Mar 27, 2016
A fascinating personal account of the atrocity while the world watched! This class is for everyone there is so much more to learn, thank you for everything you went out of you way to help, God Bless
Jul 21, 2019
It is an eye-opening and humbling course. I appreciate how the content was presented through an engaging narrative. It led me to think more deeply about the Holocaust and humanity, for that matter.
By A M
•Jan 2, 2022
An exceptional overview of the topic. A variety of scholarly approaches are applied to this most sensitive of topics. The presentation is lucid and engaging. Highly recommended to both those with little knowledge of the Holocaust and those looking to revise or consolidate.
By Kathy D
•Dec 2, 2023
This was an informative, well prepared course. I appreciated the additional resource materials outside the lectures to clarify and provide more insight to the Holocaust. This is a subject of which I had little insight, so the expertise of the lecturers was well received.
By Damon T R
•Apr 15, 2018
I was pleasantly surprised by how much I learned from this short course. I originally was just taking it to refresh my memory on the Holocaust due to my wife's German and Jewish heritage. I came away with a fresh perspective that will stay with me for the rest of my life.
•Feb 27, 2024
Fue un tema interesante desde el inicio hasta el termino de esta primera parte, ya que me dio un panorama mas amplio sobre lo que fue el holocausto, las causa, su desarrollo y las consecuencias no solo par ala comunidad judía sino también para la sociedad en general.
By Erich-Dieter G
•Sep 7, 2017
This course was outstanding and was FULL of information that I had never known. Understanding all of the events that led up to the Holocaust helps to make the timing and series of events fall in to place. This course was the best source of information that I have e.
By Irish A O
•Dec 9, 2020
Thank you so much for this course. The discussion is good and interesting. I hope those historians can access this course and share this with their students. I downloaded all the transcripts, videos, pdfs, and many more for future references. Thank you once again!
By Robert H
•Mar 4, 2016
The main lecturer is a particularly good teacher, who speaks fluently and knowledgeably about this difficult topic. Her empathy is obvious, which makes it that much more meaningful to me. Can't wait to take the second course. A great introduction to the Holocaust.
By Sandy E
•Sep 29, 2022
There was so much about Nazi Germany that I had no idea about. To know more about the consequences of Hitler's Germany opened my eyes more. I had never seen any photographs so vivid as the ones I saw doing this paper. It was well worth taking.
By Reyna G
•Oct 29, 2017
Muchas gracias, mi habla natal es el español, sin embargo es un gusto que cuenten con la traducción en mi idioma, sin ello, me hubiera sido imposible estudiar este curso y terminarlo. Felicidades por el gran trabajo que hacen en Coursera. Saludos!
By John T
•Jan 22, 2025
The course handled a delicate topic in a clear and easy to understand manner. Facts were presented and methodology adopted was explained. I learnt and gained insights to the suffering of the Jews during this dark period of world history.
By Jose A S
•Jul 2, 2020
Ideal course for lovers of history and the theme of the holocaust. Very good explanations and very good approach from the teachers. It guides and focuses very well points that you can usually miss when you are reading about these topics.
By michael l
•Mar 14, 2016
have stayed away from this dark chapter in history. could never understand how the Nazis were able to pull it off - c0ntrol of Europe that is - in such a short timeframe. this course helps in that understanding. \No suggestions.......
By Mary E
•Dec 15, 2020
Exceptional instructor who presentged material in easy to understand format to improve knowledge about Nazi Germany and The Holocaust. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to improve their understand of how The Holocaust occurred.
By Samantha A
•Jan 14, 2017
This course is an invaluable educating experience. I am so grateful to Yad Vashem and to all those who provided us with an extraordinary course. I learned so much in these three weeks and look forward to what I can learn in Part 2.
By Vitalina V
•Jun 11, 2020
Very recommend for u, if u want to find out more and deeply about terrifying period of human history. Very good speakers, important information about key events of Holocaust, useful recommended literature. Thank you so much.
By Lavanya R
•May 14, 2020
Excellent coursework. The diversity of sources used to explain the different realities of Jews is also very well thought out. the readings provided give the participant an opportunity to understand the elaborate knowledge.
By Estefania A G S
•Sep 24, 2017
Is always important meet and have an initial contact with our history in order to learn what we can do and what we can not. Also is important because give us, yhe joung people, tools to fight for our convictions and rights
By alfonso p m
•Apr 16, 2020
excelente,los tutores y el material de estudio sumergen al aprendiz en un mundo que a pesar de haberse tratado muchas veces siempre permanece tangible y con muchos interrogantes todavía por desentrañar. muchas gracias
By Sunny F
•Jan 1, 2024
In preparation for teaching this as a unit for 8th graders, this course has provided me with a framework to share the material in addition to the information to provide as they discover questions in their studies.
By Gamze S S
•Nov 21, 2020
It was a very comprehensive course in the meaning of the Holocaust and its background. I enjoyed taking the course, it was not like ı was taking a lecture ; more like ı was watching a documentry about holocaust.
By Felix C
•Jul 7, 2020
A course that provides a panorama of the events behind the Holocaust, with the careful analysis of experts in the matter. Clear lectures and very engaging choices of material and exposition. Highly recommended.
By Jaisha P
•May 2, 2020
The course is relatable to correct political scenario and anti-semantic nature in Germany. It connected the dots and I understand a portion of the bigger canvas. I thank the faculties for this great course.
By Maria N
•Apr 18, 2020
It's extremely important to know and remember our history. For this porpose I took this course.
The course is well built. The information is given in an understandable, accessible and interesting way.
By Denise I
•Nov 6, 2019
Excelente curso que responde várias dúvidas sobre tudo o que envolve o holocausto. Foi uma tragédia irreparável, mas uma lição, infelizmente, não totalmente aprendida por grande parte da humanidade.
By Diane N
•Mar 28, 2016
A fascinating personal account of the atrocity while the world watched! This class is for everyone there is so much more to learn, thank you for everything you went out of you way to help, God Bless