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Learner Reviews & Feedback for e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

1,427 ratings

About the Course

For three decades and longer we have heard educators and technologists making a case for the transformative power of technology in learning. However, despite the rhetoric, in many ways and at most institutional sites, education is still relatively untouched by technology. Even when technologies are introduced, the changes sometimes seem insignificant and the results seem disappointing. If the print textbook is replaced by an e-book, do the social relations of knowledge and learning necessarily change at all or for the better? If the pen-and-paper test is mechanized, does this change the nature of our assessment systems? Technology, in other words, need not necessarily bring significant change. Technology might not even represent a step forward in education. But what might be new? How can we use technologies to innovate in education? This course explores seven affordances of e-learning ecologies, which open up genuine possibilities for what we call New Learning – transformative, 21st century learning: 1. Ubiquitous Learning 2. Active Knowledge Making 3. Multimodal Meaning 4. Recursive Feedback 5. Collaborative Intelligence 6. Metacognition 7. Differentiated Learning These affordances, if recognized and harnessed, will prepare learners for success in a world that is increasingly dominated by digital information flows and tools for communication in the workplace, public spaces, and personal life. This course offers a wide variety of examples of learning technologies and technology implementations that, to varying degrees, demonstrate these affordances in action. -------------------------------- Recommended Background -------------------------------- This course is designed for people interested in the future of education and the "learning society," including people who may wish to join education as a profession, practicing teachers interested in exploring future directions for a vocation that is currently undergoing transformation, and community and workplace leaders who regard their mission to be in part "educative." -------------------------------- Related Resources -------------------------------- Online resources are available here: -------------------------------- Join our Online Communities! -------------------------------- CGScholar (Create an account and join the New Learning community) Facebook Twitter -------------------------------- Take this Course for Credit at the University of Illinois -------------------------------- This course has the same content and anticipates the same level of contribution by students in the Assessment for Learning course offered to graduate certificate, masters, and doctoral level students in the Learning Design and Leadership Program in the College of Education at the University of Illinois. Of course, in the nature of MOOCs many people will just want to view the videos and casually join some of the discussions. Some people say that these limited kinds of participation offer evidence that MOOCs suffer from low retention rates. Far from it – we say that any level of engagement is good engagement. On the other hand, if you would like to take this course for credit at the University of Illinois, you will find more information about our program here: And you can apply here: -------------------------------- The Learning Design and Leadership Series of MOOCs -------------------------------- This course is one of a series of eight MOOCs created by Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis for the Learning Design and Leadership program at the University of Illinois. If you find this MOOC helpful, please join us in others! e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age New Learning: Principles and Patterns of Pedagogy Assessment for Learning Learning, Knowledge, and Human Development Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies Negotiating Learner Differences: Towards Productive Diversity in Learning Literacy Teaching and Learning: Aims, Approaches and Pedagogies Multimodal Literacies: Communication and Learning in the Era of Digital Media

Top reviews


Jul 8, 2020

This course is Amazing. The learning opportunity helps me to become more EQUIPT with the necessary information and practices that I need to be more effective in my work. Thank you so much.


Apr 12, 2020

This course was very interesting and thought provoking. I would certainly recommend for any teacher that is now trying to work with their students from within an online forum. Thank you!!!

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26 - 50 of 462 Reviews for e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age

By Craig G

Jun 28, 2022

Fantastic course! The ideas are not new, but considering how the lecturers link what is known in education to be essential pedagogical approaching to new technology in order to improve student learning, I believe this is one of the most essential courses teachers and educational leaders need to take to hep prepare themselves for the needed changes in education

By Laurie W

Jun 11, 2020

The video lectures covered concepts that were immediately applicable to my career as a high school teacher and community college instructor. I found imagination was sparked with new ideas for lessons and new approaches to classroom practices. If you care about student experience and systemic change in education, I do believe this course is worth completing.

By Victor L M d L C

May 19, 2020

An interesting approach on how current teaching technologies can serve both to repeat "more of the same" or to create a new opportunity to revolutionize teaching pedagogy. This course is a great opportunity for teachers who want to start getting used to using digital tools in teaching - a trend that is apparently guaranteed for the future of education.

By Chunyan H

May 11, 2020

I really enjoy learning this online course. It's my first time taking an entirely online course. Through this course, I learn lots of valuable new educational concepts that open my mind and benefit me in my future career. I love the online class community where I could meet global professionals who have the same passion as me. Thank you, Coursera.

By Frances P

Aug 18, 2020

This course challenged me to think about my apprehensions on e-Learning. In the past 4 weeks, I went through a process of unlearning, relearning, and learning. Though I still prefer face to face classes, I’m confident with the opportunities that e-Learning brings to our students. Thanks to Dr Bill Cope, Dr Mary Kalantzis, and their team!

