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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The History of Modern Israel - Part I: From an Idea to a State by Tel Aviv University

800 ratings

About the Course

How did the State of Israel come to be? How is it that an idea, introduced in 19th century Europe, became a reality? And how does that reality prevail in the harsh complexities of the Middle East? Presented by Professor Eyal Naveh, with additional units from Professor Asher Sussers' "The Emergence of the Modern Middle East" course, This course will take you on a journey through the history of Modern Israel. In this 1st part of the course we will explore: How did the 19th century idea of a Jewish state become a reality? So the next time you hear about Israel in the news, you will be informed enough about the history of this area to comprehend the many sides and narratives that interact to shape the complex reality of Israel today. Please note that there is a second part to this course "The History of Modern Israel - Part II: Challenges of Israel as a sovereign state" which is a direct extension of this part. We highly recommend to continue to the second part after you finish this one ( In order to receive academic credit for this course you must successfully pass the academic exam on campus. For information on how to register for the academic exam – Additionally, you can apply to certain degrees using the grades you received on the courses. Read more on this here – Teachers interested in teaching this course in their class rooms are invited to explore our Academic High school program here – * This course is a joint effort of Tel Aviv University & Israel Institute ( * This course uses media material from various archives, courtesy to Yad Vashem Archive for their help. * This course is self-paced. Once you register, you can participate in the course anytime, as often as you wish and over any stretch of time...

Top reviews


Sep 26, 2019

"The History of Modern Israel – Part I: From an Idea to a State" is a time demanding course for all of us nowadays to know the real history of modern Israel. Thanks Coursera for the such opportunity.


Sep 29, 2020

It gave me more insight for me about Israel history. The tutors explained it in a simple way, although some parts of the materials were a little bit difficult to understand

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26 - 50 of 227 Reviews for The History of Modern Israel - Part I: From an Idea to a State

By Roy S I

Jul 13, 2016

Fantastic course that gives a quick, yet thorough survey of Modern Israeli history. The primary professor may be one of my favorite professors I've ever heard in my life. His passion when talking about the Holocaust is especially evident. I would recommend this course to any history "buff" or lay person looking to increase their knowledge about modern Israeli

By kouassi n c

Jul 10, 2017

I have always wanted to know the true story of the Israeli people, I never wanted to listen to what television or some newspapers tell about this people and today I am satisfied with what I learned through this course I agree that all peoples must have their own land despite the fact that we are in fact all brothers and sisters in the background.

By Olga D

Aug 26, 2016

The course is very interesting! I would recommend it to anyone interested in the subject.

However, the English subtitles are far from perfect! Quite often, they interfere with the understanding because they substitute the words of the lecturer for other words, sometimes quite ridiculous! The English subtitles definitely need to be proofread!

By Samuel

Mar 9, 2016

I am proud of learning a course about the History of the modern state of Israel beginning from Zionism Ideology till the state of Israel was born.

This is the History of the Jewish people and the fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecy for the Jews to inherit the Promised Land which foretold by the prophets before 2000 years ago.

By Marcos V M d S

May 2, 2018

Excellent course. I learned a lot about the formation of the State of Israel.

The course is very well assembled and addresses issues in an academic way without preconceived concepts. It is an essential course to better understand what Zionism was, its origins and especially the creation of the Yishuv and the State of Israel.

By Joyce S

Jan 20, 2016

I am 83 years old. Much of this I remember. I did poorly on the test because It is hard for me to take clear notes quickly. {medical condition}. However, as coming from a Jewish background I found the class very interesting. Israel will survive no matter how horrible the situation in the Middle East exists!

Joyce Spier

By pureum k

Apr 13, 2017

I have been interested in the history of Israel. This course gives a good summary of history of modern Israel. I learned that modern Israel really had to go through a lot of conflicts and struggles. I liked the videos but it was faster to read the transcripts. So if you want to save time, read the transcripts.

By María A R M

Feb 3, 2020

El conocimiento impartido es interesante porque muestra más allá de la información básica con que normalmente se refieren al proceso de formación de nación de Israel, ayudando a formar unas bases más solidas sobre este tema que sirvan para entender la realidad del Israel actual.


