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Learner Reviews & Feedback for FPGA Softcore Processors and IP Acquisition by University of Colorado Boulder

92 ratings

About the Course

This course will introduce you to all aspects of development of Soft Processors and Intellectual Property (IP) in FPGA design. You will learn the extent of Soft Processor types and capabilities, how to make your own Soft Processor in and FPGA, including how to design the hardware and the software for a Soft Processor. You will learn how to add IP blocks and custom instructions to your Soft Processor. After the Soft Processor is made, you learn how to verify the design using simulation and an internal logic analyzer. Once complete you will know how to create and use Soft Processors and IP, a very useful skill. This course consists of 4 modules, approximately 1 per week for 4 weeks. Each module will include an hour or two of video lectures, reading assignments, discussion prompts, and an end of module assessment....

Top reviews


Jun 11, 2021

Must-take Course for Hardware Engineeer. This course provides new concept about NIOS II 32-bit RISC Architecture and How HDL Simulation work


Jul 31, 2023

Very interesting for demonstration purposes. There is much to be learned by working on your own afterwards with the notes taken.

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1 - 25 of 27 Reviews for FPGA Softcore Processors and IP Acquisition

By Claudio C

Jul 24, 2022

This course is not about creating soft processors, it is just an introduction on how to configure (trival parts of) an existing soft-processor (nios2) without explaining some crucial parts of it.

If your intention is to learn how to setup a nios2 soft-processor you can learn about it just by reading the freely available nios2 documentation from altera. Don't waste your time here.

If you want to learn about soft-processor architectures this course is absolutely not for you.

If your intention is to get extra 3 points for your university degree, then this series of 4 courses can be useful, but keep in mind that you'll learn almost nothing.

As expected, this 4 courses specialization is no more and no less than a waste of time and money. Not worth it.

By Aditya V P

Aug 12, 2022

In the series of four courses under FPGA Embedded systems, I found only the introductory course helpful. Course 2 and 3 have been cursory at best. There's no proper explanation on how to work on the DE Lite boards, the professors are just reading out of the slides without explaining anything. There are no responses to the queries. Don't waste your time doing these courses. I'm only sticing to it because I paid the money. It's an absolute waste of time.

By Samo 7

Aug 15, 2022

By far the weakest part of this specialization. Avoid unless you're working to complete the specialization FPGA Design for Embedded Systems.

By Brandon R V

Oct 11, 2020

Loved the course!

I'm trying everything on my new DE10-Lite.

There's a steep learning curve on the first two weeks, but it all comes together mid week 2.

I had a lot of issues but all of them got solved in the discussion forum.

By Greg H

Dec 18, 2022

I feel like this class really lays the framework for the Capstone class.  It was probably the least challenging of the four.  By the time I was done with this class I was excited to get started with the hands-on work in the Capstone class.  I spent a fairly large portion of my time fighting to get the NIOS II EDS running under Linux (and gave up).  Use Microsoft Windows rather than Linux.  In my opinion, the course instructions should no longer recommend Linux.  I spent a couple of work days along the way attempting to get Linux to work and gave up.  Linux binaries aren’t provided by the class.  The newest version of Quartus doesn’t have Modelsim.  Modelsim is a 32-bit executable.  The NIOS II EDS is tightly integrated into an old version of Eclipse that only runs on old versions of Java (that Intel only supports under SUSE 12).

By Alex G

Sep 29, 2021

The examples do not compile easily in quartus 20.1. Coding examples need to include more about software and building something that actually works. Course needs to be updated.

By Anthony P

Nov 18, 2021

A lot of just slide reading and listing, last week of the course is cool because you understand a bit better the simulation

By Julien T

Feb 3, 2022

No hands on exercises, we "learn" how to make test benches without practising...

By Salma H B K

Aug 9, 2022

I didn't uderstand all course videos, I reply all videos as much as I can, and still I can not have a clear understanding

By Bình Đ T

Jun 12, 2021

Must-take Course for Hardware Engineeer. This course provides new concept about NIOS II 32-bit RISC Architecture and How HDL Simulation work

By Ayush s

Oct 18, 2022

the course is structured properly as practical demo has been given with theoretical concepts.

By Ovidiu S

Dec 9, 2020

I feel I did another small step towards mastering designing with fpga. Thank you!


Oct 14, 2020

I learned a lot about modelsim that I was really needed.

By Harold A M S

Sep 7, 2021

The course bring good theoric bases to IPCores but leaves short informacion about the Qsys use, memory map and others things that are necesary for system integration.

By Mike B

Aug 11, 2021

I was hoping to get more lecture material on writing testbench code.

By Mohamed R H

Dec 31, 2022

It requires more interaction from the professors rather than only presenting their power point representation! A laser point while they are presenting is mandatory for following up. Also, some of the material, and they are a lot actually, requires to be illustrated through the Quartus tool itself rather than the snippets presented through the course! And finally as advice for the learners, don't underestimate the reading section, it helps me a lot specifically the first module readings.

By Mitchell C

Dec 8, 2022

course material: A+

proctorU: F

1. proctorU forced an chrome extension update before loading the session (not ideal right before taking a final exam)

2. when the tech remoted to the desktop to enter the password the mouse clicks stopped working. had to reboot and reconnect after the pc booted (proctorU chrome extension bug)

IT dudes at ProctorU NEED TO FIX

By Saad I

Aug 3, 2021

This course brought a great deal of insight in the designing of:

1. NIOS-II processor

2. Integration of pre-existing IP-cores with your design

3. The simulation, debugging and verification of hardware

The core concepts (I have taken from this course) are gemstone and will be guiding star for my future "Embedded system Designing endeavor".

By Vincenzo C

Jun 30, 2024

Same as expected this is a very interesting and useful course, efficiently organize to improve the argument. Thank you professors!!

By Claude B

Jul 31, 2023

Very interesting for demonstration purposes. There is much to be learned by working on your own afterwards with the notes taken.

By Joseph C

Jul 17, 2023

This course is excellent. There are a lot of practical knowledge to deepen and enlarge the contents of the previous courses.

By Habte G

Jan 2, 2021

Well prepared lessons(videos). Concise and complete.

By hamza s

Oct 24, 2021

Very helpful, Thnaks for all

By P R

May 11, 2022


By Duan L C

Sep 9, 2023

Very useful course!