By Priyank P

Feb 28, 2019

It was wonderful to attend and complete this course. Lectures and learning from Dr Bill and Dr Mary were very effective, useful and insightful. The concept of e-Learning Ecologies: Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age and learning of eLearning Affordances are really useful and worth knowing.

By Jak J

Oct 26, 2022

Enjoyed the analogies comd comparisons it helped me create links to my own experience. I didn't feel like I was being force fed knowledge and then asked to produce. Currently enrolled in another course offered by the same university university and it feels like they are info dumping andjust reading off the slides :/

By Aprisa C

Feb 11, 2019

Using affordance approach, the tutors introduce us to the e-learning ecologies. Found it interesting and obtained many takeaways from the course. I am not from education, therefore in order to do the assignments, I needed to read many papers in education and digital learning.


Mar 4, 2023

One of the most beautiful courses that I have gained a lot of skills and knowledge, and God willing, I will talk about it with colleagues in the profession and encourage them to join it and transfer to them what I gained from this course. Thank you for what you have provided

By Paula L ( e c

Oct 24, 2019

This is an amazing course. I have found super interesting ideas and a totally new approach to use technology as a learning tool not only for my students but for myself too.

If you are interested in education, if you have kids or are an educator this is a must to do course.

By Nanda

Aug 11, 2020

Thank you to my instructor's for all the support. For moving ahead kindly include stem based courses for educators of primary level classes, as it is the trend now in schools and very essential for all teachers gain knowledge in this field.

Thank you once again.

By Damien D

Nov 18, 2020

This course provides an interesting overview of e-Learning Ecologies and also gives an insight into the 7 affordances of e-Learning. The materials are well-presented, and the experience is augmented by relaxed and friendly teaching styles of Cope & Kalantzis

By Chase H

Aug 20, 2018

Taking this course has been a very thoughtful and also mind opening experience to me. I really liked the discussion around the 7 affordances which is a solid and forward looking framework to help us undertstand what really is education in the digital age.

By Magda R

Mar 6, 2020

I have worked in education for 13 year. I have had a lot of experience working with digital tools. This course was absolutely fantastic, with high academic quality. I loved it so much Im going to take more courses from this University and Department.

By Maruff O

Mar 10, 2023

The Course exposes me to several novel concepts in the field of e-learning. It has been a great pleasure enrolling and completing this Course. I am gonna do more to enhance my career and job performance. Thank you Illinois

By Samreid M

Apr 6, 2020

Excellent course, the lectures videos were very well done and were thoroughly engaging. I'm going to do more courses with the University of Illinois, I learnt a lot.

More assessed tasks/quizzes would be better, though.

By عبدالعزيز ه ع

Mar 4, 2023

A great experience in terms of research and development, participations and providing new ideas that help continuous growth and development and keep pace with the developments of the times beautifully and effectively

By Rodrigo A d S

Feb 4, 2018

Curso bem estruturado. A integração com o Scholar proporciona conhecer um ambiente feito exclusivamente para o contexto educacional. O curso proporciona recursos para repensar a prática docente na cultura digital.

By Malcolm M

Apr 25, 2021

This was an informative course outlining the various learning theories and principles that construct e-Learning environments to inform on constructive and progressive learning designs for the 21st Century.

By مريم ب ع ز ا

May 16, 2023

رائعه جدا وثرية بالمعلومات والمماراسات و المنااقشات المفيدة تحول جبار في التعلم الالكتروني وفتح مبادارت جديدة و تطلعات مستقبلية للتعلم -اسعدني جدا متابعة الدورة وحجم الاستفادة لدي كبير شاكرين لكم

By Andrea F H

Aug 1, 2018

Great course ! It will definitely change my way of teaching for blended classes or even for face-to-face classes. Thanks a lot to Bill and Maria and everyone of the staff of this MOOC ! 😊

By A A B N A

Apr 13, 2023

This course is designed in a very amazing

way. , It has an interesting


with a very special

way to explain


single concept

in both deep

and simple

way at the same time.

By Julie A G C

Jul 12, 2020

The course is enriched with innovative approaches that will help educators in teaching and learning. It also share the new educational tools in approach to e-learning setting.

By Raji B

Oct 26, 2020

An intense course, that requires lot of research and reading. The course covers a variety of interesting topics and gives the opportunity to read contributions of peers .

By Rajesh M

Aug 1, 2020

This is a wonderful course which gives complete insight on how to evolve in the digital ecology and be prepared for the future. Thanks to the knowledgeable professors.