Jun 19, 2020
Great explanation! I can practice the theory in Qwiklabs and try the Google Cloud Platform. Thank you!
Jun 15, 2020
Dengan adanya pelatihan ini , berharap untuk menambah softskill dan wawasan tentang cloud computing
By Dwi F D
•Jun 13, 2020
This is a complete and fundamental learning about GCP (Google Cloud Platform), i'm really enjoying for using Qwicklabs for hands-on-labs and also with clear guidance. Thanks a lot !
By Inas
•Oct 6, 2019
This is a new technology I've ever learned. I did those assignments in one week even they were fundamentals but enhanced me to understand it quickly
By Muhammad F M 0
•Jun 13, 2020
Very Fun to Learning, its simpliest way to learn and we just stay and keep learn about GCP. Thanks for make a course that easy to access and learn.
By Nur H F
•Oct 6, 2019
Saya sangat senang bisa mengikuti pelatihan ini yang diselenggarakan oleh google, semoga bisa diterapkan dalam keseharian pekerjaan saya. Terima kasih banyak
By Nugroho A P
•Oct 2, 2019
thank you for digitalent and google. this course will build my new skill and related with my passion. i hope my skill give me advantage salary.
By Made D W 0
•Jun 20, 2020
Best way to learn GCP fundamentals about core infrastructure, but need a little bit correction about translate into bahasa. Great course !
By Sigit S 0
•Jun 21, 2020
easy to follow instructions and explanation. However, more slides on videos are needed to better illustrate what the speaker is saying
By Agus D
•Jun 17, 2020
this course is awesome. but you need improvement about translating this course from english to bahasa. It's look weird
By Muhammad D F
•Oct 5, 2019
This course is useful for who want to learn about cloud computing in the basic, especially google cloud platform
By Andrian A
•Mar 21, 2020
I am very happy to be able to study at Coursera, the material is solid, with quiz in each material, thank you
By Muhammad A S 0
•Jun 14, 2020
I say many thanks, this course is very good. I am very satisfied. I can learn GCP from the basics
By Saiful P 0
•Jun 22, 2020
The Courses is Simple,,Very Good and I Can following each Quiz and Practice with Excelence Step
By Dewa N N D P 0
•Dec 12, 2020
Saya dapat menyelesaikan Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure dalam bahasa Indonesia dengan baik. Terima Kasih.
By Septian D
•Jun 21, 2020
the modules are great and the demonstration video explain the whole thing which is great for me that learn faster from practicing
By Adi S
•Jun 12, 2020
The course is very insightful and easy to follow for those who come from a non-IT background. Keep it up!
By Dzikri K A M
•Aug 27, 2019
Very good matherial and presentation but bad translation on bahasa indonesia. i mean, translate not sync
By Stanley W
•Jun 20, 2020
Great explanation! I can practice the theory in Qwiklabs and try the Google Cloud Platform. Thank you!
By Raihan T P
•Jun 23, 2020
You need to learn the basic. but it's okay if you want to take this class first then learn the basic
By Ivan S A
•Jun 24, 2020
This course was suitable for beginner who wants to learn GCP and who wants to find out the features
By Tegar P
•Jun 21, 2020
Very clearly to understand all about the cloud especially on GCP Platform. thank's for the course..
By Heriyandi E 0
•Jun 16, 2020
Dengan adanya pelatihan ini , berharap untuk menambah softskill dan wawasan tentang cloud computing
By Vivian A S 0
•Jun 17, 2020
sangat jelas dan mudah di pahami untuk pemula yang baru belajar mengenai infrastruktur GCP.
By Agustinus V A P
•Jun 21, 2020
materi sangat bagus, saya menjadi lebih paham tentang GCP dan segala fasiltas-fasilitasnya
By Roi J S
•Jun 24, 2020
Very good and make me more familiar with GCP, the explanation is also easy to understand
By heriyadi z
•Dec 25, 2019
very interesting training and a lot of new things to learn about.
Good training material