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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of VueJS by Board Infinity

22 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to the "Fundamentals of VueJS" course, a comprehensive journey into the world of Vue.js, a versatile and progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web applications. This course is structured into two modules, each designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to become proficient in Vue.js In Module 1, "Introduction to VueJS and Basic Concepts," we lay the foundation for your journey into Vue.js, a versatile and progressive JavaScript framework for building web applications. In Lesson 1, you will gain an understanding of VueJS, set up your development environment, and create your first Vue application. In Lesson 2, we dive into data binding and event handling, covering topics such as data binding, event handling, and conditional rendering. In Module 2, "Components and State Management," we delve deeper into Vue.js, focusing on building modular and scalable applications. Lesson 1 is all about components, where you will learn the essentials of creating and using components, passing props, emitting events, and working with slots and scoped slots. In Lesson 2, we explore state management in Vue, introducing Vuex as a state management library and guiding you through working with Vuex to handle complex application state. This course is a short introductory program aimed at providing you with a solid foundation in Vue.js. While it covers the fundamentals comprehensively, please be aware that it is an introductory course designed to give you a strong starting point in your Vue.js journey. Our goal is to equip you with the essential knowledge and skills to kickstart your Vue.js development, and we're excited to embark on this introductory journey with you....
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1 - 9 of 9 Reviews for Fundamentals of VueJS

By Lukas M

Jan 3, 2024

It gives you the fundamentals, nothing more, but enough to get your toes wet. The biggest problem is the amount of errors, especially in quizzes: Questions are asked before the concept is teached, the instructor suddenly notices a bug during explanation, stops the recording and without a comment jumps back in time and restarts everything (the failed attempt is not cut out), and single choice questions have multiple correct answers, leading you to guess what is supposed to be the correct answer. But it was enough to get a nice overview as an experienced web dev

By Garry W

Aug 1, 2024

Course is too short and not detailed enough. A couple of 7 minute videos then goes and tells you to spend 2 hours reading the Vue documentation on a certain topic. Also, it would appear neither the lecturer or Coursera actually reviewed any of this material as quite often the lecturer starts the video, messes up and can't figure out how to fix his application, then the video starts again, for example, Module 1 the video on props and emitters, gets halfway through before he can't figure out that he's accidentally used v-show rather than v-if, then the recording starts again from the beginning with a new example and he completes the exercise. You'll learn more with the docs and YouTube.

By Ezra A

Sep 17, 2024

Amazing Learning Experience. Thank You 🙏

By Lucas M R

May 27, 2024

It's nice but too short. I'd like to see a final example applying all lessons learned.

By Esaú A

Sep 2, 2024

Good introduction to Vue JS Framework.

By Wilson d r

Mar 6, 2024

Buen curso !!!

By Abdul W

Feb 5, 2025

not a good course,

By Muhammad S T

Jan 23, 2025

Very Very basic

By Mohammed A A (

Oct 23, 2024

Any crash course on YouTube would be better, as the course is too basic and has excessive introductions.