Apr 7, 2022
This course was really valuable for linking and embedding my knowledge gained by reading FDA guidance documents and knowledge sharing from my Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs colleagues
Mar 5, 2021
This is a holistic course giving all perspectives and knowledge on the different aspects of evaluating all kind of AI driven solutions in healthcare. A must do for all healthcare Managers.
By Philip L
•Oct 13, 2020
This is an excellent course on the regulatory and operational considerations of AI solutions in the medical field. Forums, threads, and collaboration with cohorts are disabled (not good). Big negative are the constant social justice warrior tropes, unconscious bias, racial injustice, income inequality, NY Times view of the world, etc. that take away from the value of the material which is extremely good otherwise. There are problems with audio, tests, and the use of paywall restricted content. Highly recommended, but be ready for a heavy dose of politics with your medicine. I have not seen this material elsewhere and it is a very time-efficient course.
By Lars W
•Nov 11, 2020
Interesting subject, and very knowledgeable instructor, but the lectures felt like a lot of course materials distilled into walls of text and a lot of bullet points, with whole chapters just explained with a sentence or two. The "reflection questions" also felt like just repeating the bullet points. May be more reflective of me as a student than the course, but nevertheless. I would have preferred a smaller number of mental frameworks or acronyms to learn and more in-depth instead with real-life examples. There was also an error with the final quiz. Questions 5 and 7 were identical, I gave the same answer but one was rated correct and one incorrect:
Question 5
True or False - AI Solutions that involve an operational action paired with the outcome have greater clinical benefit thank those that have a medical action paired with the outcome
Answer: False.
Both can be very beneficial
Question 7
True or False - AI Solutions that involve an operational action paired with the outcome have greater clinical benefit thank those that have a medical action paired with the outcome
Answer: False.
Both can be very beneficial
By Vasilis V
•Jan 19, 2021
While a great deal of issues where covered, they where all mentioned as of equal significance. It is not easy to follow which are fundamentals and which issues follow as next. There where not enough emphasis given on the main challenges. Looked like a machine gun shooting info. At the end I was just able to remember a small piece of all that.
By Hmei D
•Dec 2, 2020
The course has abundant information to evaluate AI applications in Healthcare. Thanks to the instructor who gave clear guidance on the whole product life cycle of AI application. The course includes AI model setup and development (data management, model training, model validation), clinical validation and AI application deployment and AI monitoring, regulations. The well prepared instruction material is very impressive. Really enjoy the learning. Would recommend to others.
By Claudia K
•Oct 8, 2020
The instructress was very clear in articulating concepts. Again, pace of course is considered fast and for me. While I passed, this is only my beginning. Will need to work on the job to fully appreciated the concepts. Nonetheless, this has been a very good course that challenges a broader thinking before one jumps onto the bandwagon.
By Suman P
•Nov 26, 2020
The course was extremely helpful in understand the principles and guidelines to keep in mind while talking an AI model into the real world. It was well structured, with enough depth to understand the basics while also giving me topics that I'd want to further dive into
•Mar 6, 2021
This is a holistic course giving all perspectives and knowledge on the different aspects of evaluating all kind of AI driven solutions in healthcare. A must do for all healthcare Managers.
By Karthik N
•Dec 3, 2020
More examples would have been better to understand some of the concepts.
By Ozzie P
•Nov 30, 2020
Excellent, methodical coverage of the topics involved. Great course!
By Andrew R
•Oct 23, 2020
Good course on an important but fairly dry topic. The exams and practice questions were filled with typos and some mistakes unfortunately. More interactivity would be appreciated for properly learning the material.
By Wael A
•Sep 5, 2021
Instructor is reading a script, better slides required particularly when reciting examples. Could be better structured.
By Ferrum H
•Sep 21, 2021
Lots of material, but the presentation was not in line with good learning practices. Information was presented very rapidly and dryly. Course bounced around a lot from topic to topic without a clear summary of what was learned at the end. Lots of industry buzzwords without really clearly connecting how to apply in real life situations.
By Sameer i A
•Jan 11, 2023
The instructor was learned and charismatic .She spoke with authority of a mountain climber on top of the world. Developed deep respect for her.
It is power of Coursera that enabled people like us from remote location in Pakistan to virtually cross Atlantic and reach out the western coast of Pacific Ocean to be exposed to such an exciting area of knowledge from Stanford.
Being a computer engineer now I can make sense of few little things all those people in white coats are talking about.
Thanks to the course teachers , Coursera and Stanford. A trinity of knowledge.
By b m
•Jun 26, 2024
Excellent course from top class Stanford University Staff, very professional and great science team. All subjects were conducted with high profficiency in all topics. I feel very, very satitisfy and proud of having learn from such a great team and persons. I do hope to have another opportunity to meet and learn new subjects from you Stanford University Coursera platform. Many thanks. Hugo Barona Moreno e.mail; hbmviejo@gmail.com
By Muhammad S A
•May 29, 2023
I have gained valuable insights into the intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare. This course has deepened my understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations associated with deploying AI in healthcare settings. I have learned about the importance of rigorous evaluation methodologies to ensure the safety, efficacy, and reliability of AI systems in healthcare.
By Rozarina
•Nov 6, 2023
great overview of the general structure of what is important in deciding which clinical questions are feasible for "solving with AI" and the performance metrics associated with them. Also covers in high level, the regulatory aspects of various sections of development of an AI solution for health outcomes that are actionable and impactful to the patients, on a personal through population level.
By Patama G
•Jun 13, 2021
Pro: The course provide a fresh knowledge regarding how to evaluate AI. The concepts and terms are well explained.
Con : The reflect question may consider AI to evaluate question eg. It should be have at least one key word in answer in order to get pass.
By Jonathan W
•Apr 8, 2022
This course was really valuable for linking and embedding my knowledge gained by reading FDA guidance documents and knowledge sharing from my Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs colleagues
By Gonzalo R C
•Jan 8, 2022
Excellent material and top-level teacher, it introduces a lot of key concepts and issues around the design, methodological evaluation, and implementation of AI solutions in healthcare.
By Sunny B
•Jul 17, 2023
AI applications in Healthcare have to be xyz and we as medical students should know what those xyx values are and this course does that exactly.
great teacher as well.
By Jose F E
•Jan 18, 2021
Una visión muy amplia con el detalle adecuado para poder preparar proyectos con rigor y en condiciones de poder extender su estudio a uso clÃnico
By Avanthi H
•Dec 11, 2024
V easy to follow. Could finish at my own pace. Always theory went hand in hand with real life examples which made it interesting.
By Vijay G
•Mar 2, 2025
Hi Thank you for this mind-blowing course. Want to know more details about clam the credence to Stanford portal please guide.
By Guibourge
•Dec 13, 2020
Thanks a lot for this great course, extremely practical, allowing to create a clear action plan for AI evaluation.
By Kushal A S
•Oct 17, 2020
Nicely Framed and Executed in a simple language so anyone can catch up earliest.