Nov 16, 2020
Very greatly taught course dear professor! Got solved many puzzles that I had in my mind! Thank you so much! God bless you!
Jan 1, 2023
Thank you , this second course of electrodynamics helped me to get a deeper understanding of electrical phenomena..
•May 20, 2020
Dear Prof Hong. Thank you very much for such a nice and brilliant lecture. I completed your first and second courses of electrodynamics on electrodynamics. i.e Electrodynamics: An introduction and Electrodynamics: Analysis of Electric field. I got so motivated and learnt many new things from your lecture that i studied whole day on the second chapter Electrodynamics: Analysis of Electric field. Thank you very very much for creating me more interest on the subject matter. Looking forward to take your others courses on Electrodynamics. I would be grateful if you could suggest me some book or sent me some important book on electrodynamics. My email id is
By Tyler N
•May 5, 2021
Lectures and course content were straightforward and organized. Professor did well at conveying information. My 3-star rating is for the lack of application and practice opportunity of the course materials. The homework/quizzes are mostly a knowledge check taken directly from the lectures. Any math is plug-and-chug and does not involve manipulation of equations or advanced problem solving. Course 1 introduces the use of integrals and PDEs, but all practice never advances beyond simple algebra.
By Joel K
•Feb 3, 2022
Great course with a great pair of instructors. Well structured and plenty of access to course materials with video and PDF lectures provided. Easy to follow and grasp the topics in the course with very reasonable assignments that help verify and further your understanding.
By Sachinth H
•Nov 17, 2020
Very greatly taught course dear professor! Got solved many puzzles that I had in my mind! Thank you so much! God bless you!
By sohan l
•Jan 1, 2023
Thank you , this second course of electrodynamics helped me to get a deeper understanding of electrical phenomena..
By Fadil A A J
•Jul 14, 2020
I am a 12th grade student and still I was able to
Understand everything
The course was beautifully presented
By Трибунская К Е
•Mar 28, 2020
Хороший курс. Но, не владея техническим английским, пройти его достаточно сложно.
By Vuthaluru S
•May 18, 2020
Excellent course offered by Korean advanced of science and technology
By José C V
•Sep 15, 2020
Me agrado mucho la parte de obtener los campos eléctricos, Gracias!
By Paulo H d S
•Feb 15, 2020
Great course, very clear. Thank you for nice lectures.
By Yatindra G
•Apr 6, 2019
It helps me lot in understanding my concept.
By Thái D N D
•Dec 31, 2018
It's very useful for me!
By Paul D C
•May 2, 2022
the subject was amazing
By 윤석중
•Apr 2, 2019
Thank you professor!!
By Hoon
•Aug 15, 2019
Thank you so much !
By Sri P M
•Jun 10, 2020
good and needful
By Rajkishor K
•Apr 2, 2020
Better Course
By Dr B S B N
•Jul 9, 2021
Very Good
By Vinothkumar
•Jul 17, 2020
Great one
By Shoaib A
•Apr 8, 2020
By 3414류희진
•Aug 21, 2023
By vaibhavi p
•Jul 18, 2020
•Jun 6, 2020
By V R K
•Jun 3, 2020
•May 11, 2020