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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis by Macquarie University

3,930 ratings

About the Course

As data becomes the modern currency, so the ability to analyse the data quickly and accurately has become of paramount importance. Excel with its extraordinarily broad range of features and capabilities is one of the most widely used programs for doing this. In the first course of our Excel Skills for Data Analysis and Visualization Specialization, you will learn the fundamentals of Excel for data analysis. When you have completed the course, you will be able to use a range of Excel tools and functions to clean and prepare data for analysis; automate data analysis with the help of Named Ranges and Tables; and use logical and lookup functions to transform, link and categorise data. This course will enable you to build a strong foundation in the fundamentals, helping you to be more efficient in your day-to-day and developing the necessary skills to work with the more advanced techniques used in later courses. To make the content easy to relate to and to personalize the learning experience, we are going to follow Zara's journey through the course. Who is Zara? Well, she is no-one and everyone. You will find that Zara's trials and tribulations sound familiar, and together with Zara, you will develop your Excel skills along the way — and, importantly, have some fun doing it. The Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization courses are the sequel to one of most successful specializations on Coursera, Excel Skills for Business, which has attracted hundreds of thousands of learners and top ratings. Transform your skills, your confidence, and your opportunities by adding this new set of skills to your repertoire....

Top reviews


Dec 3, 2023

This is the best course I have seen in excel fundamentals on any platform. Easy to follow, many practice tests, spreadsheets and useful cheatsheets. Kudos to the instructors and Macquarie University.


Oct 5, 2022

Very comprehensive and clearly laid out course with loads of content. Great videos, well explained and loads of practice exercises. I feel as if I've learned a great deal, Very Valuable, thank you .

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851 - 875 of 1,038 Reviews for Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis

By Daniel F O N

Mar 1, 2023



Oct 14, 2022


By Francesco G

Sep 30, 2022


By Sangeet A

Jul 31, 2022


By Md. A A

Feb 20, 2022



Sep 2, 2020


By Muhammad R

Feb 21, 2022



Nov 10, 2022


By Saurav K

Sep 30, 2022

By Himmat S

Jun 21, 2022


By اسامه بن خلف بن عيد الصلعاء الشمري

Feb 23, 2021


By Nithin R

Aug 15, 2020


By Sanjeev P

Jun 29, 2020


By Nathaniel R

Nov 12, 2023

I found that the fundamentals were taught nicely and clearly in this course. The given examples, practices and quizzes were also engaging and it helped me to learn some cool Excel tricks that I didn't know exist before. Overall, I'd recommend this course to anyone trying to understand the basics of using Excel beyond using simple and familiar commands. The one missing star is due to the fact that I've read many reviews about the final assignment having issues with clear wording and wrong cell references reported since 3 years ago and they are all still not corrected until I finished this course (I was a bit frustrated and had to search the forum to find out what others thought would be the actual question). It didn't actually ruin the whole course experience, but I hope they'd be fixed in the future so as not to be frustrating for others. But everything else was great. Thanks Nicky and Prashan for the course!

By Zachary W

Jun 12, 2022

The course had a lot of great information and overview of useful excel functions. The individual lessons and videos were concise, detailed and accessible with easy-to-use stopping points and worksheets to work along side the professor. I would give this course 5 stars, however, the practice challenges for weeks 4-5 and the final assessment included problems that required you to work in a separate sheet and report your answers. This was different than weeks 1-3 where you were asked questions and given screenshots to chose answers from of functions you would use to answer the question. Please make this more consistent and give us more practice of working in our own sheets and getting answers, especially if this will be used down the line and in the final assessment.

