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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Chinese for HSK 2 by Peking University

897 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to HSK level 2 course! This course is called “Chinese for HSK Level 2”, which is also the second step towards HSK Level 6. At the end of the 6 weeks, you will be able to express your views towards some simple and common daily life topics. In this course, we have  24 lecture videos and in class exercises  44 short videos in complement to the context of learning material  Over 150 new vocabularies, 62 new grammar points as well as relevant pictures and examples  Downloadable practice charts for over 100 basic Chinese Characters  Weekly online quiz and final simulation exam questions This course covers the entire content that stated in the HSK Level Two Outline. It does not matter if you complete HSK Level 1 or not, as long as you have obtained basic Chinese language competency, I would like to welcome you to join the journey of learning Chinese with us. I believe you will continue enjoying the happiness that Chinese brings to you....

Top reviews


May 22, 2021

It's a great comprehensive course, a prefect option for those who want to study online. I do feel that my Chinese has improved, I'll definitely take the HSK 3 course. Thanks a lot for this experience!


Dec 9, 2019

the course is beautifully organized by the Peking university in which one can learn in better way by using very short time of his /her busy routine . Indeed a helpful course

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1 - 25 of 248 Reviews for Chinese for HSK 2

By marissa

Aug 12, 2019

I am really disappointed with this course. The teacher could explain something instead of only reading what is wrote on the screen. HSK1 was completely different and amazing. Don't know why they changed.

By Dan R

Aug 2, 2018

This course is not nearly as good as HSK1. The professor doesn't do much more than pointing and reading the PPT. There are very few explanations given or efforts made to explain the "what" and "why" of the new concepts shown. Additionally, there are no short progress quizzes given after each lesson to ensure learning before moving on to the next lesson. Next, the videos with the sample conversations/dialogue are poor quality. Often you cannot hear the students well since they are not talking into the microphone and they make no effort to slow down their speech or enunciate for the learners (even if just a little bit), so many times the videos of the dialogue were basically useless for me. Overall, not as well put together or as detailed as the HSK1 course. The only reason I was able to follow and pass the course was because I was doing my own independent study of the HSK2 materials.

By Lukáš A

Oct 15, 2017

After a very good first part of this series, this course is horrible. When I posted a complaint to the discussion forum, I got verbally attacked by a mentor. Sorry guys but this is not the way to go :)

By Kaushalya N

Oct 10, 2017

Really disappointed. After setting a really high benchmark with HSK 1, HSK 2 Course is a huge let down. HSK 1 was a very well constructed course and I didn't have to resort to supplementary material at all. Here is the format of the courses: Videos are played - The dialogues are read by the instructor in chinese - The new chinese words are read out - The examples are read in chinese - The new words / key words are reviewed - The grammar example statements are read out in chinese - Dialogue videos played again. There are no explanations whatsoever. This feels more like a powerpoint presentation and less of teaching. The course may not be helpful to those who are serious about taking HSK 2 Examination.

By Manuel

Jun 4, 2017


tried couple lessons: no explanations, zero enthusiasm, no study material.

you can find a lot better for lower price

By Oksana P

Jul 13, 2018

I am so happy that I took this course. It really helped me a lot in learning Chinese. Before this course I used many softwares for learning Chinese but non of them were so useful ! 谢谢老师!!!

By Micaela C

Sep 25, 2020

This course is very thorough and beneficial for anyone seeking to sit for the HSK 2 exam or anyone who would like to have a very good understanding of Chinese at this level.

By Asmat U K

Dec 10, 2019

the course is beautifully organized by the Peking university in which one can learn in better way by using very short time of his /her busy routine . Indeed a helpful course

By Mohd A

Oct 12, 2020

I am very pleased and thankful to our teachers for teaching with best skills and I am fully satisfied with your way of teaching and explaining.

Thank you


By Muhammad A Y

Mar 23, 2018

i am very thankful to coursera give me this opportunity . i have three training Chinese language experience and special thanks for teacher. love coursera.

By Tiffany

Nov 30, 2019

I got 100% in the listening part and 98% in the reading section of HSK 2 auditing this course and didn't use any other resources. Really good course.