Jun 5, 2018

This course is a importante complement to a lot of books, and bring us a great Vision about such relevant details that are dificult to find, percept or even understand without a teacher.

Thank you for all !!!

טוב מאוד אם אפשר לי לילמוד איתכם

בארצ בעתיד קרוב


By Miguel V

Aug 30, 2017

Very interesting to know about Israel modern history (majority on XX Century)

If you like this course I also recommend: The Emergence of the Modern Middle East

Also in two parts, but it's about the other Middle East places (not just Israel / Palestine)

Thank you.

By Joseph C

Nov 17, 2015

Very topical and extremely interesting. The professors were great. This course should be experienced by any American that wishes to be informed about the creation of the State of Israel. Nicely done. Thank you, Coursera, and thank you, Tel Aviv University.

By Yury

Jul 3, 2016

Esse curso é uma ferramenta excelente para compreender os conflitos históricos , políticos , religiosos e ideológicos que estão envolto a nação de Israel e a Palestina. Parabéns a Universidade de Tel Aviv e aos seus professores pelo trabalho desenvolvido.

By Ernest M

Jan 27, 2023

Very good and informative course. The only thing I have a problem with is the course certificate. You would think that they could put your name on it instead of Coursera Learner. Instead of displaying this with pride,It cheapens the work you put in.

By Lucy F

Feb 11, 2018

Very enlightening. I took this mainly to supplement my history A-level, but also to feel more confident in debates about the topic of being pro-israel or anti-israel. I now understand that the argument has far more layers than meets the eye.

By Wallyn D d J S

Apr 6, 2020

O curso foi ótimo, o único problema, no meu ponto de vista, foi o de da ''Semana 2'' até a ''Semana 3'' do curso terem apenas uma avaliação, ao invés de dividir em duas para que não houvesse o acúmulo de conteúdo, dificultando um pouco.

By Bernard D V

Sep 26, 2016

Very good class about the history of a complex situation in Palestine.

Teachers are clear, they don't take any side and we learn a lot.

It's important to have a good point of view of one of the oldest and complex conflict of modern times.

By Celso G M

Sep 5, 2020

The course is well explained for those who wants to iniate in the israeli history. There are a lot of connections that are important to understand the facts who created the israeli state, and foundations of the israeli people.


Jul 8, 2021

Very interesting, would like to learn more about this history and I recommend this course to anyone. I generally had a great and illuminating experience. Thank you to the Professors, and to Coursera for making this available.

By Kenza T

Jun 29, 2019

Merci Beaucoup très chers Professeurs, j'ai été ravie d'étudier cette leçon. Très riches en informations. A très bientôt dans d'autres cours.

Mes salutations les plus distinguées, les plus respectueuses.

Cordialement, Kenza

By Ellins f

May 22, 2016

It is very brief but to the point. They run quickly through the development where more time should have been dedicated to such a complicated beginning. But it is truly neutral and academic for such a very sensitive subject.

By Esim O

Jun 1, 2020

I totally enjoyed the course! It provides a different perspective of the Palestinian question both in theory and historical aspect. It draws a frame and historical background to better interpret Middle Eastern politics.

By Lucy I D L R T

Mar 24, 2017

Me encanta el dinamismo que el profesor le da a las clases y te ayuda a visualizar lo rápido que ha crecido la nación, y como Israel trata de mantener una economía de bienestar para todo el que vive en el país.

By Roberto G G

Jun 5, 2020

Very proficient and clear instructor. Chronologically and historically accurate without political bias, but filled with facts and pieces of evidence. One if not the best Coursera course I took up to this point.

By Peter L C T

Mar 19, 2017

The course was very interesting. It delivered the right depth of the history of Israel. It gave enough information but not too much detail as I am an amateur historian interested in the broad sweep of history.

By Manjula J

Sep 12, 2017

I must wholeheartedly thank the professors who handled these conditions an interesting manner. It was a great experience to learn about Israel

God loves the country and I thought I must know about this country