Jun 18, 2021
I Thanks Coursera ,IBM and its team to provide us such a grade knowledge to help the world for protecting, analyzing ,recovering from the cyber attacks and otheronce again thanks Coursera and IBM Team
Jul 5, 2023
This course was a great source of information and explanation to the world of cybersecurity, It gave me a strong motivation to go forward with whole course and learn more about this fascinating field.
By Visvesh J K
•Oct 27, 2019
Best Knowledge presented so far. 4 star only because in some of the videos audio quality was really bad.
By Shailendra K
•Aug 9, 2022
The course was fabulous. It just had a slight problem in regarding to audio and presentation a little.
By Havva O
•Apr 20, 2022
I like video .I learned different somethig with cybersecurty .All teacher explained clearly.Thanks IBM.
By Muhammad A T
•Jul 13, 2020
Wonderful course, Lots of new things to learn, Add some more content in digital forensics. Many thanks!
By Utkarsh S
•Jun 28, 2020
i like the course material very much and got to know very new and intresting thing about cyber security
By Sümeyye Ö
•Nov 28, 2023
Ben türkçe altyazıyla izledim ve maalesef anlatım bundan dolayı kötüydü ama yine de verimli diyelim :)
By Martha O
•Oct 3, 2023
I learned a lot of necessary terms, however some videos were hard to understand because of the quality
By Erley D J M O
•Jan 20, 2023
excellent course but it was much about theoretical than practice. it is needed mora practice examples.
By Santiago M M V
•Nov 12, 2022
Some of the audio records have little issues in the pronuntiation of the teachers, great intro course.
By Juan M R
•Sep 27, 2022
Great info, a little dry so it helps to do research on the side. Realy try hard on the practice quiz!
By Cervey J
•Apr 20, 2022
Buena opción para iniciar en el mundo de la ciberseguridad, sólo recomendaría actualizar el contenido.
By Dianne S
•Apr 9, 2022
I really enjoyed the course. The only problem was the poor transcription of some of the presentations.
By Priyanka d
•Apr 30, 2022
Course covers every single aspect of cyer security basic and cyber crimes. Helped a lot in my career.
By Leon H
•Dec 14, 2021
Interesting material and valuable knowledge, but sadly the audio quality of most videos is very bad.
By Zach H
•Aug 28, 2021
Information was well thought and presented but suffered a bit from microphone/recorded audio quality.
By Emin L
•Jul 23, 2021
Audio recordings are not good for some classes. I wish they did a test listening before releasing it.
By Shikher G
•Jun 7, 2022
A little bit less practical knowledge for beginners, although very resourceful through the theories.
By andrea s
•Mar 17, 2021
very interesting course for starting to get familiar with terms and specific topics on cybersecurity
By Navneeth P J
•Jul 6, 2020
An excellent course,just had some difficulties understanding some peculiar accents during the course
By Illarion T
•May 26, 2023
Not enough materials. The quality of some presentations is very low, you can't read text from them.
By Naren P
•Oct 28, 2022
i have seen many Introduction to Cybersecurity but no one tells this much detials in ther courses.
By Juan M T
•Jan 6, 2022
Not really good video/audio quality. The video transcriptions and subtitles are machine-generated.
By Gonzalo D C M
•Nov 3, 2020
Brindan la oportunidad de aprender nuevos conceptos y reforzar los que ya se han adquirido. Gracias
By Pratima B
•Oct 15, 2020
Pretty good and thorough but couldn't understand what was said in some cases due to bad microphones
By Bhanu P R
•Jun 26, 2020
Very helpful in understanding the basics needed for an individual to enter the cybersecurity world.