By Roland K

Nov 13, 2021

Hi, I enjoyed this course and like the way you present it. Although I enrolled as a very experienced Excel user (working with large Excel files in earth sciences, finance and telecommunications since 1993!) I updated and refreshed my knowledge and learnt a few methods that will help improve and make my spreadsheets more efficient. There are a couple of small errors in the spreadsheets to download and a few quiz/assignment answers where the required correct answer is slightly off from what it should be (although I could tell what to select by eliminating the other possibilities). My only other feedback would be to suggest reducing the number of files to download although I understand you may be trying to keep file sizes down. Thanks again, Roland

By Laura S

Dec 29, 2022

Very good course; you will learn useful skills and do authentic problem-solving. I was able to apply much of what I learned right away to my work. However, plan for much, much more time than what they estimate. I easily spent twice the time on the course than the proposed 15-25 hours per module. Lack of feedback/support in the discussion forums means you won't get a lot of help when you run into difficulties. (Perhaps this is typical of Coursera open enrolments?) I found myself looking to external sources sometimes to get more information or different scenarios when I couldn't find an answer.

By Sajid A

Aug 15, 2024

Finished the whole course in 4 days. There were some mistakes in the questions of the assessment which made it frustrating (Week 4 and 5) and some questions were too vague. It was helpful to get familiar with the basics and some advanced features but doesn't provide enough exercises to solidify concepts. The dataset used for exercises are intuitive and the examples make sense. It's a great course overall for those who are new to excel or have little experience. I'll be moving to more in-depth excel courses now that I have some basics from this course.

By Vyron I Á H

Mar 15, 2024

El contenido como tal super bueno y didactico, el unico problema que encontre fue que deberian admitir las funciones en los resultados tanto en español como en ingles y tambien utilizar en las preguntas cuando se referian a una hoja de calculo o nombre de columna en particular el nombre en ingles, ya que todo el archivo excel tenia estos con los nombres de ingles. Al final puede ser un problema mio el no tener un nivel adecuado para lograr entender lo que se preguntaba, pero creanme que si cambian esto, muchos hablantes español estarán agradecidos.

By Kore V B

Jun 14, 2023

The Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis course was an enlightening and empowering experience. The course structure was well-organized, covering essential Excel functionalities for data analysis. The instructors were knowledgeable, providing clear explanations and practical examples. The focus on efficiency and productivity was a standout. Although some advanced topics could be included, this course is highly recommended for beginners and intermediate users looking to enhance their data analysis skills in Excel.

thank you..

By Nelson S

Dec 27, 2024

El curso 'Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis' es una excelente introducción al mundo del análisis de datos utilizando Excel. Está diseñado para principiantes y explica los conceptos de manera clara y práctica. Si bien puede quedarse corto en temas avanzados, cumple perfectamente con su objetivo de sentar las bases para el análisis de datos. Lo recomiendo a quienes quieran mejorar sus habilidades básicas en Excel o empezar a explorar su uso en contextos laborales.

By Catherine W

Jan 23, 2022

The course was well presented and easy to follow but as it progresses into more complex formulas, I felt like I needed a bit more indepth info to structure my formulas correctly. I was having to google some info as I went... but in saying that I did speed through the course, so give yourself plenty of time to practice the concepts of each week and you will probably find it easier! Overall tough a great course and I look forward to creating some visualisations next.

By Carolina B S

May 17, 2023

Me gustó mucho y aunque a veces sufría tratando de conseguir ciertos resultados, estoy muy contenta de haber terminado el curso.

Sin embargo, creo que puede resultar tedioso o frustrante que hayan cosas que no funcionen debido a las distintas configuraciones como lo fueron el uso de puntos en vez de comas para los decimales, o bien, al usar Excel en español, tenía que estar constantemente buscando la equivalencia de las formulas.

¡Muy buen curso!

By Emma T

Feb 14, 2021

This was a really useful course, I learned a lot. I would have given 5 stars however some of the downloads had fields already completed (in the practice documents, not the solutions) and also there's an error in the final question of the final assessment (it should ask for the average for items that DO have a bonus, not the average for those that do not). Otherwise I think this is a great course, and I'd definitely recommend it.

By Anu T

Apr 11, 2021

Very good and informative. Good to practice with the assessments. In the final worksheet quiz, some answers didn't match the answers given in the options. When I downloaded and saved this worksheet, it would not let me add columns etc as asked in the questions. Few things were locked like rows etc. Inspite of enabling editing some things were not working in the sheet. But overall had a good learning experience with this course.