Nov 11, 2016
This was a fantastic course, with a realistically attainable amount of material, and a humble, knowledgable professor whose teaching style makes a normally difficult topic very easy to understand.
Dec 6, 2017
Professor Weisbenner is fabulous! He is able to make anyone understand complex investment topics through his delivery and curriculum design. You are missing out not taking Investments from him!
By Liudmyla L
•May 28, 2024
Great course and good teaching by the professor, some jokes, some associations that help to remember everything better and a lot of repetition, which again helps to learn the material better. The only difficulty: there is a lot of material in a short time and a high speed in the video (the video playback speed of 0.75 has always helped me). My condolences to the university and family on the loss
By David J L
•Jun 28, 2020
I can only repeat what others have already written. Excellent course for anyone wanting to learn more on this topic. Professor Weisbenner not only knows his subject matter very well but, more importantly, he know how to convey his knowledge to his students in an interesting and thoughtful way combined with a sense of humour. Am looking forward to starting his second course.
By Andras I
•Jan 8, 2020
Entertaining and thorough at the same time. Although some of the courses I took were following more of an academic style, I don't doublt that this course covered the same subjects with as much or better efficiency. I'm used to the feeling of hard grind while learning difficult subjects - no such feeling during this course. Simply ingenious!
By A G M A T
•Aug 21, 2020
This course was really amazing. I'm a mathematics student and I've done project on Black-Scholes model and in future, I intend to do thesis on CAPM, 3 factor and multi factor model which I learnt from this course. Thanks a lot to Prof. Scott Weisbenner and all others related to this course.
By Nathaniel R
•Nov 7, 2020
Prof Weisbenner builds the course the same way that you would when constructing a long-lasting structure: preparing the foundation & then building upon it from the foundation up. One can be confident that what is learned will remain in mind. Presentations were very engaging.
By Johan P
•Feb 20, 2021
This course takes me to the next level of knowledge and in terms of demanding and challenging path to receive most of takeaways. Professor Scott was really amazing with their explanations and his course materials. It was so hard to me but really it worth it!
By Константин В
•May 3, 2019
Very useful, very detailed.
Best part for me:
- almost no extra reading needed
- perfect length and structure of videos for to/from job trips
- although coarse is focused on US stock market, I found most of the material applicable for MOEX as well
By sumit a
•May 4, 2021
Scott Weisbenner does an extremely good job of consolidating difficult concepts in the easiest way. What's best he is talking about what is relevant today. Had great learning. I would recommend this to everyone. Also, exercises are very useful.
By Dhinesh A D
•Nov 30, 2020
Foundation course for individuals who seek knowledge on investment strategies, portfolios and decision making. Best lectures and case studies enhance the learning experience to the next level. Highly Suggested.
By Rajesh J
•Nov 14, 2018
Outstanding course. The best amongst all Coursera courses I have taken so far. The course was very comprehensive and had a great amount of detail. Looking forward to enroll in the second part of the course.
By Pranav S
•May 3, 2020
Great course which adds a lot of knowledge. Highly appreciate the humor and creative ways of teaching of Professor Scott who keeps the entire course very informative, detailed and yet very interesting.
By Amod T
•Apr 8, 2020
The concepts are very well explained with practical examples.The real world examples makes us understand the concepts better and gives us a better understanding of implementing them.
•Nov 11, 2020
Professor Weisbenner was great in a recorded session and in live sessions. He is excellent in teaching complicated materials and providing common analogies to help us understand.
•Jun 23, 2019
Excellent course with huge nuggets of theoretical wisdom complemented by practical techniques through Data analysis and solver. A must for every investment enthusiast and manager.
By Vibhor K
•Nov 12, 2020
Excellent course. Lot of ground covered by Scott and his detailed explanations make some tougher topics give look more easier. His sense of humor and delivery is really nice
By Mohammed S A
•Dec 16, 2016
Lectures are nicely delivered!!! BUT videos of lectures should be confined within 15 minutes and be cited data sources and how to we can see and obtain data aswell
By Kenny S
•Dec 19, 2018
Amazing! Shed light on so many questions that I didn't even know to ask and corrected a lot of assumptions I had wrong. Loved this class. A must take class.
By Andres C M
•Nov 5, 2020
Great course, only downside is it takes a lot of time cause its really a lots of video hours compared to previous courses in the specialization.
By Vannisastantin W
•Sep 2, 2020
This course is very resourceful and full of useful information that can help me understand accounting and finance information a lot better!
By Megan S
•Nov 10, 2019
This course is heavy but I learned so much and the information is very relevant and helpful for better understanding financial investments.
By Petri T
•Aug 30, 2017
Great course and professor. Packs a lot of information and did not find any mistakes. Very smooth course overall. Highly recommended.
By Wolfgang K
•Feb 16, 2021
Great content and excellent presentation! This was not my first investment course but certainly the most enjoyable one. Many thanks!
By Marcelo G L
•Nov 21, 2016
Excellent! Professor Scott Weisbenner was brilliant and explained very carefully all lessons, one of the best MOOCs on Coursera!
By Anton A
•Aug 3, 2020
The course will be usefull for those who is going to start theit career in investments or to understand basics of investments.
By Luis M T A
•Apr 9, 2024
Excelente curso, me encanta como el profesor nos ayuda a ver la teoría del CAPM desde el punto de vista económico intuitivo