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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Immunology: Complement, MHC I and II, T Cells, and Cytokines by Rice University

488 ratings

About the Course

Course 2 is a four-course specialization called Fundamentals of Immunology. Each course in the specialization presents material that builds on the previous course's material. This is the second half of the journey through the defenses your body uses to keep you healthy. In the first part we learned about innate immunity and B cell function. The second part covers T cell function and coordination of the immune response. Fundamentals of Immunology: Complement, MHC I and II, T Cells, and Cytokines builds on the first course to describe the functions of Complement, MHC presentation to T cells, T cell development and signaling. The early lectures survey cells, tissues and organs using metaphors, cartoons and models to improve understanding and retention. This course includes the structure of both MHC proteins and T cell receptors and the sources of variation. The course provides animations of gene rearrangement, developmental processes and signal cascades. Testing employs multiple choice questions testing facts, concepts, and application of principles. Questions may refer to diagrams, drawing and photographs used in lecture and reproduced in the outline. What You’ll Learn: How complement uses adaptive and innate triggers to target pathogens. The detailed structure and coding of MHC proteins and both alpha-beta and gamma delta receptors and how these proteins interact to initiate an adaptive immune response. The basics of signaling, and the varieties of external receipt and internal activation pathways. We bine the process of putting together how signals and crosstalk control the activity of the immune system....

Top reviews


Mar 4, 2020

Amazing lecturer! I will be keep on coming back to the material! very challenging exams and a lot to learn! Absolutely turned on my curiosity mood! Deeply thankful for the course!


Mar 27, 2020

Module 2 out of 3. It was a great experience, once again, done by an excellent teacher! Thank you for offering this specialization course, can't wait to start module 3!

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26 - 50 of 75 Reviews for Fundamentals of Immunology: Complement, MHC I and II, T Cells, and Cytokines

By Thelonious2Monk


Jun 11, 2020

A very thorough and well presented course. Prof. Novotny knows her subject very well and she is a teacher at heart - not so common among scientists.

The problem is that she goes into all the details of the subject. but fails to present the overall picture. So you learn all the details of gene rearrangement of the T cells, but at the end you find yourself confused as to the the general workings of the whole system, B cells, T cells, complement system etc. Sure, the information is buried somewhere, but it is buried under so many details that it is hard to see the wood from all the trees. I would add a short overview of the entire immunological system in the beginning, and a general summary at he end.

By Melba T S


Feb 5, 2021

This course is so interesting and fun. Not an easy A though, you'll likely have to spend a good amount of time processing the information and finding links between all of the different parts that make up T cell development and the signaling involved. Great course if you are looking to deepen your immunology knowledge, wouldn't recommend it if you have never taken an immunology course before.

By darshan s b


May 15, 2021

In this course, I have learnt how the T cell functions and coordinate their immune response. It was really a nice experience and the content of the videos were really good. The explanation of each and every diagram in the video has been explained very well during this course.

By Christopher M M M


May 18, 2023

Great Course. It is difficult but well worth the effort. I first studied immunology about 50 years ago, and this course brought me up to date with the current state of the basic science of immunology. The professor made it particularly interesting.

Chris Morin MD, MBA, FACS

By Orlyany M


May 15, 2021

Este curso me permitió conceptualizar de forma práctica a través de una excelente docente y recursos pedagógicos, aspectos importantes sobre el funcionamiento inmunológico y su aplicación y semejanzas con la cotidianidad.

By John P


Jul 19, 2021

Absolutely wonderful course. So informative. I'm looking forward to the last two couses in the program.

By Shakthi K


Jun 27, 2021

I enjoyed this course very much. The concepts were explained in a very clear manner that it made it seem easy

By Lorenzo T I


Oct 25, 2020

Dr. Novotny did a great job in explaining complicated and daunting concepts in an easy to follow and fun way.

By Juan P


Jul 21, 2021

The coursera was wonderfull, the teacher is very didact and nice. Thanks Cousera and Tanks RIce Uniersity

By Mandana A


Nov 9, 2023

Exact and insightful course that provides primary and advanced material for learners. Thank you

By Udhaya S U


Apr 22, 2021

It s very useful. Actually I learnt many things regarding Tcell and signalling . Worth it....

By Eleana G


Apr 17, 2021

Nicely presented course. Quite informative and interesting.

By Mauricio M P


Feb 13, 2022

Excellent continuation for the first course.

By Elena S


Oct 29, 2020

Excellent course and amazing teacher!

By Martin R


Jan 17, 2022

Very informative and challenging!

By Francisca I T L


Oct 7, 2020

Absolutely amazing and enriching.

By Nadeeshani E


Nov 27, 2020

Very interesting and engaging

By Saad G


Aug 30, 2020

recommended for undergrads

By Supreetha B


Dec 7, 2020

Excellent teaching method

By Kakasaniya P M


Jun 17, 2020

Very interesting course

By Aditya A D


Jun 9, 2020

Very nicely structured!

By Neshwari C


Aug 12, 2019

Excellent all around!

By dr q K


Oct 11, 2023

that so good course

By Godana T


Apr 14, 2020

I was learned well

By Manikanta B


Dec 6, 2022

very informative