May 6, 2022
Great Teacher, although there are still a lot that I need to learn on my own(I come from non-CS background), after hereing these lectures, I feel that I have already learnt a ton.
Jul 16, 2020
This course had good coverage on hashing, disjoint sets, graphs. This course will improve coding skills.I'm happy with material, coding practices, quiz and projects.
By Claire L
•May 1, 2021
the tempo of the lecture is not very well, especially for the week 4 courses. the video should have presented the lecture slides ALL the time so that people have enough time to read through the content, instead of switching to the full screen of the prof. immediately after the prof. read through the lines in a super fast speed. it is not very friendly for people who aren't familar with those algorithms. overall, the learning experience is not as good as the previous two courses.
By Jeffrey C
•Feb 19, 2022
A decent course if you wish to review previously learned concepts. Not good for those learning for the first time. The actual programming exercises were very simple, as they provided most of the code for you. I would have prefered a more hands-on apporach where they guided you to bulding the structures yourself. Honestly, would not reccomend taking this course unless you have to.
By Sang L
•Jan 8, 2021
So many errors in the video which distract students from learning the material. Makes me wonder about the quality of the online MS program by UIUC
By Zhanzhi J
•Apr 13, 2020
The concept of the mentioned data structures are clearly delivered. But there is a gap between concepts and implement of C++ codes.
By Aderlly L L
•Apr 27, 2020
More theory discussed along the course but there are not many examples and the difficulty increases a lot.
By Ankith M
•Nov 12, 2020
Exceptional course! Lots of theory involved!.
Week 4 challenge seems to have been designed in a rush
By Changlin J
•Feb 4, 2021
a lot of typo and error on the video
By Robert M d V
•Apr 18, 2020
The lectures were only mildly informative and the assignments give too much hand holding to even be considered a challenge at all
I feel the course has failed to effectively provide the students the rigor required to fully utilize and understand the power of data structures. Also, some real world examples on applications of data structures would go a longer way than simply academic ones
By James K
•Aug 3, 2021
You are on your own. You will be left to figure out everything on your own. The staff completely abandoned the students in this course. Dicussion questions have been left unanswered for months. I am lead to believe that this is how they will treat their students in the online MCS or MCS-DS program. I am happy I did not have any intention of applying for the program when I enrolled in this course.
Nothing in my life has changed after I finished course. However, I have more knowledge about C++ data structures. I will most likely never apply any of the skills I picked up in this course and you should not expect to do the same.
By Max B
•Dec 5, 2022
Videos: Explaining the concepts with the help of poor visual tools without showing any practical coding examples. This makes the exams uneccessary difficult to solve.
Normal exam:
Time spent trying to understand the exam due to complex questions and never-seen algorithms: 5h.
Time spent acually solving the challenges when finally understanding the task: 10 min.
Complete waste of time this course.