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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to CSS3 by University of Michigan

9,590 ratings

About the Course

The web today is almost unrecognizable from the early days of white pages with lists of blue links. Now, sites are designed with complex layouts, unique fonts, and customized color schemes. This course will show you the basics of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS3). The emphasis will be on learning how to write CSS rules, how to test code, and how to establish good programming habits. When done correctly, the styling of a webpage can enhance your page. When done incorrectly the result can be worse than no styling at all. To ensure that your sites do not put up barriers for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities, you will learn how to evaluate pages using the standardized POUR accessibility guidelines. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to sketch a design for a given HTML page. Using that design they will use CSS to implement the design by adding fonts, colors, and layouts. Here is a sample final CSS page: This is the second course in the Web Design For Everybody specialization. Subsequent courses focus on adding interaction with JavaScript and enhancing the styling with Responsive Design. It will be difficult to complete this course if you do not have access to a laptop or desktop computer for the homework....

Top reviews


Dec 19, 2020

This course helped me hone my CSS skills. Even though I had some knowledge on the subject, I understood and practiced many things that I had difficulty understanding before. Thanks, Professor Colleen.


Sep 25, 2020

This course is a recommendable for all beginners who are interested in designing and styling their web pages. The whole course is interesting and challenging at the end of the course and I enjoyed it.

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1 - 25 of 1,967 Reviews for Introduction to CSS3

By Andrew F


Dec 26, 2015

Excellent course! Well paced and the course really builds skills in using CSS3! Highly recommend this course to anyone looking to get a good grounding in CSS or who wants to go over the basics again.

By Nand P


May 19, 2020

Excellent course! Well paced and the course really builds skills in using CSS3! Highly recommend this course to anyone looking to get a good grounding in CSS or who wants to go over the basics again.

By Rose L


Mar 2, 2016

This has to be the poorest educational experience Ive ever had. Virtually nothing is explained. The instructor says time & time again that she's not going to bother to explain in detail and that we should go out & explore all these free resources if we want to learn. SO WHY DID I PAY FOR THIS CLASS? Honestly, save your money. This is nothing but a rip-off and I am shocked that an institution like U of M would allow such a sloppy, lazy product to be out there under its brand.

To make matters worse, we are instructed time & time again to go out onto the discussion board and ask for help when she doesn't want to bother explaining a concept.

1. Everyone else taking this class is confused too - how could they possibly be of any help to me?

2. The staff who comes onto the boards are just about as rude & unhelpful as any I've ever seen. They literally say "well, did you WATCH the lecture?" Ummm- yes I did & it directed me to come here for help.

I feel duped. This is a scam and I can only say I am sorry I paid my money for this. If you really want to learn CSS, get yourself a good book on the subject and/or utilize the free material out on the internet. This will absolutely waste hours of your time and way too much of your money for what they are providing.

By Philip A


Aug 20, 2018

The lecturer is a marvellous person. She makes the course very engaging. It takes you through most of the challenges I shall encounter as I progress in the field. I shall continue to study with her.

By Michael S


Apr 12, 2018

I have learned SO much in this class. I am making web sites, writing code, making mistakes, and solving problems.

This is the most practical class I have taken on Coursera. I HIGHLY recommend it!

By Mariia S


Apr 17, 2017

Thank you so much for this course! I enjoyed every minute of studying. The teaching was excellent, with hand-on "code together" videos which helped to ease in very quickly. I loved the idea of accessibility this entire specialization sticks with. So humane and beautiful! I learned how to style a plain HTML document with loads of cool stuff like fonts (custom fonts are highly important for any design), gradient, tables, background images and even some animation! CSS can do amazing things, that's what I've gleaned from supporting articles and additional readings which turned out to be splendid as well. So excited to learn more! Oh, and the support within the course was crazy. Even though it was tough sometimes, the tutor was reminding time and again that making great strides requires great fails! And that's how the whole process rolls. Thank you dear Coursera, Ms van Lent and University of Michigan! :)

By Abrar I


Mar 21, 2017

All thanks to Ma'am Colleen van Lent that now I can style a nice webpage even a whole website. The teaching method is marvelous. Assignments was also reasonable. Everything in this course teaches something and develops skills in us. I can feel the difference before and after completing this course. Recommend every Beginner to start this. It's Marvelous!

By Marshall W


Dec 7, 2016

Excellent for learning how to learn about styling webpages. I'm not very artistic when it comes to using pen and paper, but I've really learned how to express myself creatively through this course.

By David D


Dec 8, 2015

Course was great. I wish there was more coding and more examples as well as the videos showing more examples rather then slides with text of the properties.

By Jayme K


Jul 12, 2017

Really great class! Once again the professor breaks down the material to better clarify concepts and she provides ample time to practice. One thing that I really liked was she intentionally made common mistakes (which incidentally I made) to show what would happen & how to fix it. I audited the course and only watched the videos so I'm sure it's even better when you do the quizzes & graded assignments.

