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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data and Urban Governance by Sciences Po

42 ratings

About the Course

Since the beginning of the 2000s, cities have witnessed a massive influx of data, transforming how cities are governed. Data has an impact on how city life is structured, as it influences coalitions, actors, instruments, policies, and forms of regulation. In this MOOC, we will look at this shift more closely: what has the advent of big data done to urban governance? Have platforms disrupted local authorities? How has big data changed local politics? How do we govern using algorithms? What is the place of citizens in the digital city? Is it still possible to be anonymous in the city? At the end of this course, you will be able to navigate the landscape of urban governance in the digital era, including its myriad actors and instruments; to decipher what drives ongoing transformations in how local governments are structured and operate; to analyze the contemporary changes in municipal service markets; and to understand what is at stake in terms of the creation and implementation of public policies when data comes to town. This MOOC is offered by the Digital Cities Chair of the Urban School of SciencesPo, funded by La Poste, RTE and the Caisse des Dépôts. Videos are in creative commons license BY NC...

Top reviews


Aug 10, 2024

very nicely designed course with great insights regarding the role of data in urban governance.


May 10, 2022

This course was excellent - fascinating content, really well written and presented.

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1 - 9 of 9 Reviews for Data and Urban Governance

By Richard W

Nov 16, 2022

Cours très intéressant, mettant bien en évidence les opportunités, les impacts et les menaces que produit le "numérique" dans la gouvernance locale.

2 axes d'amélioration:

- mettre plus en évidence les points saillants à retenir

- améliorer l'accentuation de l'anglais des intervenants (je ne parle pas de l'accent, mais bien d'accentuation des mots qui les rends plus ou moins intelligibles). Cela pourrait être en partie réglée par la mise à disposition d'un sous-titrage.


Very interesting course, highlighting the opportunities, the impacts but also the threats induced par the local authorities digital transformation.

2 areas of improvement, on the form more than the substance:

- Better highlight what needs to be remembered

- - improve the accent of the English of the speakers (I am talking about the accentuation of the words that make them more or less intelligible). This could be partly addressed by the provision of subtitling

Best regards


By Izan J R

Apr 10, 2023

It has been a really useful course in order to understand how the dynamics that are being deployed by Big Data work between public and private actors. I have learned a lot, and I highly recommend this MOOC course to everyone who is interested in the management world.

Despite that, some aspects of the course could be improved. The two main ones would be the following ones: including English subtitles (for non-native English speakers, as in my case, would be really useful) and avoiding some tedious practical exercises.

By Bhumika P

Aug 11, 2024

very nicely designed course with great insights regarding the role of data in urban governance.

By Da C

May 11, 2022

This course was excellent - fascinating content, really well written and presented.

By Mickael S

Oct 20, 2022

Very interesting, thanks to both of you :)

By 王佳依

Jul 18, 2023

Very interesting and useful!


Jan 19, 2022

this course its beautiful

By LiLe

Oct 14, 2022


By D'Havé R

May 20, 2024

Fortunately for me there were enough documents in English to read (to start with a positive remark). Half of the videos are completely incomprehensible due to dramatically poor articulation by a native French-speaking narrator, with a deep voice, who tries fruitlessly to make himself understood in English. Perhaps the videos in this course will be in some way useful to a native English speaker. Moreover, the transcripts are missing, even in French and English. I do give two start for the content of the course, and the other French narrator with a higher pitched voice and better articulation in English.