Jun 30, 2024
Good and precise course also! The lab environments are interactive and also it allows us to practise git and github concepts. Thus, giving a real feel of course
May 28, 2023
The course provides a real learning experience. I was able to understand and put into practice what was taught in class and deliver the project.
By Joris V V
•Mar 11, 2024
I found this part of the course pretty bad. The course content are not structured, and consists of little random bits of information. I was only able to make sense of any of it by following a FREE course on YouTube.
By Brandon S
•Dec 26, 2023
Labs were vague, complicated, and frustrating with a complete lack of support from Tai.
By Phlavio F
•May 29, 2023
The course provides a real learning experience. I was able to understand and put into practice what was taught in class and deliver the project.
By youssef n
•Jan 31, 2023
I have learned a lot of things in the same time I love the hands-on activity it makes me interact with the things that I learned before
By Engr M U A
•May 5, 2023
Such a great, knowledgeable, and wonderful front-end-app development course. Coursera is the best platform for learning.
By Starko T (
•Feb 18, 2023
I learn about front end application with react very basic course
By Isaac F M
•Apr 8, 2023
Great course feel so much experienced in front end development
By LiHsuan C
•Jan 3, 2024
I can't really learn much as a beginner. Frankly, the course use too many distinct approaches to describe a single task, often in a single material. Personally, I do not think it's wise to bring two different tools in a same context for people who has 0 knowledge. It took me more then 4 repeated time going through this course just to link up the materials with the projects. It is stressful especially you are asked to create a brand new feature with few similarities of other features(i.e no pattern).
By Fábio V
•Apr 11, 2023
O material é muito resumido a apresentação é muito monótona com a voz meio robotizada, dá tédio assistir ao curso. O exercÃcio de conclusão é o que salva o curso todo, você acaba aprendendo nele o que não entende no curso em si. Precisa melhorar o conteúdo, o laboratório e a apresentação do curso.
By Michael C
•Jan 20, 2024
Dives very deep into React very quickly, covering advanced React features. Which is great but I think more practice labs and explanations at the start would be better. A little challenging due to lack of a strong foundational knowledge at the start.
By Subham A
•Dec 24, 2023
Not much focus into practical knowledge. As a beginner, it becomes extremely tough to understand the coding structure. Maybe you can take some simple projects and make a video describing how the code and the file structure works in react.
By Majid H M
•May 19, 2023
course was rerally good but the final test is unfair. we musted send screenshot. I can make the screenshots with photoshop
By anas a
•Mar 19, 2024
Good course but needs to be updated
By Arnab S
•Jan 8, 2024
course was too theoritical
•Apr 13, 2023
By Jerwin L
•Aug 6, 2023
By Patrick K T
•Sep 14, 2023
By Daniel F E
•May 28, 2023
El curso en la teorÃa entrega un buen material pero esta lejos de ser suficiente para completar el curso. La practica al menos en este curso es bastante mala , no ayuda para el desarrollo de habilidades requeridas para completar el proyecto final. En mi caso para completar el proyecto final tuve que ver muchos tutoriales relacionados al tema y además aprender a entender la lógica de programación en React ,que para los principiantes no es nada fácil.
** El Proyecto final deberÃa ser cambiado por uno acorde a lo enseñado en los módulos y con una dificultad que coincida con las clases practicas que ofrece el curso.
By Diane J
•Oct 18, 2023
The way the content is presented does not facilitate deep understanding and makes the final graded assignment impossible to complete within the context of the material. You have to study on your own outside of the content to finish it. I have un-enrolled from this module and from the IBM Full Stack Developer Course and enrolled in the Meta course. It goes at a more natural pace and explains terms and technology in depth enough to get the knowledge and understanding of the material.
By M. F M
•Oct 4, 2023
I agree with some of the other negative reviews. This course was quite a poor experience. It needs to be completely revamped. It is too theoretical and there is not enough explanation on the "WHY", no video explanations of the code or code walkthroughs and there are not enough small exercises to practice coding except the quite complex and difficult project at the end. I had to use lots of outside resources to try to finish the project.
By Chris A
•Oct 22, 2023
This course covered a ton of complex issues without sufficient practice. There were only one or two practice activities per module, and those were copy and paste exercises. They provided you with the code. There was no opportunity to actually learn how to write and use the code until the final project, where you were thrown in the deep end and told good luck. That project was way too hard for how little preparation we were given.
By stathis p
•Oct 30, 2023
Even though i love the course series of IBM, this course did not gave me the resources to understand the fundamentals of Reat.js...During the biggest part of the course i did not have the chance to practice React, yet at the end i had to deal with a project that it's difficulty was beyond the curriculum of the rest course. I had to transfer to third party resources in order to learn the basics of React and to fulfill this course
By Jesse C
•May 4, 2024
This course does not prepare you to work with React. It gives you a brief overview of abstract concepts, but the labs are essentially useless (as they consist of copying and pasting code into an editor with minimal explanation of what the code does). The requirements of the final project are widely outside the scope of what little preparation this course gives you.
By Adrián T
•Aug 24, 2023
I´ve learn a little bit and the final project was to complicated. I didn´t found most of the info required in the course, and I had to look for outside the resources to complete this course. In my opinion it´s not a good course if you want lo learn, but I began the IBM Full Stack professional certificate and I had to complete it to obtain the certificate.
By Davon Q
•May 11, 2023
This wasn't a great course didn't really learn react well in this and it seemed rush and didn't go into the commands more about the definitions which did not help in the end test