Apr 29, 2023
This whole specialization was brilliantly designed. I learned a lot from each course and enjoyed working on the capstone project. I would love to have these professors again!
Jan 17, 2021
This was really helpful to Enhance my communication skills. I did not have many expectations starting this course but was amazed at the new things and techniques I learnt.
By Paulina A B
•Jun 12, 2019
i dont like that i have to wait for others to end this project
By Sarah M
•Jun 11, 2019
peer reviews can be a good way of learning but in this course it doesn't fit because there is no one I can discuss and review. So I'm not even sure if I should finish the course.
By Li F
•Nov 26, 2020
I'm giving a 5 star for the specialization. This my first specialization that I've completed, but not my first course on Cousera. The team of instructors came together to weave out a specialization that helped learners (me) to see the importance of each component and how they complement and support each other. I could see they have put in a lot of thoughts in making this MOOC a valuable and effective session for their learners. My review of this specialization is, if you are willing to invest the time and effort, you'll learn or even develop a project that you can use immediately for work or school. Great job Quentin, Dave & William.... and not forgetting the Behind the Scene team Colin & Lisa. I too learned one thing from your professionalism - flex your styles according to your talent, and bring out the best in your work.
By Hassan S B
•Jan 17, 2021
This was really helpful to Enhance my communication skills. I did not have many expectations starting this course but was amazed at the new things and techniques I learnt.
By Marian S
•Mar 15, 2022
I loved the first three courses. They had excellent content. But the capstone has been very frustrating to get peer reviews. This speciality may have run its course (lol) and is time to redo or refresh.
By Nazari J A
•Jan 22, 2019
Coursera/Capstone Project/ effective Communication is the most essential training for every person who wants to Join Market.
I want to thank : Dr. Quintin MackAndrew, Mr. David Anderwood, Prof,William Kuskin
Jawid Akam Nazari
By Iván V E F
•Mar 20, 2022
Un difÃcil camino para salir adelante y ser ese "yo" que me definirÃa a partir de ahora.
By Sahar M
•May 21, 2018
thanks to my all teachers .This course is very important.
By Dillon Y
•Feb 15, 2023
The content of this Capstone is great were it not for the fact that the final grade relies on peer reviews this would get 5/5. However, given the nature of the assignments I don't believe that peer reviews is an appropriate way to grade the final projects. Learners are not taking this seriously and pretty much all of the reviews I did, learners simply uploaded a blank doc or quite literally the assignment instruction sheets that were provided in order to do the task. For example, I had a learner do a critique of my slides assignment with feedback that wasn't relevant causing me to have to redo this assignment, then coincidentally since you know who your reviewer was, I ended up having to review someone who also reviewed my course and they didn't even actually do the assignment but are actively critiquing others' assignments who actually put effort into doing this.
By Mohindro C
•Nov 3, 2022
I have been able to learn many things from this course. I do highly recommend to admit to this course.
By James A
•May 18, 2018
Highly recommend this course to top off the learning
By Kevin B B
•Jan 11, 2021
Great one to learn while pandemic
By Sara R
•Dec 25, 2020
very useful
By Kristen O
•Apr 30, 2023
This whole specialization was brilliantly designed. I learned a lot from each course and enjoyed working on the capstone project. I would love to have these professors again!
By Prerna
•Sep 12, 2022
Very good course.The teachers did an amazing job .Felt very connected to them as if they were teaching in person .Thank you dearest teachers.
By Lakshman K P
•Jun 25, 2023
The module was so efficiently and the assignments were so tough, this course gave me the perfect scenario of an effective training tutorial.
By Andrei S S
•May 30, 2023
Easy to follow and practical to aquire best practices in conection with communicating abilities.
By Vishal V R
•Feb 20, 2023
The content helped me to improve my presentation skills.
By Camacho s o
•Jan 15, 2023
Gracias por todo el aprendizaje comparted
By Birendra S k
•Jun 27, 2022
Effective Communication is good skill
By akella v n s t 1
•Aug 17, 2021
interesting specialization
•Nov 16, 2024
I Like the interface
By Ajinkya B
•Sep 21, 2022
It is good course.
By K R
•Aug 20, 2024
Good and helpful
By bounphet t
•Apr 24, 2023
very good course