software to exercise this new tool, it will be great. Too many new terms are digested here without any practical take away. Please take in consideration this.

By Seannae L

May 3, 2022

Very captivating and I loved the labs because it allowed me to get hands on experience with both Windows and Linux systems. This is the perfect starter course for someone interested in getting into IT Support. I highly recommend this course to everyone who asks me how to get started in the IT field.


Mar 12, 2025

Evaluating and iterating helped refine the prompt by ensuring all necessary details were included, clarifying the scope, and eliminating any ambiguity. This process allowed the output to better align with the organization’s security needs, making the final document more comprehensive and targeted

By Kaniesha W

Aug 28, 2020

Of all of the five courses in the IT Support Specialist specialization, I found this one to be the easiest to grasp. That might be because by now we've learned a lot of different information in the first four courses. I definitely just had an easier time grasping new information in this course.


Dec 2, 2019


By mengyi

Jan 23, 2021

It is absolutely amazing learning experience. I highly recommend it for new entrant to have an overview understanding of IT and master the skills to handle common IT problem. The explanation were detailed and right on the point. Highlighted concept is my favourite part. I am glad I made it!

By Angel N

Jul 16, 2023

Was a great course to do and I'm glad it made me more aware of certain things I didn't know prior to becoming invested in it. Hope more people go through this course if they wish to have more advanced knowledge and methodologies of how to protect themselves or others against cyber attacks!

By Ian S

Aug 6, 2018

My favorite course in the series. The other day, I was made aware of a major security breach in a top 10 social media news source. I UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING IN THEIR POST-MORTEM! In my opinion, this was the course that really pushed me for the first time in the series. Give me more Google!