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Learner Reviews & Feedback for A Crash Course in Data Science by Johns Hopkins University

8,228 ratings

About the Course

By now you have definitely heard about data science and big data. In this one-week class, we will provide a crash course in what these terms mean and how they play a role in successful organizations. This class is for anyone who wants to learn what all the data science action is about, including those who will eventually need to manage data scientists. The goal is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible on data science without all the fluff. We've designed this course to be as convenient as possible without sacrificing any of the essentials. This is a focused course designed to rapidly get you up to speed on the field of data science. Our goal was to make this as convenient as possible for you without sacrificing any essential content. We've left the technical information aside so that you can focus on managing your team and moving it forward. After completing this course you will know. 1. How to describe the role data science plays in various contexts 2. How statistics, machine learning, and software engineering play a role in data science 3. How to describe the structure of a data science project 4. Know the key terms and tools used by data scientists 5. How to identify a successful and an unsuccessful data science project 3. The role of a data science manager Course cover image by r2hox. Creative Commons BY-SA:
Basic course

(76 Reviews)

Well taught

(48 Reviews)

Top reviews


Dec 24, 2015

Highly Enlightening for those who just beginning to learn data science,The courses are very detailed and well organized,All the aspects of the data science are introduced in intriguing mannerThank you


Sep 9, 2017

This is a great starter course for data science. My learning assessment is usually how well I can teach it to someone else. I know I have a better understanding now, than I did when I started.

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976 - 1000 of 1,510 Reviews for A Crash Course in Data Science

By Dominique R V

Jul 27, 2020

I liked the course, but the quizzes were annoying because there are few questions and they include multiple choice question, but because there are few questions and you need to get 80% correct, you aren't allowed to get one question missed. It would be nicer to have more questions so the 80% correct would allow you to miss one question at least.

By Deleted A

May 29, 2017

The course is correct. I would like to go a little deeper in each and every aspect of the course. For example, they explain clearly the difference between statistical analysis and machine learning, although, a more detailed examples of when you only can use statistical analysis and when you only can use machine learning is missed.

By Árvai M

Sep 20, 2015

I really enjoyed this course, it gives me lot of new, interesting knowledge about data science, But there are some mistake about good (clean) programming. Please do not use comments, the comments show strange code, do not write big function etc... Clean code book from Uncle Bob helps me a lot of to write clean, maintainable code.

By Lorenz F

Jan 10, 2018

good, high level introduction what data science is all about. The section on the structure of a data science project could have gone more into details, maybe following the steps on a specific example. I also missed some insight into the step from the question to the search algorithm. Maybe that's part of the further courses.

By Alejandro R M

Feb 26, 2019

I learned a lot, the instructors know how to facilitate knowledge but it's not so friendly to people who don't know much about programming, statistics, etc., and there are some grammatical mistakes in the translation to English and some formatting mistakes in some tests. But overall, I'm satisfied with the course.

By Thorsteinn A

Oct 1, 2015

Quick scope of data science. I particularly liked the discussion about fad versus fact towards the end of the course. Some questions in quizzes seemed a bit arbitrary. The course delivers what it promises; crash-course with the key ingredients for understanding more about what data science is about

By Kaustav S

May 25, 2017

A pretty helpful course if one wants to get an idea about what Data Science is. But I was expecting a bit more hands on example in the end. Maybe not a graded part of the course, but still something to give the student a practical idea of how things look like when they are actually doing stuff.

By Shalini P

Aug 8, 2018

Some of the content and coverage was excellent and others mediocre. There isn't a consistency in the availability of slides that can be downloaded (available for some, not others). Also, when a quiz answer was marked wrong, I would have liked to know what the right answer is for the question.

By Srinivasa L

Nov 28, 2017

A good course to start on your journey to understand DS and Machine Learning

I am familar with most of terminology through my experience. My learning is limited because of that but some one new to the filed would definitely learn more. I have taken this as part of Executive Data Science Program

By Maej M

May 17, 2017

A good primer for aspiring or casual data scientists. I wish it were more technical so I could adopt some assignment solutions for my work, but for one week course the syllabus covered is perfect.

Wish I could save my progress for free to show only to myself that I've completed this course.

By Shardul N

May 5, 2020

This course is an excellent starter course.

Just one thing, a few simpler examples for certain concepts may be better for understanding them, as some people (like me) who are not well versed with scientific terms and concepts find it a bit challenging and difficult to understand them.

By Rong-Rong C

Dec 1, 2017

Crash course is the correct description; vast amount of material covered in a few segments. As a result, this course is fast-paced and does not go too deeply into any particular aspect of statistics. It is nice to have a little knowledge of the subject matter but it is not required.

By Patrick A

Apr 12, 2021

As a newbie to the field of data science and also not native english I found it a bit hard to follow along. The lingo is sometimes too "technical" for me and I wish I had been more knowledgeable from the start. However, I'm learning new things, just a bit slower than other perhaps.

By Sergey G

Jun 21, 2020

This course could be really usefull even for experienced Data Scientist to correctly organize a workflow in his\her DS team. The described technologies and some examples a little bit outdated in 2020, but most of the information is quite general and relevant for any period of time,

By Peter E

Nov 7, 2016

I am a PhD biologist leading a team of data analysts. I found this course to be quick and easy to follow, well presented, and extremely helpful. The instructors are truly professional and they excel in this medium, I was very impressed. Thanks Coursera and Johns Hopkins!

By Marc-Eric L

Dec 22, 2019

It was very good. I am not a DS but have been exposed to their work. I would like to debate whether Hadoop is the best place to do the work today, but the point made still stands. The one thing that made me put a 4* instead of 5: I don't see how it is "executive" yet.

By Lucas B P

Dec 15, 2015

I left with a good understanding of the reach and dynamics of the field of data science. Even with experience in using data to answer questions in the context of an organization this has been a good way of mapping out the areas where that experience can be extended.

By Audrey V L

Mar 2, 2021

Very interesting and complete overview

My only "regret" is that actually we need almost always 100% to pass (since the threshold is at 80% and the quizz have limited number of questions). maybe it would be worth bundling the tests (like one quizz every two videos?)

By Seraphim A

Dec 11, 2015

A very good intro to Data Science by three experts. Well-paced, with reasonable quiz questions and can be completed in less than a week. However, I would certainly not pay for it, because it is feels more like a well-designed ad for the spesialization that follows!

By Ben H

Jul 18, 2018

As advertised. This is a basic introduction into thinking about data science problems and processes. No statistics or coding, but the discussion of tools and ideas will be valuable for anyone who is numerate but hasn't been exposed to data science practices.

By Priya S

Nov 5, 2017

Course explanation/class can be a little more simple as this is a crash/basic course for data science. There were multiple situations where I had to google on few data science/statistics jargons, which I couldn't understand as I am a beginner in this field.

By Kevin W F

Nov 3, 2016

While the course has excellent material, I would not send any of my executives to it. The information is to deep and technical for a business executive in my opinion. I would have liked more examples on how implementing this would benefit a business.

By Abraham E

Aug 14, 2020

Good starting point if you have no idea about what data science is about. It could be more helpful if it made a clearer distinction between classic statistics and data science (it is briefly mentioned); and what are the pardigms of this discipline.

By Chitra N

Nov 18, 2018

The course was very good. However, there were many terms instructors used in the beginning without explaining them. But later in the course, many of these were explained. However, it always helps to explain any term when it is first introduced.

By Clara M

Oct 30, 2015

A really useful introduction to what is data science. I found it very complete, besides maybe I would have liked a little more deepness in some concepts. I'm willing to learn more about the subject, maybe I will complete the whole specialization.