By Daniel W

Mar 4, 2018

explain the grammar a little bit more. not only mention that they exist. for instance: redublication of verbs, when shall I use it? what's the meaning of this?

didn't learn much from listening to the videos - it is just a list of vocabulary and grammar (without explanation). It's enough to pass HSK2-test I guess, but not enough to learn the language. Maybe take an example from the HSK1/HSK3 class, where things are much better explained.

moreover it seems like in this class not much effort has been put here, when comparing the material with the one from other classes. anyway, the tests were a good practice that's why I give 2/5

By Katrina Z

Jul 31, 2018

The audio quality of the skits is really bad/bordering on useless! Instead of writing the words directly on the website, everything (vocab, etc) has to be downloaded as a PDF. HSK 2 is very grammar-heavy but the instructional videos lack explanations and the linguistic terms they use are confusing and not easy to understand. You have to download a PDF to see translations of the example sentences. Compared to the HSK 1 course, this course is pretty bad.

By diego g

Mar 5, 2019

I hate way of giving the material, you can not listen each new word as in the previous course. I will not try HSK3

By Najet B

Jun 11, 2018

This course did not prepare me for the HSK2 exam. It does not teach all the necessary vocabulary for the exam.

By yvon l

Sep 10, 2020

I don't know how to put zero stars

This is a really really bad course, nothing to do with the HSK1 course of the same bundle

It seems like the only objective of this course is to give us the words as fast as possible as if we would remember them like robots.

I strongly recommend any beginners not to do this course as it will kill their motivation.

This course made me unsuscribe from the bundle, from coursera and made me look for other alternatives.

Good luck

By Adina S

Jun 20, 2020

Huge disappointment. The teacher is mostly like a voice-over presentation. She does not explain a single word or grammar but rather reads whatever is on the slide, thereby not adding any value to the learning process. I hope the next level will be better.

By Abi P

Oct 27, 2020

teacher is just reading everything. not explaining

By Niels v d B

Jan 15, 2017

This course features a very structured approach into learning the basics of Chinese. Due to the fact that videos are used (that are downloadable with tape scripts and subtitles) you get a clear understanding of how things are pronounced. The teachers featured in this course speak very clear and not to fast. Following the videos there are clear overviews of the new words and sentences you see in the video, this helped me understand things better. The tests that are used during this course are good and fit the material that the test is about.

The subjects that you discuss during this course are all very relevant and useful in case you ever need the basic communication (for example hobbies, weather, etc..)

Overall this course is very good and i would defiantly recommend it if you want to understand the basics of Chinese.

By Arushi N

Aug 6, 2018

Every day I felt an improvement in my Chinese listening and reading skills! Much grateful to Teacher Liu and Peking University for putting together this great course. Teacher Liu's voice is so encouraging and sweet, I wish I could have had her as my teacher outside of this course also. I found the PDF of the video really helpful because it provided English translations for the sentences in the video. The role plays were not only informative, but good fun. Wish some of the actors/students had spoken louder and more slowly - but I am thankful to them for taking the time out to help us learners!

By Cuong H K

Apr 17, 2019

Compare to HSK 1 course, this course is less effective for me. The video quality is worse than the video in HSK 1, the sounds are not clear to listen for the beginners. Also, the actresses spoke so fast that I can't follow. Other than that, everything is excellent. It contains significant amount of new words and grammar points which keeps me motivated.

By Barry O

Apr 15, 2019

Very good course, it's quite a jump from the previous course but it's taught at an appropriate level and pace for HSK2. I'm happy with the course, it was partly a review for me as I'm not a complete beginner but I definitely learned some new things and I want to review the course again before moving on to HSK3, which will be more of a challenge for me.


Jun 11, 2018

Hello!First thanks for teacher who teach Chinese language online, and coursera team to offer me this course free of coast.I am very happy and thanks coursera team to giving me a such a nice learning opportunity for Chinese language course.I already did my first level with high grade, I hope i will as same level 2. Thanks Team coursera and

By Andreu P

Jul 13, 2020

I think overall the course was very helpful for learning chinese online on your own, allowing you to reach the HSK 2 level. I liked the listening part and the structure of the lessons. Maybe, I would have appreciated some more comments on the grammar, but I usually complemented this section online or looking at some books. 谢谢你!

By Ubaldo M G

Sep 26, 2019

This course is very complete, allows you to learn the four main topics of languages. I'm very happy of took these lessons, To achieve HSK2 you need to practice a lot and is not enough just to pass these test but the main content of HSK2 is included in these lessons.