By Bhavya S


May 20, 2020

CSS is wide but still this course is very precise and every concepts are explained very nicely.

Before this course I used to think designing with CSS is frustrating but after understanding the fundamentals designing a webpage seems fun.

I really enjoyed the last assignment and tried to apply as much style I can use. ;-p

I think every beginner must do this course for easy learning.

By Guy T C


Dec 19, 2020

This course helped me hone my CSS skills. Even though I had some knowledge on the subject, I understood and practiced many things that I had difficulty understanding before. Thanks, Professor Colleen.

By Daniil T


Aug 15, 2016

Too long for learning so little. I have learned more while reading a book for 3 hours, than with this course for 4 weeks. But anyway, it was helpful, because the more tasks you complete, the better you get.

By Ana V M A F


Mar 5, 2017

You know when u see a bunch of good reviews of a restaurant and then go there and the food is terrible, the place is awful and the waiters are the worst?

Well, same here:

. class structure is messy

. communication skills are poor.

. i know this is not a design course but the examples shown in html are so bad u think u are watching a course from 2002.

. the teacher says "frustrating" some many times, and uses so much negative word towards coding and html... maybe she hopes not desencoraje students by empathy but end up doing the exact opposite.

i would not recommend this course, not to newbies, not to oldies, not to anyone searching to have a good learning experience.

Finishing this course was painfull and i only did it because i promised myself not to abandond it.

By Gustavo R E


Mar 10, 2020

I would really appreciate if you guys could show CODING not power point or someones face. Im sorry but thats how people learn, and wayyyyyyy too much worries about accessibility while I dont even know how to do a simple thing. I had to get the same instructions on youtube to get an understanding not a better understanding but AN UNDERSTANDING!! I luv these courses but this one was pretty bad compared to all the others I took

By Nicolás S V


Apr 11, 2020

It is good for an introductory course to CSS3. There will be three peer review assignments. I honestly don't like peer review assignments since I like when I'm evaluated by the institution that created the course (a course which I paid for) and not by peers. They should implement a grader where the file is submitted and analyzed, with a parser that can be easily achieved since the points I had to evaluate were related to the presence or not of x property or properties in the hw1.css file. The teacher explains the subject really well.

By Melanie R


Oct 15, 2016

This was a very nice introduction to CSS3. I had no prior background whatsoever, but I managed to go through it easily thanks to the very progressive pace and the useful information provided. I really appreciated the slides and ressources made available (I spent time off course to get a bit further). Finally, I think Colleen's explanations are very clear and she's being supportive in her videos. I would definitely recommend this course to beginners.

By Rebecca S


Mar 7, 2019

This course was a bit harder for me than HTML5 but still very valuable. I think I need to continue learning more about browser prefixes. That was confusing for me. Our instructor was so helpful and knowledgeable. These courses have been so much better than some of the online learning content I've seen in the past. I am already planning what I want to take next.

By Jobin J J


Dec 4, 2015

a very good, simple, effective serires

By Muiduzzaman M


Aug 29, 2020

Peer review system is a better system for justifying any student project or assignment / .

By Deleted A


Jan 28, 2018

The instructor talks too much. If she talks less and make the video shorter that would be nice.

By Stephanie C


Aug 15, 2020

This course expanded my knowledge and challenged me...and I really enjoyed it! Professor van Lent is a great instructor. She really knows her subject material, presents complex information in an easy to understand manner, encourages her students to expand their knowledge beyond the provided course materials, encourages students to try...make mistakes...and keep trying! I especially appreciated the opportunities to "code together" throughout the course. Professor van Lent (Colleen) has all the right qualities that help students learn, stay engaged and want to learn more. Thank you Colleen for another great coding course! See you again soon in "Interactivity with JavaScript"! ~ Stephanie C.

By k i


Dec 18, 2015

Colleen van Lent is really great, the course is well put together, and the video quality was excellent (looking at other courses, I now see that this is not always the case). I went through the HTML5 and CSS3 course and found them to be well-structured and thorough. There was a lot of opportunity to put into practice the skills we were learning and lots of helpful resources to point students in the right direction for additional help. I didn't like peer reviewing at first, but it was actually a useful exercise. I realized that other people may come at a problem in a slightly different way, and looking at their code helped me gain some insight into that nuance. Thanks, Colleen!



May 22, 2020

I would like to express my utter gratitude to Coursera and University Of Michigan to offer me the opportunity to learn web design from two such respected organizations. Futhermore, this course (along with HTML5) packs a lot of potential so as to ignite a flare in one's mind to be able to recover from his/her fear of coding and walk all the way through the path of designing web pages with sheer ease.

In short words, this course is a boon for the people who have got a knack for creating interactive web pages using HTML5 and CSS3.