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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations by University of Geneva

99 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to the MOOC "Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations". We are very excited to have you on board and hope you will enjoy the course! In the coming 6 weeks, you will learn about the International Health Regulations (IHR), history of its creation and evolution, its major principles and implementation procedures, as well as challenges and future opportunities. We will talk about lessons learned from the previous epidemics and environmental disasters, and discuss possible future health threats and ways to respond to them in an efficient and timely manner. The goal of this MOOC is not only to promote knowledge on the IHR among the general public but also to help international health practitioners advance its implementation, contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. Our MOOC «Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations» is highly transdisciplinary and involves prominent experts from more than 15 leading institutions worldwide, including academia, international organizations, and local governments. Along with traditional e-learning resources, it gives access to a highly innovative teaching tool - virtual Simulator IHR 3.0 - a serious game where you can practice managing health crises from different perspectives. No matter which country you come from, this MOOC is free and open for anyone interested in learning more about such a powerful legal mechanism as the IHR. Every week, you will get access to a new Module which includes a series of video lectures, accompanied by a list of recommended readings to deepen your knowledge on the proposed topic. Every module will have a number of practice exercises, such as in-video questions and practice quizzes based on the video lectures and readings, and a graded quiz to sum up everything that you've learned. At the end of the course, you will be asked to take a graded final quiz that you will need to complete (as well as each Module's graded quizzes) in order to pass the course and earn a Certificate if you chose this option at enrolment. We encourage you to use Discussion Prompts and forums to discuss the course material with fellow students enrolled in the MOOC. You can greatly contribute to the learning process by posting your questions, commenting, or sharing your personal experiences and examples from your countries. This MOOC was produced jointly by the University of Geneva (Switzerland), Centre Virchow-Villermé for Public Health Paris-Berlin, Université Paris Descartes (France) and ANEO in close collaboration with the World Health Organization Headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland) and WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (Cairo, Egypt), with the financial aid of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France), UNIGE and WHO. We wish you good luck with the MOOC and look forward to seeing you in our learning community!...

Top reviews


Jan 20, 2021

The course consists of a wide arrange of aspects of IHR, but all these points of view are important. I think the IHR need to be revised again after COVID-19.


May 9, 2020

I am excited finishing the course and I found it very important and contemporary plus a brilliant lectures except some talks need to be translated. Thank you

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1 - 25 of 30 Reviews for Global Health Security, Solidarity and Sustainability through the International Health Regulations

By Oli B


Jul 19, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. The video lectures were very engaging. Another aspect I liked was the diversity of experts who participated in this course. In my opinion, the instructors were the brightest and finest money can buy. I speak from experience. I have taken several courses with Coursera throughout the years and I am truly grateful for this collaboration between this platform and experts from different fields. Even if you're not in the health field the content of this course is enlightening.

By Seyed-Moeen H


Jul 23, 2019

A very thorough and sweet course indeed. The biggest advantage was that it was lectured by the best professors and professionals in the field which are or have been practically engaged with different aspects of IHR. Highly recommend it to those dealing with IHR implementation and monitoring in various levels and sectors especially national authorities of member states. Big thanks to course designers at University of Geneva.

By Anfisa P


Feb 7, 2020

This is a very interesting MOOC, full of important information. This course covers every aspect of the work of the IHR and all around. I liked that there are many additional sources of information. I highly recommend this MOOK for anyone interested in the work of WHO and the IHR.

By Luís R


Mar 18, 2021

Very good. Being in e-learning mode which facilitates and shortens distances, at the same time hinders the always essential interaction in these topics, discussion is essential.

Completing the course was not easy, studying among the small periods after work required some dedication and effort.

However, the excellent explanations of all the speakers in the various modules in conjunction with the various reading material supporting the study made each module attractive.

In particular, the main difficulty I had was the fact that English is not my natural language which led me to listen in English, mentally translate to Portuguese and then respond to the various tests in English.

This course has brought to me the opportunity to understand all the involvement of the IHR, its implementation and essentially in this period COVID understand many of the decisions taken nationally or internationally concerning health matters or political.

It also helped me to realize the need to help my institution, in the search and implementation of the best systems of health support at work and prevention in the workplace.

Many thanks to all.

By kyawnay z


Nov 18, 2020

It is very insightful course, providing new knowledge on various aspects of IHR and global health security. Worth-learning!

By rudolf h


Mar 17, 2021

obviously a lot would have changed with the advent of Covid-19. a review of the wrong answers would also help to make the adequate corrections

By Sharafat I


Jan 20, 2021

The course consists of a wide arrange of aspects of IHR, but all these points of view are important. I think the IHR need to be revised again after COVID-19.



May 10, 2020

I am excited finishing the course and I found it very important and contemporary plus a brilliant lectures except some talks need to be translated.

Thank you

By Marc S O


Jul 21, 2021

A very informative course, very important public health specialists and National level disease control officials.

By Maike H J


May 8, 2020

Great course, goes very in-depth, very high quality, many interesting experts, very interesting topics!

By Boubacar A M


Oct 17, 2022

Great content, very helpful, easy to follow, the instructors are knowledgeable. Many thanks.

By Arbaz A


Aug 21, 2019

Great to have a knowledge of the things that were never exposed to you.

By janakkumar o m


Sep 18, 2022

its very very useful for multiple stack holders of various capicity.

By Evellyn M d S


Nov 19, 2024

I highly recommend this course! The professors are very good

By raoul s


Apr 26, 2023

best way to learn and apply the health management

By Celso A J


Jun 12, 2020

Excellent course!

By Tersoo A


May 15, 2020

Amazing insights

By Ogochukwu M G


Aug 14, 2024

Well dellivered



Feb 9, 2021


By Poliane m a


Sep 5, 2020

Thank you

By Mona A A


Jun 30, 2020


By Ekuwa A


Dec 31, 2020

very educative! there is so much to learn. This course improves your understanding of international disease management and the reasons why things are done to promote health and prevent disease outbreaks while managing the economies of countries even in the midst of pandemics

By Idongesit O


Nov 13, 2024

I applied for financial aid, but upon completion of my course, I was billed the original fee of $49, please assist. Thank you.

By Steven N


Jul 20, 2022

This is a great engaging course, on the international response to health emergencies with focus on the IHR