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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

516 ratings

About the Course

Philosophy is like sex: sure you can get some interesting results, but that's not why we do it. Going one step beyond…why do you FEEL pain or pleasure? Do plants have emotions? How is possible that some people do not understand other’s emotions? Emotions seem to be everywhere, giving meaning to all events of our lives. They are the backbone of social activities as well as they drive the cognitive processes of several living entities. Several animals, including humans, have emotions but…what about machines?...Do machine can have emotions? This course will help you to understand and to identify most important philosophical ideas and debates about emotions, as well as it will provide you a rich source of data about neurological, psychological or anthropological analysis of emotions. In a nutshell: this is a course to feel and think about....

Top reviews


Dec 31, 2021

Learned a lot about being a human as an entity and not just as a specie. A human is made of emotions and this course guides you to perfectly understand that just right. Happy to complete it.


Jun 11, 2020

Great Material! Excellent presentation! Very good use of Coursera technology including Avatars and great summaries in End Remarks on the videos. Highly recommend Bob

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26 - 50 of 153 Reviews for Emotions: a Philosophical Introduction

By Enrique J P R

May 4, 2018

Seria genial verlo tmb es español...

By Laura R D

Oct 31, 2017

The course is interesting and you feel the teacher knows about the topic and wishes to transmit plenty of knowledges, but I would suggest a few improvements of the videos: better organisation, rehearsal of the speech before filming the class (he has a strong accent as a non native english-speaker, and not too much fluency), or maybe reading what he wants to say (as in other Coursera courses) would be better than trying to explain everything with his own spontaneous words. Nonetheless, I do appreciate all the effort put on the course and on sharing this interesting topic!

By Walter M Q

Jul 12, 2020

This course is really great, it gives a ton of info about emotions and the philosophical perspective of them, it also gives amazing sources of investigations, despite all of this the English speaking of the teacher is way too bad and it becomes hard to fully understand everything, even with subtitles. I really don't know why he hasn't made new videos where he fixed his language faults because the course is fantastic, well-structured and complete.

By Ivanka D

Jan 8, 2018

Great course to learn more about emotions. The only thing was that it was sometimes difficult to follow the professor because of the language. But besides that it was verry interessting. And you can tell that the professor loves his work. He tells the theory with humor and allot of examples.

By Victor S

Sep 9, 2016

It was a fairly good course, the professor is funny and the slideshow itself is well made, but the content sometimes got boring and my mind stepped away from the course, something that did not happen even with other more difficult courses.

By Laura V D L P

Jul 18, 2020

Very interesting and inspiring, but it was hard to follow the teacher sometimes due to his English language skills

By reneryu

Dec 20, 2016

The lecturer and his avatar are funny, the course content is structured but the delivery is a bit loose...

By María P S M

May 5, 2020

I thought this course was in Spanish, and i was very dissapointed when i realized that a guy that speaks native spanish was trying to speak english when he clearly wasnt fluent. It was very obvious that he had trouble to explain himself, and that lead to many misundersantings and a lot of times i didnt understand what he was trying to say. Also, it made the process of learning very unpleasant and painful. As to the classes, they were very superficial and basic, i didnt learn anything useful or new. Im glad i didnt pay for this.

By Basak B

Feb 13, 2021

Almost no information about emotions from philosophical perspective. All content is composed of psychological studies and theories.

By Ana P C R

Jan 5, 2023

Gracias por este curso tan interesante y novedoso, creo que es de vital importancia el comprender nuestras emociones en todos los aspectos de nuestra vida. Este curso nos permite descubrir y comprender como es la relación con nuestra mente y nuestro mundo externo.Lo disfrute mucho y lo considero muy bien explicado, además de informar sobre los nuevos y avances científicos de las neurociencias.Muchas gracias por su tiempo y compartir su conocimiento.

By Marlene d V

Jan 23, 2021

Muy motivante su manera de presentar el curso, transmite entusiasmo y tener investigadores como el Dr. Jordi me permitió acercarme a los avances neurotecnológicos, junto con los aspectos filosóficos y sociales. Me fue de mucha utilidad este curso y me deja tarea para seguir aprendiendo. Gracias Dr. Jordi y gracias a todos los colaboradores de esta magnífica plataforma de aprendizaje: COURSERA!!!!

By Amin M

Apr 17, 2024

I am on a disability pension so these Coursera courses occupy my time so I am greatly appreciative that you have such great courses. With Emotions: A Philosophical Introduction was a great course to learn about my emotions as well as learning all about how emotions affect everyone's lives and therefore you have to be careful about how your emotions can sometimes get the better of you.

By Sichun M

Nov 13, 2021

Great and useful to understanding emotinal sydronme and how philosophical knowledge emerges from human history. This taught me that few thoeries such as epistemological system working or how psychologists are endeavour to dealing with different sydronmes such as autism, anxiet disorder, etc, Which undoubtedly cutivating my obsessison into philosophy and psychology.

By Kashyap K

Jan 1, 2022

Learned a lot about being a human as an entity and not just as a specie. A human is made of emotions and this course guides you to perfectly understand that just right. Happy to complete it.

By Dulce M H

Dec 3, 2020

Lo disfruté muchísimo! Es una excelente herramienta para quienes buscan iniciar el conocimiento y reconocimiento de las emociones en busca de una mejor calidad de vida. Jordi es lo mejor!

By Fisico R B

Sep 8, 2017

Yo estudio las Emociones de las MujeresMexicanas de la Ciudad de Mexico y este curso ha siido Magnifico de Gran Ayuda, Felicitaciones al Profesor Jordi!!!

By Traore A M

May 8, 2020

Le professeur a su bien dispensé le cours. j'apprécie beaucoup le cours c'est très important et j'a beaucoup .

By Patrick L

Mar 18, 2021

Very interesting course! Feelings are connected to other philosophical topics such as AI and social robotics.

By Fernanda G

Sep 26, 2020

Curso excelente! O Professor traz vários conceitos interessantes para aula e sempre prende a atenção!

By Esteban A

Feb 4, 2022

Realmente el curso abri óuna nueva ventana para entender nuestras emociones...Muchas gracias Jordi.

By Agullo

Oct 19, 2021

très constructif et intéressant. Aborde des sujets peu traités avec de vrais arguments et exemples!

By Abhinav L

Sep 1, 2024

An entertaining and informative discussion of emotions, from ancient philosophers to modern AI.

By Vivianne O A

Oct 25, 2020

I learned a lot, a great teacher and with a very simple format for understanding. I recommend !

By Paloma R

Dec 23, 2020

This course was fantastic!! I truly enjoyed learning and being a part of this. Thank you.

By Peter A d V R

Feb 11, 2024

Muy bien organizado. Algunas dificultades con el material complementario no traducido